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Selling the bike..


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I never knew how damn hard it was to trade in a bike. So now I am selling it but I seriously doubt that anyone will ever buy it..Man, no offense to anyone, but I will never buy another Buell and if I ever get rid of this one, I will consider myself lucky!!
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Didn't anyone tell you that before you bought a BUELL?


Nope..I was lied to when I bought the buell..


My biggest complaint for this bike is the shitty service I keep getting! The bike itself is nice but it doesn't fit my personality.


Sadly, I know my bike wont sell due to the fact that I just bought it in june and I still owe about 10.4 on it. I am selling it with all of the stuff I have with it, but like I said..I will never get anyone to buy it. Hell, I couldn't even trade it in, dealer weaseled their way out of taking it..I wouldn't even mind taking a negative hit on it if I could trade it..lol

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Tell me that is a typo. You owe $10,400 on a BUELL????


The fact that you are having to get any warranty work done on a bike is bad enough. I have owned Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and have never had to get anything warrantied on any of them. Not saying it doesn't happen but I have had ZERO problems with the JAP bikes and 40k-miles between them.

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Guest Evl Mdgt
yup my biggest complaint was service too. I refuse to go to harley dealers now, especially AD FuckyouintheARROWS so hopefully nothing major goes wrong for the rest of the time I have it


Man... they had his bike for like over a month. Every time he called to get an update, either no one was there or they kept telling him some bullshit that parts were on back order, werent there yet, or some bs like that.

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Man... they had his bike for like over a month. Every time he called to get an update, either no one was there or they kept telling him some bullshit that parts were on back order, werent there yet, or some bs like that.


That's why you don't call them on the phone. You go down there every f*@king day and talk to the manager until they make you satisfied. I know winter is a busy season for repairs but that is no reason to screw you around.


If they still won't make it right, go to another dealer. If that seems to be normal procedures for BUELL/HARLEY, then call the BBB. If they still don't get there shit in line, call the headquarters and start making formal written complaints to BUELL.


Don't let that crap continue any longer.

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Shit, good luck with the sale. Buells can be had for dirt cheap, the one and only reason I ever considered owning one. (not particularly your model)


If warranty service is your biggest complaint, keep it and learn to do the work yourself.. whats wrong with it?


That is why they are so cheap, they are CRAP bikes. He shouldn't have to work on it himself. It's just costing him more money for things BUELL should fix when they are designed poorly from the factory.

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That is why they are so cheap, they are CRAP bikes. He shouldn't have to work on it himself. It's just costing him more money for things BUELL should fix when they are designed poorly from the factory.


Well it is just like my car. I don't mind doing the work on my car even though it can be done via the warrenty but for my bike I had the have the whole engine rebuit at 4500 miles. There was no reason that it should have been done as I haven't thrashed it, droped it, or messed with it in any way..The gaskets alone for the work that had to be done was like 500 dollars. I shouldn't have to sink that kind of money into a BRAND NEW bike..lol


And yea, the only dealer here in Columbus is AD Farrows!! I am sorry to say that they suck when it comes to service. And when my bike was there for a few weeks, almost a month, I physically had to stop by there like every other day to make sure something got done. Hell, I had to wait, on my bike, almost a half a day when my kickstand broke..


Yes, you heard it right..I purchased the bike for 10.8K. I bought the 3 year extended warrenty just to make it would be covered so in case anything happend, they would fix it. To bad they don't tell you that they will give you max shit when you do try and take it back. Hell, they tried to tell me that I droped it and that is what caused my damn jug to leak..Stupid fuckers..

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