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How motorcycles get dropped...


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The first week I had my scooter I dropped it trying to put it up on the center stand; I was doing it wrong. Once I was shown the proper way to do it, its a piece of cake.

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Post up how you, I mean, how your "friend" has dropped their bike. The common things that happen when you/your friend drops their bike.

I'll start...

Thinking that the kickstand is down.


Going to class and killed the bike took the key out dismounted and walked away...Bike fell. Forgot the kickstand.

Sucks because it was MMI there were students everywhere ya look and they all rode bikes...

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Went to a friends and parked the ole 600rr in the street. Kickstand acted like a hotknife in butter on the old asphalt. In 10 minutes time...blamo on the left side. Luckily it was only minor damage and scratches. Now I carry some $.40 galvanized steel 4 inch electrical plate covers that work perfectly.

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Gawddamned extension cord strewn accross the garage floor!

I got off the bike, turned, next thing I was pinned under the bike between my truck, a stereo, and a torpedo heater.

I picked the bike up. then, smashed the heater and radio. I think I'm still kinda pissed.

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On my 600rr I was taking it off the rear stand and thought the kickstand was down. I either forgot or I didn't make sure it was set and it came back up. Anyway I set it down rather confidently completely not expecting it to keep going over. Luckily though it was right next some grass when it fell.

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Last week I was moving the bike around the garage and I suppose I bumped the kick stand just enough to put it in the "up" area of its range of motion. As soon as I went to set it back on the stand, it folded up and down the bike went. No damage at all, just a very slight scuff on the bottom of my frame slider that isn't noticible unless you get down on eye level with it.

The kickstand punched through the asphalt where I had it parked at my friends house one time too. It was dark and cool out, so I figured that it'd be safe. Apparently, there was a big ant colony under the asphalt and it had hollowed out about a 5" deep area under where my stand was. Again, sliders saved 100% of the damage, and that time my cover kept the slider from getting any scuffs.

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my problem was thinking that the pavement was going to support my bike for more than 5 minutes....

i park my bike in my driveway, go inside talk to my parents for a while go back outside to move the truck that was in the way of the garage and i see her laying on her side. it was a sad sad day.

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Kickstand not all the way down on the old Hurricane. And that mother was a b*tch to pickup by myself in the parking lot.

I can't speak for everyone, but the kickstand lesson is really only something you need to learn once. I'm OCD about putting the kickstand all the way down on the 'busa, and verifying it's all the way down as I set the bike down on it.

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Never dropped one. I always pay attention when I'm stopped or putting it on/off my stands. Kickstand is always checked before I mess around. I don't get the dropping thing some people experience. I know quite a few that have ridden for 30 years and never dropped a bike. Wrecked...yes, but never just dropped one. I've been blessed.:)

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Park bike in driveway - put kickstand down - walk away - hear crunch

I guess the slope of the driveway was just enough to move the weight forward on the stand. 2003 EX500 - didn't punch the stalks through the fairing though - that part fell in the grass and didn't break. Still scratched up the tank/fairing pretty good though.

I felt like a total chode. lol!

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Went to a friends and parked the ole 600rr in the street. Kickstand acted like a hotknife in butter on the old asphalt. In 10 minutes time...blamo on the left side. Luckily it was only minor damage and scratches. Now I carry some $.40 galvanized steel 4 inch electrical plate covers that work perfectly.


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Never dropped one. I always pay attention when I'm stopped or putting it on/off my stands. Kickstand is always checked before I mess around. I don't get the dropping thing some people experience. I know quite a few that have ridden for 30 years and never dropped a bike. Wrecked...yes, but never just dropped one. I've been blessed.:)

Whoa is me!!! I am so not worthy to be on the same website as this motorcycle master. :lol: j/k.

The first month I had my bike I dropped it 3 times. It was my second bike (never dropped the first) and MUCH taller. The first time I had to have 2 hilljacks pick it up for me. I was at a stop sign (not moving) when it happened. The second time I was right behind charles and steph....making a turn when brake lights when on....my foot got caught in the somewhere. Then Sinner gave me the name "timber". Last one was in gravel when my bike was yet again at a stand still. I then got these HUGE frame sliders on my bike & bought boots with 1 1/2 inch heels......haven't dropped my baby again. Now if I could just conquer cornering. lol.

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Never dropped one. I always pay attention when I'm stopped or putting it on/off my stands. Kickstand is always checked before I mess around. I don't get the dropping thing some people experience. I know quite a few that have ridden for 30 years and never dropped a bike. Wrecked...yes, but never just dropped one. I've been blessed.:)

Whoa is me!!! I am so not worthy to be on the same website as this motorcycle master. :lol: j/k.

Did you expect anything less Pratt?!? ;)

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1 Putting your foot into a hole when stopping.

2 Putting your foot down on something slippery when stopping.

3 Locking the front wheel during overenthusiastic braking.

4 Missing the driveway and sliding on the grass.

5 Not putting the kickstand down when getting off.

6 Make a turn from stop in gravel or sand at high throttle.

7 Not putting a board ('foot')under the kickstand on asphalt on a hot day.

8 Letting overenthusiastic people sit on your bike who have never been on a bike.

9 Forgetting the bike's in gear when you jump on the kickstarter.

10 Revving the engine, releasing clutch, and putting feet on pegs when the light turns green, but the bike's in neutral.

11 Not putting your foot down when stopping at red light.

12 Losing balance when putting it on the centerstand.

13 Take an hour ride in 30 degree weather with no gloves, stop at a stop sign and pop the clutch when you start because you've lost feeling in your hands.

14 Putting your foot down at a toll booth on the thick layer of grease that builds up when cars stop.

15 Using too much power when you pull out of a greasy toll booth.

16 Ignoring the sand that builds up in the spring at the side of the road (in places where roads are sanded and salted in winter.)

