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What would you do? (yet another ticket thread)


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the best part of this thread came in the last six posts where people just ignored turds3000's ricer ass.


turds; I'm 19 and have had 2 speeding tickets as well. that doesn't make me the fucking authority on ORC and the loopholes therein.


what CPD will most often do is instead of not sending the officer who issued the ticket in the hopes that you'll just bend over and take the ticket, they will most often send a liason officer instead who will act on behalf of the citing officer. if you decide to contest the ticket, they'll set another court date and the citing officer will probably show up to that one...at least, this is what I'm told, so this isn't absolute fact.


The short of it is that you got fucked. Maybe you could've asked to see the device that you were clocked with (which is one of your rights) and they might not have been keen on taking down their whole speed trap and let you off with a warning. Or they might've been in a really pissy mood and done it anyways. No one really knows for sure, given that it was a hypothetical series of events that only could've taken place in what is now the past. You can contest it, and there's a chance you'll get away with it. Just give turds3000 $30 and he'll show up in court for you and use his 1337 judicial haxxor skyllz to totally pwn the cops that got you and you'll get off with nothing. Throw in another $5 and maybe he'll even give you a happy ending.

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Google says @55 +

30+ 4 points

<30+ 2 Points


As for reckless op, unless the officer writes it , you don't got it. UNLESS you fight it in court i think the judge can give it to you at that point but im pretty sure he can't If this thread i still going @5pm i will ask my dad he works @ the court house.


Ive always had the understanding that you can't lose anything or gain more violations by going to court (only earn court costs in the process). I would doubt the judge can actually give you a violation from behind his lecturn, he wasn't at the scene he doesn't know the situation. We would be there to discuss and argue charges that were accrued before hand, not to see if he can hand out more that would be the prosecutors job and i dont think he can either.


Regardless, im going to court on friday the 1st to try and plea it down to AT LEAST a state speed + court costs, no points. If they won't agree, we'll set a trial date and i'll get my evidence together, if i decide not to argue it, i'll just change my plea. This country is great for a reason, just b/c some gung ho statey says i was speeding doesnt mean im guilty, we're all given a chance to defend ourselves, gotta love that.

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what CPD will most often do is instead of not sending the officer who issued the ticket in the hopes that you'll just bend over and take the ticket, they will most often send a liason officer instead who will act on behalf of the citing officer. if you decide to contest the ticket, they'll set another court date and the citing officer will probably show up to that one...at least, this is what I'm told, so this isn't absolute fact.


I'm almost positive i read in ORC that the officer who issued the citation must be present. The officer there is only there as witness and evidence if that isn't the same officer then said witness/evidence isn't admissable.


However i see your point that the first hearing really isn't trial, its just a hearing so no evidence is being brought forth, just dates being set and possible deals being made. if you have proof of your point id really like to see it to know what im up against.

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I'm almost positive i read in ORC that the officer who issued the citation must be present. The officer there is only there as witness and evidence if that isn't the same officer then said witness/evidence isn't admissable.


However i see your point that the first hearing really isn't trial, its just a hearing so no evidence is being brought forth, just dates being set and possible deals being made. if you have proof of your point id really like to see it to know what im up against.

The only proof of my point was a recollection of a conversation I had with my ticket lawyer when I went to get my 2nd speeding ticket charges reduced. If you can get in touch with someone like that who does it on a daily basis and is willing at least to have a conversation and tell you what you're up against, try.


Pete Gibson was the guy I went with...he's expensive and the only reason i went with him was because i needed privileges for work/school. but he's really good.

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Well i went in for my court date this morning and plead not guilty and asked for a lesser charge given my somewhat decent driving record. (he only ask's for the previous 3 years). However unknown to me, he said i was actually traveling too fast to be elligible for any sort of plea agreement. Apparently the cut off is 20mph and under. i was traveling 23mph over the POSTED speed limit of 55.


i asked that my court date be set for after the next 30 days, i should get confirmation on what the actual date is within the week. Ive got some different point's i'd like to argue, the worst that can happen is it will be the officer's testimony vs. my testimony (thats if he shows up).


I just want to make it clear. If anyone says that im wasting my time, save it b/c i really dont want to hear it. Im using all of my available freedom's that makes this country a great place to live, and for someone to sit there and simply say "your wasting your time" or "your pissing in the wind", take you damned negative attitude elsewhere because i dont care what you think. For someone to sit there and say, "well i guess they caught me and there's really no point in fighting it so i'll just pay the fine" you sir and pathetic and dont deserve such freedom's. If you were innocent and they accused you of murder and had circumstantial evidence to back it up what would you say then, "well i guess they caught me and there's really no point in fighting it so ill just give up"? No you wouldn't. Its everyone's right to a fair and speedy trial, a right that that iplan on using to its fullest.


sorry for the rant.

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