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Hey there, you panzys.....


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Your fat ass is too slow to catch me. And even if you did catch me, you wouldn't know what to do if you actually did.


Plus, my dog would kick you and all your dogs asses. Go ahead and tuck tail.


Oh, the corvette is slow too. Barry White slow.

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so did you get that turd running yet so you have the right to run your mouth on a racing site???


It's been running (like shit) for months :confused:


Did you ever think to detach yourself from Glen's nutsack and venture out into the world on your own?


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i barely even talk to glen, i was at trails sunday, was you there?


English motherfucker, do you speak it? My bad, I forgot you reside in GroveTucky.... :rolleyes:


No, I was not at Trails...I hate that track and will avoid it like I avoid you...


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Hey there, you panzys.....



Aren't you supposed to be educated?




Also, an elipsis only has three periods.


I think "Who wants to be the first to get their ass kicked?" may be construed as a threat. What does everyone else think?

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Aren't you supposed to be educated?




Also, an elipsis only has three periods.


I think "Who wants to be the first to get their ass kicked?" may be construed as a threat. What does everyone else think?


No, it wasn't a threat. It was yet another erroneous spelling. kicked = licked. K and L are adjacent on the normal QWERTY keyboard, thus his flamboyant homosexuality was mistakenly conveyed as testosterone-abundant masculinity.

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Dont be mad little buddy your uncle will get you there in a year or two.


That's cute fuckbag...way to open your cocksucker on something you have NO idea what you're talking about. :thumbup:


My Uncle doesnt work on my car. Your mother should have aborted you.


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uncle, brother, not you


Wrong again fuckbag. I did 99.5 percent of the motor swap on my car. I needed help on a few things, im not affraid to admit it. I also had help from Keith to rebuild my carb, and Matt to do my nitrous. I never claimed to be a master mechanic, but I do what I can and I learn as I go.


As for you douche bag, you bought a car that was already quick and added some bolt-ons...that obviously makes you God. :rolleyes:


Do you get tired of looking like an ass over and over again? Do you go home and smack your kids because you yourself are a failure and need a way to bring up your terribly low self-esteem? Seriously, stop posting. You're annoying, and contribute nothing. kthanxbye.


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Haha. The yeast infection is spreading deeper.


First, Marc, shut up.


Second, Alex (10xWorse), you are a weasel. Just look at you, why wouldn't they think you are a rat.


Third, Mensan, I will kick your ass. I will propel you into the life you've been wishing upon. Keep fucking that grazer in the bedroom, she enjoys it.

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Haha. The yeast infection is spreading deeper.


First, Marc, shut up.


Second, Alex (10xWorse), you are a weasel. Just look at you, why wouldn't they think you are a rat.


Third, Mensan, I will kick your ass. I will propel you into the life you've been wishing upon. Keep fucking that grazer in the bedroom, she enjoys it.


Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.


Enjoy your vacation.

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