17 Kicking your kickstand in a cool fashion and having it bounce back up instead of staying down.

18 Getting off your bike while it is running and forgetting that is in gear.

19 Trying to kickstart your first bike over and over because you didn't realize that it was really out of fuel, and getting the goofy metal ring on the side of your boot caught in the kickstarter, causing you (and the bike) to go over on the right side.

20 Starting your brand-new electric-start trail-bike, riding around an ornamental shrub on full left lock, throwing it to the right and accelerating to wheelie over the curb onto the street and _then_ discovering that you hadn't unlocked the steering-lock...

21 On same bike, getting the dual-range lever caught inside your jeans as you come to a stop...

22 Having your boot/jeans catch the gear-lever and putting your running bike into first gear whilst reaching for the side-stand (which is why I now automatically pull in the clutch whenever deploying or retracting the stand.)

23 Having "green" racing linings which have much higher coefficient of friction on the slight rust that forms on the polished drum when you've not ridden for a few hours, and lose the front-end holding the brakes on against the throttle to wear off the rust.

24 Having a three-cylinder two-stroke that's so smooth you think you're in second when you're actually in first, so you spin out when the undercarriage touches down in a tight corner passing a car and you think, "just a bit more throttle will help here..."

25 Revving bike in impressive squidly fashion at red light, thinking it's in neutral; dropping clutch and standing in place while bike wheelies and backflips into intersection.

26 Having your fat-ass brother (as a pillion) lean waaay over to the side to look at something on the ground while at a stop sign.

27 Wife gets foot caught on saddlebag while getting on before you.

28 Rebuild carbs and treat bike like it still needs full gas away from a stop.

29 Bald tires, and a smatter of rain.

30 Look at the sand at the edge of the exit ramp rather than through the turn.

31 Neither you nor your dad watching while he's backing his car up to the woodpile to unload wood.

32 Not putting the pin that holds the center stand all the way in and then trying to put the bike on the center stand.

33 Trying to hold the bike upright before deploying the center stand only to find your knees are too weak from riding.

34 Park behind friend's mom's minivan figuring "If anybody goes anywhere, they'll surely see it. 'specially since there'll be 5 of them getting into the van.

35 After getting fuel at gas station and holding the bike level with your legs in order to fill it completely, jumping off forgetting that your legs were holding it upright not the kickstand.

36 Entering a DR ("decreasing radius") turn too fast. This is especially dangerous when making a right turn where if you attempt to straighten up and brake, you'll plow into oncoming traffic.

37 Trying to countersteer (or wheelie) your shaft driven bike? [Obviously the person who posted this doesn't have a clue.]

38 Getting your boot/ shoelace caught on the gearshift. (I wear laceless boots now.)

39 Attempting to kick start a cantankerous '84 CR500, whilst standing on a picnic table bench, and she *kicks* back!

40 Getting pissed off for dropping it in the first place, yanking it vigorously off the ground, only to have it drop to the _other_ side.

41 Pulling out the swingarm stand, and forgetting to put the sidestand down first.

42 Backing down an inclined driveway, turning to either side with a full tank of gas.

43 Taking the bike off the centerstand and forgetting the sidestand.

44 Riding on wet grass with street tires (Almost as bad as ice!!)

45 Riding on wet asphalt with dirt tires (Almost as bad as ice!!)

46 *Thinking* the kick stand was down when it wasn't.

47 Kick stand slowly burying itself in hot asphalt.

48 Kick stand slowly burying itself in soft ground.

49 Backing up perpendicular to a steeply sloped driveway and attempting to put your foot down on the downhill side while on a large bike with a high seat. (By the time your foot reaches the ground the bike is so far off center balance you won't be able to hold it up.)

50 Backing your bike down a plank, by yourself, from the bed of a pickup truck. Works great as long as you remember that once you start moving, stopping for any correction is out of the question. Get two people to stand on each side of you and the bike.

51 Losing your balance when coming to a stop because of fatigue from a long trip. The wind and the buzz of the bike induces an unexpected case of vertigo. Stop often and rest.

52 Riding beyond your limits while trying to keep up with someone who is probably riding beyond their own. Always a temptation. The best riders/racers understand and use discipline when riding.

53 Not paying attention. Always strive to anticipate what could possibly go wrong and be planning what you're going to do when it happens, eventually it will - and you'll be ready, instead of surprised when you're much more likely to do something stupid and reactionary.

54 Assuming that all wet roads are created equal. They are much more slippery when it first starts to rain - until the oil and dirt are washed away.

55 Assuming that the condition of a blind corner is the same as it was the last time you rode it. Instead you find sticks, road kill, oil, rain wash, stones, pot holes, garbage, etc.

56 Not understanding how to get set-up for a corner when pushing the limits. In most cases the bike could have made the corner but the rider decided it couldn't and while in a panic attempted to correct the situation with the brake. WRONG! MSF course will discuss this at length.

57 Riding without all of the protective equipment because I forgot to bring it and after all it was just this one time. Turned out to be the wrong time! I forgot my MX boots and fell on a steeply banked corner and the foot peg attempted to drill into the back of my right calf. On crutches for 3 weeks with a deep bruise.

58 Using a little too much power turning the first corner after you've put on new tyres (with that nice slippery release compound on them).

59 Being too short for the bike you're riding, and coming to a stop sign.

60 Your rider hops on before you are ready.

61 Pushing your bike into the garage and letting it get leaned just a little away from you, pulling you on top of it to the ground.

62 Pulling off both fork caps while the bike is on its centerstand.

64 Park pointing downhill, don't leave it in gear.

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