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Why you cannot prove there is/isn't God


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God CHOSE to put those limitations on himself. He is onmiscient, omnipotent, loving, full of mercy, and grace...oh and without sin. How do I know this???

Because the man who writes the rules can write the however he wants. If god actualy exsits, he is truely the only entity in the universe that can use the explanation; "Because I said so". Of course he can sin, or rather, do what we consider sin. He kiils and lies all the time (if you beleive genisis). Its not sin because he's god, because he says so.


To end/alter the course of the thread: God exists, period....read:

God definately exsists, at least, something that does his job. There is something in the universe that can explain everyting, and is a means to controlling everything, it always has been and always will be; Mathmatics. Though we haven't anwered all of the questions yet, that does not mean that they cannot be answered. God is the "Theory of Everything." Unite Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity, god will be there, be it a being or mathmatical formula. I personaly do not beleive god is a conscious entity. Of course, given what we know currently, beleiving that everything in the universe can be explained and that nothing is truly random is, at best, philisophy. One might call it faith, and it's something that I have in common with christans. Name the voice behind this quote: "God does not throw dice."

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I do believe something is there, like stated above, acting as a god. It's just extremely hard to imagine that everything, on a spark of chance, happens as it does. Everything in this world goes together so beautifully to be the effect of some random explosion. I'm not a religion buff though. I feel religion was created to control people, like stated earlier, to give them something to do, and keep the honest men honest, so to say.
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I didn't say "act", I said "doing the job of." You cant pray to Physiscs, even though its constructs and principles are the reason you're here. ;)


Everything in this world goes together so beautifully to be the effect of some random explosion.

Sure we can. I dont think you quite grasp how old the universe is, how much stuff their is, and how old it is. What are the chances of things coming together the was they have? Very very VERY slim. Lucklily for us, there's more then enough stuff in the universe to facilitate a success out of those odds. Oncelife starts, on its most primitive level, all it needs is time, lots of it. Life on earth is 3.85 billion years old. We've seen complex life forms like insects make noticable evolutions within a century. Simple stuff, like viruses, change by the day.

"Just some random explosion" hardly does life on earth justice. It's been a very long, very hard faught battle, starting from a simple chemical reacton and the creation of amino acids. And DNA and RNA are made of...?


The more you know, the more this stuff makes sence. Pick up a book written in the last decade or two, or watch some PBS. ;)

Or for an intro, just click

Making many complex organic molecules is the first step, but apparently not a difficult one.


This was shown in the famous Miller-Urey experiments done in the 1950's

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Einstein said god does not play dice with the universe. But then Einstein never came to terms with Quantum Mechanics, indeed he ignored it for the majority of his later life.


Einstein said god does not roll the dice. And Einstein was wrong. Quantum Mechanics has been extremely accurate in predicting results. And as shown by quantum mechanics everything below the "grey curtain" of the Planck length is not only random, but perfectly random.

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