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Anybody need a lifting partern or have any tips.


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well heres he low down. ive played sports all my life, and i could never et big in the gym. i got back in to lifting. i lifted 4 times a week for 3 months and i cant get big, i owul dliek to have a good size chest and arms. any ideas, or any one will to help me in the gym. im not too worried about lower body jsut upper


my routines:



Hamemr curls : 5 sets of 10

Iso curls : 3 sets of 12

flat bar curls : 3 sets of 10

cable curls : 3 sets of 10

tri extentions : 3sets of 10

90 degree tri extentions : 3 sets of 10

tri kick backs : 3 sets or 10



incline bench : 3 sets 10,8,6 high weight

flat bench : 3 sets 10,8,6 high weight

decline bench : 3 sets 10,8,6 high weight



lat pull downs


one arm rows

and this thing where you sit in a chiar and lean forward and pull weight to your chest


all 5 sets of 10

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If you can get a clean lift 8 times, add more weight. Your routine did not show any leg work out. Doing squats is the best way to add mass. This exercise alone releases more testoserone than any other. Do them right, this is also the #1 exercise to hurt yourself on. Adding dead lifts wouldn't hurt either.
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Adding to what orion said, dont cut legs out. build a core. bench squat and deadlift. once the initial pain is gone from doing legs, you will love it. i seem happier, and my mood improves when i do heavy leg work outs. endorphins are great. just stick with it and be consistent.
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best thing to do is change your diet a little bit add the protien anywhere u can. without sucking dick. haha j/k. but seriously. take vitamins. b complex, c, and e, and some amino acids. protien shakes are good too. this is what i do and ive gained about ten lbs of muscle in about a year or a lil more. im 5'7 160lbs. vertualy no fat on my body. like dude said squats is the number one to add mass. it works your whole body not just your legs. if you do these make sure your thighs are at least parallel with the ground then extend back up. here is my routine. monday tuesday thursday friday. wednesday and weekend off. monday i do legs back and bicepts. as well as thursday but thursday is heavy day. i do squats. two warm up sets litly increasing the weight with 8 reps. then i do three heavy sets of 6 of what i can do cleanly without cheating. if you have to cheat to get it up your doing it wrong and cheating yourself. for bac i do lat pull downs. one warm up set of my body weight or more eight reps. then 3 heavy clean sets of what i can do. lower back is also a good one. bent over rows. keep your uper body as parallel with the ground as possible and lift with your arms whatever weight u do to your belly button. then bicepts. one warm up set of 8 3 heavy sets of 6. on light days do a lil less then what ur heavy day is. for chest shoulders and tricepts. i do tuesday and friday. tuesday light friday heavy. start with bench. one to two lights sets of eight to get the motion right and warm up then 3 heavy sets of 6. same with incline. you can throw in decline if u want but ive never got into it. military press is great. wear a belt!!!!!!! one light three heavy. i also ater military like to throw in shrugs or dead lift. either or are great for your traps and thickining your neck. tricepts are the easyist to cheat with and lift incorectly. if your doing extention meaning pushing down. do the sets same as others. but keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and let it lift your arms a lil past 90 degrees but not much .weighted dips are my favorite though. on any given day if you do this work out right it should take you a while. light days a lil over a hour heavy days close to two hours. this was my dads routine when he was a profesional body builder and its now mine and it works. EAT LOTS OF TUNA.
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I got together with my good bud and he made a 6 week bionic arms program. We took Prolab N-large II protein/mass builder and NO-Explode. In 6 weeks I added over 10lbs of upper body mass. We played basketball for leg days... I gained 50lbs to my bench and looked great. I wore nuthin but sweatshirts the entire 6 weeks and when i was done and went back to t-shirts and cutoffs i couldnt convince my own mom i wasnt taking steroids. I'm actually gonna start this again soon and include legs. I'd use a lot more dumbells as well in your current workout. Alternate incline,decline and flat with both bench and dumbells. Also 8-10 reps should be first set and go up 5lbs each time with the dumbells. I usually keep doin that until i can only do 4. Alot of heavy weight to failure is what we did in our 6 week program, that will build mass quickly. Also do a lot of isolated lifts, ie. dont bench, use dumbells or just use bench as a warm up. Do military press as a warm up for isolated shoulder exercises. Pretty much do something that works the whole area first to warm it up, then do the heavy stuff in isolation of 1 or 2 muscles. And last but not least, eat 4000cal a day atleast. and make it good well balanced food. I usually eat everything in sight, but try to make sure i get a lot of carbs(energy) and as much lean protein as possible. You pretty much need 6 meals a day and force yourself to eat more and more and more.


At 16 i was 6' to 6'1" 130lbs, This spring at 18 i was 6'2" 195lbs and i didnt start lifting until i was 17, and only got serious last fall. You can do it, but you just gotta live to get big. I wanna be 210lbs and under 10% BF before next summer.

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I got together with my good bud and he made a 6 week bionic arms program. We took Prolab N-large II protein/mass builder and NO-Explode. In 6 weeks I added over 10lbs of upper body mass. We played basketball for leg days... I gained 50lbs to my bench and looked great. I wore nuthin but sweatshirts the entire 6 weeks and when i was done and went back to t-shirts and cutoffs i couldnt convince my own mom i wasnt taking steroids. I'm actually gonna start this again soon and include legs. I'd use a lot more dumbells as well in your current workout. Alternate incline,decline and flat with both bench and dumbells. Also 8-10 reps should be first set and go up 5lbs each time with the dumbells. I usually keep doin that until i can only do 4. Alot of heavy weight to failure is what we did in our 6 week program, that will build mass quickly. Also do a lot of isolated lifts, ie. dont bench, use dumbells or just use bench as a warm up. Do military press as a warm up for isolated shoulder exercises. Pretty much do something that works the whole area first to warm it up, then do the heavy stuff in isolation of 1 or 2 muscles. And last but not least, eat 4000cal a day atleast. and make it good well balanced food. I usually eat everything in sight, but try to make sure i get a lot of carbs(energy) and as much lean protein as possible. You pretty much need 6 meals a day and force yourself to eat more and more and more.


At 16 i was 6' to 6'1" 130lbs, This spring at 18 i was 6'2" 195lbs and i didnt start lifting until i was 17, and only got serious last fall. You can do it, but you just gotta live to get big. I wanna be 210lbs and under 10% BF before next summer.



so i should do flat bench and shoulder press, and then go to dumbbells and lift hard with dumbells and jsut go until failure every time for my sets. ie for bench start with like 50 lbs dumbbells and do 10 then 55 and go until i cant, then 60 and so on..?

what about on arm days, i lift arms pretty hard and i dont get much gains. ive tonned them some but i want size.


also could you pm me what supplements you took please


thank you


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