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New Wheels = Your Girl wants a ride now....


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My first wheels were black, I wouldnt have it anyother way.

NK wheels Part2.


I had to order some custom center caps for these, as the old ones had a chrome ring around the outside and a Silver center.


Well Project NeonKiller is finally underway, Next is tint, By the time that is done its gonna be warm enough to work on my car in the garage and i will order my turbo kit 8)

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Next is tint, By the time that is done its gonna be warm enough to work on my car in the garage and i will order my turbo kit 8)


Yeah I'll bet that tint will add 50 horse at the wheels....at least. Stop bitching about the cold, throw on some Carrhartts, and get the turbo swap done.

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The more I think about the pic the more I laugh. You had to direct them to do that.....


Ok guys I'm going to take a picture, go over there and point at my new sexy rims. CLICK. Wait, Joe you weren't pointing right at the rim and billy your eyes were closed. Let me take another so I can post these on the web. CLICK. PERFECT! Thanks guys!


Is this myspace? It looks like a gay pic on myspace.com......

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Ok guys I'm going to take a picture, go over there and point at my new sexy rims. CLICK. Wait, Joe you weren't pointing right at the rim and billy your eyes were closed. Let me take another so I can post these on the web. CLICK. PERFECT! Thanks guys!


Fuck, guys, get it together! This is going on the Intrawebs - if we are ever going to be e-famous, then you can't be fucking it up! Now, the scene is missing something. Hmm. Wait, I got it - let's get our BMX bikes, turn them over, and stagger them, making the entire picture look completely staged and add even more gayness to the overall effect. Do it, fuckers!


For the record, I don't really mind Shanton's new rims - black is, after all, the hotness. However, posting a pic like that one is just asking for the flames.

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Guest JsANeon

Yeah Shan you deffinatly should have left the lip polished! but they still look good.


and for all you others, im sure they were in the middle of riding and just decided to stop for pics. yes he is a PROFESSIONAL bmx rider and is sponsored by FBM bikes and Duff's shoes so he is not just some poser.


eitherway the comments made me laugh my ass off, i just wanted to clear those things up

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Thanx sean, And yes the first pic is shitty but fuck it its bringin out all the haters....


I dont like polished or chrome stuff. All Black, I'm totally comfortable with it.


We shall see what winter brings........


Yeah i mean it is a girly car.


Hey riding BMX and gettin to travel around the world is fun,


And spaceghost, You can find me in barnes and nobles in the new BMX Plus Mag i got a full page, ill auto graph it if you would like?


Flame on....

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