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Large first post about elitist fags....





I don't see where he says your car is faster. All I see is an admittance of higher numbers on a timeslip.



One of the "senior" members here.


Dr. Z06 is in the same boat, and since it is his word for a timeslip to mean squat, it is law.


I though he oversteps you DarkFormula, He seems to think so.

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One of the "senior" members here.


Dr. Z06 is in the same boat, and since it is his with for a timeslip to mean squat, it is law.


I though he oversteps you DarkFormula, He seems to think so.


1. Quit trying to pit Anthony and I against one another. If he and I wanted to argue, we wouldn't need your help. So knock off the transparent attempt at manipulation.


2. Get the fuck off of my nuts. Christ, you can't respond on this site without mentioning me and whining about something I did or said. Get over it already, crybaby.

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Jesus Christ, this shit again?


Anthony, quit taking usernames and passwords and getting on Hua's site it always goes the same way. You read something you don't like, so you put a big whiney assed post on CR about "someone" talking shit and how you are so sick of it and all the other bullshit. Then, it gets to the point that you direct it to one person, and people figure out you been lurking around on Hua's board.

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No, just the yearly cleansing of my vagina. You'd think if people had something to say, they could do it in person as much as I'm out in the summer.


I'm out of medication and in an extended mood.


Damn, couldn't have guessed that one. That was the first thing that came to my mind when I read this. From what I’ve seen, you really shouldn’t go without your meds. Then if you ‘have’ to, just don’t interact with anyone. I can only imagine how this might be negatively impacting your personal and work relationships in ‘real life’.

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One of the "senior" members here.


Dr. Z06 is in the same boat, and since it is his word for a timeslip to mean squat, it is law.


I though he oversteps you DarkFormula, He seems to think so.


Fixed, since it was soooooooooooo hard to understand.


Mansan got me befor the edit! You rulz dood. 2 points and the internet bonus round for you.

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Fixed, since it was soooooooooooo hard to understand.


Mansan got me befor the edit! You rulz dood. 2 points and the internet bonus round for you.



You didn't fix shit, you ESL motherfucker. Half of that shit, including my name, is spelled incorrectly. Do you live in a house painted with lead paint? Is there a carbon monoxide buildup in your basement? Do the G forces in your car cause your brain to be smashed against the back of your skull? Maybe I'm overthinking this and you're just the dumbest bastard to ever post on CR, which would be quite a feat.

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You didn't fix shit, you ESL motherfucker. Half of that shit, including my name, is spelled incorrectly. Do you live in a house painted with lead paint? Is there a carbon monoxide buildup in your basement? Do the G forces in your car cause your brain to be smashed against the back of your skull? Maybe I'm overthinking this and you're just the dumbest bastard to ever post on CR, which would be quite a feat.


Are you mad manases?






I care, really, on how your handle is spelled. (Looking at sig)

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Jesus Christ, this shit again?


Anthony, quit taking usernames and passwords and getting on Hua's site it always goes the same way. You read something you don't like, so you put a big whiney assed post on CR about "someone" talking shit and how you are so sick of it and all the other bullshit. Then, it gets to the point that you direct it to one person, and people figure out you been lurking around on Hua's board.


Keith I totally agree with you. Now go and hind in a bomb shelter cause the world is goin to implode...

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I haven't received any messages from you, and I don’t resort to name calling. Way to be.


So ant, why does it make you so mad that there are a group of people who want to visit a board where things are different?


Oh ya, did you ever think that maybe some of the things I post are because I know you are reading them? I mean, that probably gets you pretty worked up to not be able to speak up in defense when people are (supposedly) bitching behind your back, huh? ;) Check the times of the various posts, and compare those to your own. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out. ;)


But that’s right, you don’t care, you only started an entire thread about it. :p


Yes, you have. After my IPS reconciliation which the Yetzers seemed to accept, but you're still hiding behind.


So, you can either go along your merry way, or tell me personally how you feel. I tried apologizing, but you obviously like the drama. Go figure.


I'm on day three. Try me :)

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I do love Brett, I just wish I could have him and Sam at the same time :(


Time to answer questions:


1) I give a slight shit about the other site because the core group of people over there are the ones I started CR with. It does kinda bug me that even though I was in this shit with them before a lot of others, I'm still alienated because I made some mistakes in the past with relationships, even though I have tried to remedy those and for the most part, have been fine with said individuals since. Is it that big of a deal to let me in, even though I don't actively street race as much?


2) I am off of my medication for a reason. I was prescribed Effexor two years ago for an anti-social personality disorder. Since then, I've been diagnosed as bipolar. Unfortunately, Effexor helps prevent initial anger outbreaks, but actually increases the severity of them when I have one. So, I'm supposed to be going on Topomax for my specific problem. However, I cannot transition to the new medication until the old medication has completely left my system, which is only done through withdrawal and quitting cold turkey. This causes a number of issues, including mood swings worse than usual, severe anger, hyper-sensitive hearing, hallucinations, and dizziness. It has to be done.


3) My issues with IPS have long been resolved. As a matter of fact, I've had them recently do work for me, and am in discussions with them about some steps of my winter 346 project falling into their hands. I'll leave it at that, but I do trust the Yetzers and their employees.


