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One entry found for fell.

Main Entry: 2fell

Function: transitive verb

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fellan; akin to Old English feallan to fall -- more at FALL

1 a : to cut, knock, or bring down b : KILL

2 : to sew (a seam) by folding one raw edge under the other and sewing flat on the wrong side

- fell·able /'fe-l&-b&l/ adjective

- fell·er noun

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Remember that old video game - I think it was called Galaxia or something like that - the one where you're a white-and-red spaceship and the bug-spaceship things hovered over you and came down at you in waves of two and three? Well, there seems to be one of those things hovering there in the picture; an obvious mistake.
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How in the hell is "felled" correct grammer???


I looked it up, you're right. Its correct. Fuck me if I'll ever use it. It even sounds like a retard wrote it. What the fuck is wrong with our language?????

I use it when I talk about beavers chewing on trees....thats doesn't come up as much as you might think.

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