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Corss your fingers about cameras at intersections ...


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The burden of proof is placed on the prosecution, aka the city. THus, if they film a car running a red light, it is up to them to prove the person that was operating that vehicle at that time.


ANd yes, put cameras everywhere, including your bedroom because we need to stop rape and incest and child molestation as well while we are at it.


If you think, it only goes so far, or that it wont ever get beyond a certain point, you have to be the most ignorant person alive ... it never stops, it just gets worse and today its safety and redlights, tomorrow, its something else and after that and after that ... but if you dont care about tomorrow either, then fuck it lets sign up now!

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ANd yes, put cameras everywhere, including your bedroom because we need to stop rape and incest and child molestation as well while we are at it.


If you think, it only goes so far, or that it wont ever get beyond a certain point, you have to be the most ignorant person alive ... it never stops, it just gets worse and today its safety and redlights, tomorrow, its something else and after that and after that ... but if you dont care about tomorrow either, then fuck it lets sign up now!


Whoa, slow your roll, Orson Welles. This isn't some conspiracy to abolish civil liberties; it's a fucking camera at an intersection designed, in principle, to reduce the running of red lights and, thus, traffic accidents related to such and, in function, to generate revenue.


I don't see why people are getting all bent out of shape over a camera catching illegal activities on film. What, are you fuckers going to start whining about cameras in banks? "What the fuck, how come you gotta take my picture and shit while I'm depositing my check, huh? This is bullshit - this is Big Brother at work and I won't stand for this!!!!!" Come on, get fucking real.


Don't run red lights and don't let people who run red lights borrow your car and you shouldn't have any problem at all with the cameras at the intersections - it's just the same as you not having a problem with cameras in banks because you don't rob banks and you don't let people who borrow your car rob banks to use it as a getaway car.

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They are at EVERY stop light here in Chicago. But then again EVERYONE in Chicago does at least 20 over the speed limit I've seen at least 4 pics being taken simultaniously (sp?) it's a breathe of fresh air when I come back home to Columbus when I'm doing 5 miles over the speed limit I feel like I'm doing 90..lol
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They are at EVERY stop light here in Chicago. But then again EVERYONE in Chicago does at least 20 over the speed limit I've seen at least 4 pics being taken simultaniously (sp?) it's a breathe of fresh air when I come back home to Columbus when I'm doing 5 miles over the speed limit I feel like I'm doing 90..lol



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