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This past week I had a seisure so im not aloud to drive my car for 6 months. I just got out of the hospital so my car is in my garage. My question is since its going to be sitting there is their a certain oil or something I should do since it wont be driven? Probably a stupid question to ask but I just didnt know if anyone had any good ideas of what I should do.
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Fill the gas tank to prevent condensation. Also, some sta-bil in the tank to keep the gas from turning to crap.

Whe you start it up, make sure it gets driven long enough to warm up the tranny and boil out any water that may have condensed.

I asume you are using a synthetic oil, if you are, no worries on the engine.

Sucks about the seizure, hope it was only a one time thing, it would suck to not be able to drive again.

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