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Apple/Mac users I need you!


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I have been in the market recently for a laptop and just happened to go over to apple's website to see what they have to offer. Well to my suprise they just released the mac and the macbook pro. Being a PC user my entire life and only dealing with Windows\Linux and some OS/2 and Unix machines I know nothing of them and would like some insight on them.


The macbook looks like a really nice laptop and has some awsome features for the money as it seems coming from a PC point of view. So my questions are..


Is the OS-X hard to learn, it seems like an excellent OS and much more appealing to the eye than Windows.


And what kind of performance can I except out of this platform compared to a PC of similiar specs?

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I've owned a bunch of mac stuff, The newest os for mac is tiger and it runs great. Very easy to use, and it's a lot cooler then xp. As far as performace, I use to own a g4 powerbook that had a processor speed of 867mhz and it ran comparable to a p4 2.0. So if your looking at the speed on macs remember to double the speed of what it says and that will be the actual speed compared to a reg. pc. For games there not that great, but application and coolness A+++




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i had OSx86 on my IBM ThinkPad for a while, its a pretty easy os to get used to. The hardest part is the single click thing lol



ya know why not post i just steal OS's ... I would not brag about the fact that your stealing apples OS.


Thats as dumb as selling modded xbox with games on it.



back to topic.


OSX is easy as hell to learn. even easier if you know linux well because the shell is a bsd based mach core.

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osx is the shit. and the Macbook Pro is great for games (Macbook only has the generic intel graphics card), you can run XP on the Macbooks. Ive been playing Oblivion at full speed, and it runs great. and the one mouse button thing isnt really a problem, ctrl click does the same thing (or you can use a multi-button mouse).


But if you do plan to spend the money on a Macbook or a Macbook Pro, wait a few months. Apple is supposed to be coming out with a faster revision of the new processor really soon. Plus the Macbook and Macbook Pro currently have a whining problem with the processor (everyone is blaming Apple, I blame Intel).

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ya know why not post i just steal OS's ... I would not brag about the fact that your stealing apples OS.


Thats as dumb as selling modded xbox with games on it.



back to topic.


OSX is easy as hell to learn. even easier if you know linux well because the shell is a bsd based mach core.



OH Noez Itz The Piracy PoLIce!

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I dont think anybody cares, and when I did it it was not illegal because it was the apple developer test release.




So you got it off the ADC website????? Otherwise it is illegal.


But as a follow up to my last post on the Macbooks, make sure you wait. I just talked to Apple yesterday and they said that the problem with the whining was so widespread that is now considered "normal" and within "spec". To help describe the whining it is like the noise a older television makes when you turn it on to the video in channel, and you leave it on the black screen. But if that dosent bother you, Im selling mine :)

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