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Life really sucks right now


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Well sorry about this thread i just needed to talk to anybody about this.Over the last week my fiancee or ex fiancee(some of you may know her) decided she wanted to leave and go on her own way.This is 2 months before we were going to get married.We have been together for 8 years.This came as a total shock to me i never knew she wasnt happy.She says she needs to become her own person and not be defined as me and her.Im not sure thats the total story.We share phone plans and she had recieved and sent enough text messages to raise our bill 4 times the normal price.She says she didnt cheat but i dont know what to believe. I love her so much and i dont understand how she could do this to me. We have a condo together well pretty much everything is together. Im just hurting so much right now. Im off the next 2 days and i cant stand just sitting in this place.If anybodys got anything going on please let me know. I cant take this right now :cry:
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Bro...I know exactly how you feel...and I feel for ya. I'm sorry you have to deal with this and it happened in the matter it did, but the best advice I can give or anyone can give is just keep your head up, and you WILL get through this.


I was in a 5 year relationship, and engaged to the person and three months before we were to get married, I was on the leaving end ...so I can relate with your girl too...but I'm not saying it was the right thing to do...but sometimes people grow apart, or relationships become too surreal to move on with (especially close to marriage time). I don't know you but I'm always looking for friends...if you need someone to grab a beer with and talk about things with, hit me up man.


Hope things look up for ya!



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Damn dude, i know the feeling... Ive been there!



if you feel like hanging out and talking about it, and just working on some cars. your more then welcome too stop over...even if you need too just talk about it!

Look at it like this, you my just be better off! or maybe she just needs a little space!

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well looks at it the positive way at least if she's going to go through with it better to do it before the wedding went through.


keep your head up man.





Stay positive, man. No kids, no alimony. Think of what it COULD have led to. I know it's not much comfort right now, but like everyone has said, YOU WILL make it.


Do yourself a favor though. Do not get angry. You can be hurt, have time to heal and move on, but do not say hurtful things to her. She may just have cold feet or something you may not even know about. If you keep your cool, she may open up and you can work things out.



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to ad to my post, I know a guy that got married b/c got girl pregnant, well it turns out she was a con artist.


she knew he was moving to massachusets where after a divorce and having a child she would get ~%50 of his after tax salary for child support. MA has diff laws than here.


he is bascally screwed.



again look at the brighter side. maybe she'll come back thats kind of weird though after 8 yrs to get up and walk out.

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Wanna go beat on our cars and travel at high speeds to clear your head? That's what I do when stressed (or break shit) :D


I've been burned by women a few times and feel ya. If ya wanna come by and chat, feel free. PM me for my address :)

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Sorry for you loss. But like its been posted the upside is it happened before you got married. Also +1 on the don't get mad.


But not because you might work it out with her if you keep your cool, but because it damages you more than her. So let the anger slide out.


Tough to hear this but I have to say given what you wrote she's with or going to someone else. Women never, I repeat never, leave a non-abusive relationship without something else already lined up. Ever. Not saying she cheated, but an ethical woman will end a relationship to persue the new man before she cheats on her current. Some will cheat then leave. Regardless, they never move on without some prospect waiting.


So put her out of your mind and life, friend. Good luck and hang tight, it'll pass. There are always more fish in the sea.

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I agree with the above posts, place the right emotion on this deal. If you are sad be sad, don't be angry because angry leads to much worse things. Rally around things/people you enjoy and work on figuring out the next steps.
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Tough to hear this but I have to say given what you wrote she's with or going to someone else. Women never, I repeat never, leave a non-abusive relationship without something else already lined up. Ever. Not saying she cheated, but an ethical woman will end a relationship to persue the new man before she cheats on her current. Some will cheat then leave. Regardless, they never move on without some prospect waiting.



This is the fucking TRUTH. I've had experiences on both sides of this (one time I was the main course, the other I was a side dish). Most women are generally evil. I have yet to meet a woman that doesn't lie, cheat, or use sex to get anything they want.


Unfaithful women + text messaging = broken shit

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I think everyone has been there at least once. It sucks to hear about it again though. I agree with above posts, it sucks but you just have to move on, the sooner the faster the better. You can try and take your mind off of things, go to the gym, work on your car, go pull some bitchs at the corner bar ... you know stuff to take your mind off things. It will get better in time. Sad to say, im 22 and have more friends that are divorced than friends that are married and/or in a relationship. goodluck.
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You want to feel better?


Shared cell phone plan = shut off her phone.

Shared condo = see if there is any way you can get out of it while dumping it on her.


The last step is to find any incriminating pictures or videos of her and post them on the internet. You'll feel better.

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Jason, sorry to hear about the troubles. Seriously, if this doesn't work out, there are tons of other fish in the sea. I know, maybe right now you don't feel like fishing, but give it time, my man.


You can always come out with us anytime - we'll find plenty of little chickas to take your mind off her. :cool:


Also, if you have Verizon, you can't find out from the bill what numbers the texts were sent to or the content of the texts - you can only see how many texts were sent.

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Thanks for the advice evrybody im going to keep my head up and hope that things work out. If i need anything ill take you guys up on your offers! Thanks If you have any other advice please keep it coming


Jason, sorry to hear about this. I've had many similar troubles. I'm on vacation all week if you want to get out of the house; I have no lack of friends with a penchant for drinking beer and talking about how much they hate women. You'll fit right in. PM me or Nick (at work) has my # if you don't.

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Sucks Jason... I thought sahara was a good kid. You just never know.


At least she didnt leave you for Jesus though. Cassia, whom I'm sure you remember, decided a handfull of months ago that my lack of spirituality did not provide the foundation for the relationship that she needed. No other dude lined up (exception to the rule), just her and Jesus hand in hand.





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