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Ran the Columbus Marathon today


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This was my first full marathon so my only real goal was to finish. I did it and I've got the medal to prove it!

But I'm hurting big time right now haha, can barely walk.

I consider myself a pretty strong runner, and I started out very strong, pretty much kept an 8-8:30 pace for the first 10 miles (was actually ahead of my uncle for while, he ran a total time of 3:36), and I only dropped to a 9-9:30 until 15. After that I slowed down to around 10:00 until mile 21, thats when I hit the metaphoric wall. For the next 4 miles it was rotating walking and running, slowed down to about a 12:00 mile. Then I hit mile 25 and I could run no further, my legs started twitching and I knew the cramps were coming and I start getting some tingling sensations which I can assure you is never good haha. So mile 25 and 26 I walked which absolutely killed my time, but I ran into the finish line, you have to, and it felt so good to cross that line. Especially with the huge crowd there cheering everyone on.

So the first 10 miles I did in 1:24, then I hit 20 at 3:03, but I didnt cross the line until 4:40, thats how bad the walking killed my time, took me longer to make the last 6 miles then to run the previous 20 consecutively.

I seriously heard "go air force!" at least 300 times...and I probably couldnt have finished without it, everytime someone cheered me on I just pushed a little harder. Its an indescribable feeling to finish it, I never thought I could. But just shows, if you push yourself you can do anything ;)

And that I'm badass, wusses

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I ran it in 95 or 96 I can't remember, no training, no prep. My buddy and I went the night before and signed up and then we were a few seconds late in the morning, we got to high street and the gun went off. Ha Ha. I finished in 5:27 I was walking alot at the end. I couldn't sit indian style for a month! LOL. Man the stupid things you do when you are young.........
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