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Hey there, you panzys.....


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Hey Marc, you're gay. No seriously. The polls don't lie. You, sir, are gay. And so is your shit talking.


The fact that the only insult you can say to me is "OMG you're gay!!1!" is fucking lame. Try to be more original.


Back on topic, BlueFag, you sir are a waste of life.


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Oh by the way Marc, I'm 6'3".


Let's rumble! I will tear you down, demoralize you, and steal your girlfiend/wife. I will show your family what it would be like to be with a real man.


Bring on that 6'3" frame and stand tall to me. You will need all of it. BTW, when I am done with you, you can pick out whatever you want at http://www.victoriassecret.com.

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Let's rumble! I will tear you down, demoralize you, and steal your girlfiend/wife. I will show your family what it would be like to be with a real man.


Bring on that 6'3" frame and stand tall to me. You will need all of it. BTW, when I am done with you, you can pick out whatever you want at http://www.victoriassecret.com.



Again no, I will not sleep with you Glenn. And I prefer Fredericks of Hollywood. Its trashier.


I'm soooo skeeeeeeerrrrrrrrddddd..........


I'm shaking in my boots......


Whatever will I do???????


Glenn's going to tear me down, demoralize me, and steal my girlfiend...


Its cool though. You got a sister?

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you are so easy to get rilled up its pathetic. so whats your pit crew doing to the mighty cark now?


I'm not riled up. I just think you are a complete waste of life. Seriously. You have done nothing to contribute to this board, only tear it down. I really think you are a piece of shit, and I think you should go fuck yourself.


Oh, my "pit crew" is busy installing my quad turbo's...just so I can beat the mighty goat. :rolleyes:


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Again no, I will not sleep with you Glenn. And I prefer Fredericks of Hollywood. Its trashier.

I'm soooo skeeeeeeerrrrrrrrddddd..........

I'm shaking in my boots......

Whatever will I do???????

Glenn's going to tear me down, demoralize me, and steal my girlfiend...

Its cool though. You got a sister?


This is not how you reply to my trashtalk.


You should say "Bring it on Glenn. I will crush you"




"Glenn, you will be beggging for mercy when I am finished with you."


instead, you come with:


I'm shaking in my boots......

Whatever will I do???????

Glenn's going to tear me down, demoralize me, and steal my girlfiend...

Its cool though.


You then procede to ask me if I have a sister. Has defeat been laid out by you already? Am I already dancing with your wife/girlfriend? Oh the sweetness of a virgin pussy.

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This is not how you reply to my trashtalk.


You should say "Bring it on Glenn. I will crush you"




"Glenn, you will be beggging for mercy when I am finished with you."


instead, you come with:




You then procede to ask me if I have a sister. Has defeat been laid out by you already? Am I already dancing with your wife/girlfriend? Oh the sweetness of a virgin pussy.



Nope. I'm planning on fucking your sister, your mother, and any other bitches you may have around. I'm going to fuck them so hard in the ass they bleed to their ankles. This is all happening after I fuck your world.


Is that better?

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Nope. I'm planning on fucking your sister, your mother, and any other bitches you may have around. I'm going to fuck them so hard in the ass they bleed to their ankles. This is all happening after I fuck your world.


Is that better?


Like I said Benny, bring it on.


You see Benny, in a mans world, the pursuit to love begins with either the left or right hand. In your world, you won't get past my left hook.


I am coming for you Benny.







(here begins Bennys attempts to his homophobic ramblings)

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i have never called my car "mighty" but i am glad to see you have goals. i have been a help on this site to a few differant people.


The only person on this site that you have helped is Glenn...by sucking him off. Seriously go fuck yourself.


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The only person on this site that you have helped is Glenn...by sucking him off. Seriously go fuck yourself.


This is funny i rarely even talk to Glen anymore. And yes i have helped people on this site i just dont make it known to everyone when i do.

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Like I said Benny, bring it on.


You see Benny, in a mans world, the pursuit to love begins with either the left or right hand. In your world, you won't get past my left hook.


I am coming for you Benny.







(here begins Bennys attempts to his homophobic ramblings)



So, are you talking about masturbating or fighting? I can't quite figure that one out. Come get me you big hunk of a man!

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Let's change it up a bit. We can have Benny AND Mensan team up. They can BOTH make the attempt at de-throaning my power.




The more you type, the dumber you get. You have no power. If one were to peruse your post history, they will see that all you do is insult those who are less intelligent or have less money. When someone shows up who has you beat on both counts, you want to fight them. Is this some sort of prehistoric alpha male syndrome in your underdeveloped mind? Have I challenged your masculinity by publicly insulting you the way you have to others? Or is this your way of responding to things that confuse you (OG SMASH!)?

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