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Rant for the day, Merging getting onto the highway.

Trouble Maker

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So why can no one merge while getting onto the highway?


People on the highway always try to speed up or slow down to ‘let you in’ but end up being in a different place than you were expecting them to be, which is usually right beside you. Then there are people who presumable do this, then expect other people to do it. The other day, I was driving to work cruising along in the right lane and there is a guy trying to get onto the highway. I’m doing ~74 like I always do, so this guy could have easily snuck in behind me, but no, he had to try to get ahead of me. He didn’t speed up enough to get in front of me, so he just drove beside me for about 5 seconds just looking at me like I was supposed to move somewhere. I had my cruise control on the whole time. The worst thing was, there were almost no cars that could be seen. There wasn’t a single car within 150 yards of us.


If you are merging, you are the one responsible for finding a spot in traffic, not someone making a spot for you. You can see what’s going on most of the way down the entrance ramp, figure out where you are going to fit in traffic before the last second and expect someone to get out of your way. It especially bugs me when I see semis have to get over because people can’t seem to not want to merge into the side of them.

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Actually, you should move left when you see cars merging onto the highway.


In that specific instance he was going to be merging well behind me perfectly fine, but he speed up until he was beside me, wanting to get ahead of me but didn't have enough room. Funny thing was, once we got on the highway, he didn’t speed back up faster than me. So he really didn’t want to go faster than me, he just wanted to get ahead of me, but didn’t anticipate the situation correctly.


Still doesn’t negate the fact that people don’t know how to merge. I’m not going to move over into the other lane just so someone can merge when there is plenty of room for them to merge into traffic either in front of or behind me. Think if everyone used this thought process. They would move over at every entrance ramp in traffic. Think about the traffic jams this would cause.


When someone merges into traffic, it’s their responsibility to find their way into traffic, not for people in the normal flow of traffic to move out of their way.


Cliffs Notes: Shut yo mouth Howard!

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whats worse is when someone fucking stops on the on ramp..... LIKE WTF!!!!!!


Have had that happen a few times in front of me. In very heavy traffic, it happens


Another one is cigarettes. I had a woman flick some ashes right into the front of my car on the way here today. It isn't that hard to look in your rear view mirror before you do that (not to mention throwing the whole butt out of the window is littering). I mean if I hack up a luggie driving down the highway, I just don't randomly spit it out onto other cars.

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ohh Cig storys..... I was out on my bike one night some ass flights a cig out the windows goes right into my mask ( had it cracked cause my mask kept steaming up from my fat ass breathing hard) .. then when I went to turn at light he ewnt from left lane and tried to turn into me... yeah ... Not a fun night
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This is why I enjoy driving my work truck, you have to get the hell out of my way and I move for nobody!


Yeah. I can't count the number of times when I wish I had a big truck so I could just nudge someone and let them know what's up. I’m not talking about hitting someone just to do it or I'm pissed off. I'm talking about when people swerve/turn into my lane directly into me, or turn left in front of my when their not supposed to. I can't tell you how many times I've had to wait for some SUV that ran a red left turn arrow, or swerve into a break down lane on the highway when they come into my lane. Then I have to drive like god for 10 seconds so my nice car that I care about doesn't get hurt. Where if I had a big old truck, I would just let them hit me or not worry as much about stopping.

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going from a compact two wheel drive truck to a red fullsize 4x4, I've noticed that people definately act differently towards you depending on what you drive. My foglights are always on at night so people know that I'm there. People cut me off far less in this truck. The only thing that gets me is when I've got a trailer behind me. I dunno, people must start thinking that I'm driving slower with it back there and I'm usually going as fast as I normally would.


One day I was hauling a thunderbird back to Columbus from out east, before I got the trailer brakes set up. This was also before I put on new brakes, so the truck did not stop very well at the time. I was in the left lane, coming up on a semi on the right. There was a Mustang with an older guy driving behind the semi, that decided to jump in front of me at the last moment. I had to slow down for it, which was nerve racking. Once the Mustang got back into the right lane, I pulled up so my trailer was beside him, and started drifting into his lane. Next thing I knew, he was kicking up dust from off the side of the road trying to get away from me. I'll bet he never fucked with someone pulling a trailer again.

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Copperhead, I see that shit everyday! People assume that its a big slow truck and they HAVE to get in front of you. I save people's lives everyday when I don't allow them to commit suicide by placing themselves between me @60,000lb's and another vehicle as everyone is coming to a stop.
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Isn't that funny? In the GTP or in my wife's Stratus, I'll get cut off or someone will pull out in front of me.


Rarely happens in the Ram.

same thing for me when im in my truck. even though its not full sized people cut me off a lot more in the 3 then the dodge.


Also whats up with people at the tuttle exit there is always a green light(turn with caution) yet everyone is afraid to go and merge instead they will wait for traffic to clear then cut over to the far left. idiots its not hard to merge really it isnt.

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same thing for me when im in my truck. even though its not full sized people cut me off a lot more in the 3 then the dodge.


Also whats up with people at the tuttle exit there is always a green light(turn with caution) yet everyone is afraid to go and merge instead they will wait for traffic to clear then cut over to the far left. idiots its not hard to merge really it isnt.


If you are talking about going north on 270 toward the mall side, I know exactly what you are talking about. Used to come that way often going from my parents house on the west side to the mall. Would drive me nuts. I'm glad with where I live I don't come that way very often anymore. Coming south going west on Tuttle Crossing is almost worse. There is a full light, and people will get around the stop bar and stop. Realize that they can't see around the car going left so the edge up a little, but keep going right. The way this lane is paved, it allows you to go pretty far to the right. That doesn't net them much so they edge up a little more, but keep going right. They will edge up about two inches while going right more and more about half a dozen times usually while trying to turn right on red.


Now that I think about it, there are a lot of little weird things with that whole interchange. Whoever designed everything around there must be one sick bastard because I bet they just drive around in circles around there watching everyone do dumb shit.

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You know what's more annoying than a big Dodge Ram 3500 with a 18" lift having its headlights completely blind you with its normal headlights? A dumb golddigger slut MILF driving it.


AH HAHAHAHA I do that shit all the time to people, it's so much fun. I only do it on purpose to people that pissed me off somehow, but I'm sure that I blind people at 75% of the lights I stop at.

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