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you and your cage!


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How many peolpe here practice what they preach? Like I here a lot of ppl saying what they see when they are on the bike, but do you turn around and do the same when you are in the car.

For instance if i'm at a turn off or stop sign/light and a bike is there or coming quickly I will wait and let them go first, I wouldnt want to be behind a big 4x4 so i wait.

another, if i'm on the road and a bike comes up behind I will get over as far as possible and wave them by.

do you keep the moto mind when in a car/truck or do you get cageritis?

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no cageritis here...

I usually keep the pedal down on the Eldo, but I'll also leave room for anyone who cares to pass (bikes included)...if i'm not moving fast enough for them...(i can always use a rabbit)

keep the eyes peeled for bikes, too

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i will admit when i am in the car i am more prone to look out for bikes then i was before i started riding. i will even do what i can to make life easier for other riders. but there are times when i don't always check my blind spot as well as i should and sure enough some of the time there is a weekend warrior HD rider sitting back there off my corner waiting to get hit.

and before the flaming starts i say very specifically weekend warrior HD rider because of the few times this has happened the bikes have always been HD's and two of the times the riders honk, flip birds then pull over to answer cell phones while trying to look hard as hell.

i don't know about the rest of the riders here but the last place i try to be is in a cagers blind spot when riding.

(oh yeah i am not against HD's my dad owns one and my first solo was on one)

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don't get mad ladies, but If I remember correctly, most of the accidents involving cage and bike, have had a woman driving. I DID NOT go and count just from memory. And if i'm right then ladies tell your friends to open their eyes, as I will do the same.

maybe if we make our non biker friends more aware then it will save one or more lives.

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I do text and drive sometimes, but yes, I'm always peeking around for bikes. actually I try to defend them from assholes when i drive. Like if I see a car or truck not being bike safe, I'll try to get in between them and the bike and try to block or whatever i need to to make more space. I know some moves may make a rider worry a bit, but I'm sure most relax a bit when they see me taking up 2 lanes to stop a ram from charging up their ass.

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They should make 'motorcycle awareness' part of getting your drivers license. They make you pay attention to semis and their turning radius and blind spots..they should do the same for bikes.

They should make taking the test on your own part of getting your drivers license!! Last two times I've been to the DMV people were cheating on their drivers tests while the test admin made idle threats to kick them out. They were asking each other easy shit like what signs meant... no wonder we have so many idiot drivers.

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I always pull over/make space and wave them to pass by....yesterday I got the same treatment from two people on OH97, waved and beeped to thanks....it makes me feel good to see these people among the damn cagers !!

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If a situation comes up where I can let them around I will, but I don't purposely get out of the way so they can do something stupid. Had a guy on a cruiser pass me on 670 on the left shoulder next to the concrete wall at about 95. He almost bounced off my car and hit the wall, and if that happened I'd have kept driving.

Just because you ride doesn't exempt you from being an asshole, and I'm all for equal opportunity retribution.

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Always aware of riders when I'm in the cage. I've noticed the wife and even the kids are more aware of other bikes on the road too.

If I'm in the fast lane passing other cars and I see a bike coming up behind me I'll speed up to pass a bit quicker and get over so they can get by quickly. I always try to make room or let riders pass if I can.

I'm not sure how to word this (need more coffee) so I'm sure this will come out wrong, but I'm not going to go out of my way and make a bad rider safer. If there's room and they are still sitting in or passing through your blind spot that's on them.

I think MSF should be mandatory for all riders with having to retake it every 5 years or so. I also think cagers should have to take the classroom portion of the MSF in order to get their drivers license.

...and older people should have to take the drivers test every 5 years starting at 60.

...everyone should have to retake every 7 years from 16.

...and I'm going to get coffee...

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I don't really agree with the "Advanced course" thing. I think that tests need to be more extensive. Not 5 minutes of driving. More like 2 hours a day for a week driving. Durring rush hour, in the country, different situations. Being an asshole makes you flunk.

I think the best thing we could probably do is get rid of some basic driving laws. I understand if we got rid of speeding everyone would speed, but again it's a safety issue. If everyone is going 85-90 but it's not packed and no one is really around, who cares as long as it's not a populated area.

My opinion is it's worse to cut across 3 lanes of traffic to get to your exit than it is to go 100 on the freeway.

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