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Guest JsANeon
  10xworse said:
this is a 100% guess, but i'd bet its the red one in the background of the 2nd pic

yeah i was thinkin the same but then i though, hmmm my neighbor just traded in his white/anodized blue ws6 for a black zo6! i also noticed the guy doesnt have vey many posts and is around the same age so was just curious? Oh and once again very sexy car and would like to let you know I am somewhat jealous!

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Thanks for the replies!!


Yes, that is the TA I got rid of in the background. Red 00' WS6.


The Z06 is actually black on black. It doesn't have the black/red interior like some did. I really liked it being totally black with the interior and tint.


I've been debating on the badges. A female police officer was the original owner of the car and I'm not sure what the deal is with the debadging. The dealership has a couple of badges on order for me. I just haven't decided if I want to put them back on or not. I'm kind of leaning toward keeping it debadged at this point.


The car is an absolute blast to drive. My TA put 342hp to the tire and this Z06 will rape it. I drove about 4 Z06's before I finally decided on this one. This one was the cleanest and in best shape. It also ran better than the other two 01's and the one 02' I drove. I'm not sure why it feels stronger, but it's definately stronger. Could of been fuel or something I guess. I checked to see if I could find any mods at all on the car and there is nothing. It's just as stock as if it came off the show room floor.


Thanks again guys!!

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This man is a genius - black Z06's are the super hotness.


So, a female police officer was the previous owner? And she debadged it? In the fantasy world in my head, she's super hot.


Congratulations on your purchase. Now rock that bitch at the meets. :)

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