4) Keith, quit stirring the pot. That's about all you're good for recently anyways :p


5) I have never had a problem with John (Dr. Z06). He's highly respected in my book, and even moreso because I'm willing to race him when most others want a piece but cant have it. Goes to show how well I get along with him. I think it also goes to help that his degree helps him figure me out a bit more than others (myself included), so he knows where I'm coming from. Either that, or he's just sexy :D


All in all, I'm in a mood again. It makes for great entertainment, however. Sorry to piss people off, but misery loves company. Let's all be pissed off and rule the city, shall we?

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2) I am off of my medication for a reason. I was prescribed Effexor two years ago for an anti-social personality disorder. Since then, I've been diagnosed as bipolar. Unfortunately, Effexor helps prevent initial anger outbreaks, but actually increases the severity of them when I have one. So, I'm supposed to be going on Topomax for my specific problem. However, I cannot transition to the new medication until the old medication has completely left my system, which is only done through withdrawal and quitting cold turkey. This causes a number of issues, including mood swings worse than usual, severe anger, hyper-sensitive hearing, hallucinations, and dizziness. It has to be done.


I hope to hell you are taking the next week off of work, for the sake of everyone you encounter. Sit in front of your computer and don't get up until that shit wears off.

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3) My issues with IPS have long been resolved. As a matter of fact, I've had them recently do work for me, and am in discussions with them about some steps of my winter 346 project falling into their hands. I'll leave it at that, but I do trust the Yetzers and their employees.


I just wanted to highlight this.


No Problems Whatsoever


IPS Mike

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I do love Brett, I just wish I could have him and Sam at the same time :(


Time to answer questions:


1) I give a slight shit about the other site because the core group of people over there are the ones I started CR with. It does kinda bug me that even though I was in this shit with them before a lot of others, I'm still alienated because I made some mistakes in the past with relationships, even though I have tried to remedy those and for the most part, have been fine with said individuals since. Is it that big of a deal to let me in, even though I don't actively street race as much?


Actual thoughts...

Damn it, I am the center of the universe. How dare they go start up a board and not include me! I have the bestest board in the whole world, it's mine, theres doesn't compare.... Now I have to find out what's on there, where's that list or usernames and passwords they know I have, I will try them so I can get on and see.. I bet they are talking about me behind my back,,, the bastards.


2) I am off of my medication for a reason. I was prescribed Effexor two years ago for an anti-social personality disorder. Since then, I've been diagnosed as bipolar. Unfortunately, Effexor helps prevent initial anger outbreaks, but actually increases the severity of them when I have one. So, I'm supposed to be going on Topomax for my specific problem. However, I cannot transition to the new medication until the old medication has completely left my system, which is only done through withdrawal and quitting cold turkey. This causes a number of issues, including mood swings worse than usual, severe anger, hyper-sensitive hearing, hallucinations, and dizziness. It has to be done.



you have balls admitting that you're chemically imbalanced, not that it was news to anyone, but coming out and admitting it took courage.



3) My issues with IPS have long been resolved. As a matter of fact, I've had them recently do work for me, and am in discussions with them about some steps of my winter 346 project falling into their hands. I'll leave it at that, but I do trust the Yetzers and their employees.


No one cares about IPS, your personal dealings with IPS or any of this. I gotta ask, just how much of a kickback do you get from them to say that you no longer are pissed off at them. I said before, the folks that are gonna go to IPS are gonna go, and the ones that don't go, are not going to start going because you are no longer mad at them, at least until you have them build your car, then something happens and the shit starts all over again. Only difference I see is that Ricky ain't there any more, so he will not get bashed for it this time.


4) Keith, quit stirring the pot. That's about all you're good for recently anyways :p


Uhhhh, no... recently I have not been posting shit. I am to the point that I really don't give a shit for the board except for comic relief but your bullshit rant that I have seen now twice, both times when Hua started a board up and your "core group" went over there, I just couldn't help but to chime in.


BTW, ask your brother where he got the idea for the South Park character as his Avatar.



5) I have never had a problem with John (Dr. Z06). He's highly respected in my book, and even moreso because I'm willing to race him when most others want a piece but cant have it. Goes to show how well I get along with him. I think it also goes to help that his degree helps him figure me out a bit more than others (myself included), so he knows where I'm coming from. Either that, or he's just sexy :D


That is without a doubt the queerist thing I have ever heard one man say about another man. Tilley.. you better get you some steel plate underwear to wear around Anthony, it sounds like he's wanting to go mining for bum gold in your hole. That or he's just taken nutswinging to a lever not seen before on this board, either way, be careful, being anal retentive is not a gaurentee. It can be taken from you.

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Yes, you have. After my IPS reconciliation which the Yetzers seemed to accept, but you're still hiding behind.


So, you can either go along your merry way, or tell me personally how you feel. I tried apologizing, but you obviously like the drama. Go figure.


I'm on day three. Try me :)


How do I feel? Indifferent.


Why is this so hard for you to understand? Like I said before, I stopped caring about the situation a long long time ago. Hate to disappoint you, but it really is that cut and dry, and no amount insults from you is going to change that. You sure do have a funny way of trying to make amends with people. So far I only see one person here initiating drama.


Not everything is about you ant, this is something that you really need to grasp. I haven’t hung out with John, Sam, or Hua for a long time either. I guess I must be hiding from them too? :rolleyes: Everybody knows where to find me on the weekends, it's really not that hard to figure out.


I don’t wish you any ill will, but I also don’t plan on helping you out with your car again. I’m a very busy person, and it’s just not worth my time to deal with.


However, I will continue to give you shit when you feel the need to instigate it. :p

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