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what the fuck is a hoosier


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Why come in to a thread about Ohio State football just to talk shit if you have no opinion? Why do people feel the need to try and spoil someone else's love for a sports team? Sorry that I was born and raised a buckeye fan, that doesn't mean I "Suck their Cocks," as you so eloquently and cleverly put it. Sounds like someone is jealous...




For a touch of Irony: Fuck Michigan!



Everybody now: Ohhhhhhhhh I don't give a damn...

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For a touch of Irony: Fuck Michigan!



Everybody now: Ohhhhhhhhh I don't give a damn...


Never seen that posted before :rolleyes: I could give a shit about Michigan, College ball is dumb, you are worshiping children who are being raped by the system for a bachelors degree, hell most of the time not even that. I don't care if you were raised to like Jihad, it doesn't make it right......


At least call it for what it is it's AA football and the players are not paid. I don't see any diehard Clippers fans here. C-L

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Why come in to a thread about Ohio State football just to talk shit if you have no opinion? Why do people feel the need to try and spoil someone else's love for a sports team? Sorry that I was born and raised a buckeye fan, that doesn't mean I "Suck their Cocks," as you so eloquently and cleverly put it. Sounds like someone is jealous...


Well the title of the thread says nothing about the Ohio State Suckeyes, It says "what the fuck is a hoosier" SO I was going to read about hoosiers, but NOPE it's another circle jerk about fucking gay ass OSU. :jerkit:


BTW what the fuck am I jealous of exactly?

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Well the title of the thread says nothing about the Ohio State Suckeyes, It says "what the fuck is a hoosier" SO I was going to read about hoosiers, but NOPE it's another circle jerk about fucking gay ass OSU. :jerkit:


BTW what the fuck am I jealous of exactly?


Wow dude, why don't you take that attitude somewhere else. This thread wasn't put here to please you. Don't come in here trashing this thread just because you don't like it.

You live in Columbus Ohio, this is the Buckeye capitol, you dont like it, LEAVE!!



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Typical, "don't rain on our gay OSU parade, if you don't like OSU, don't post and ruin this thread." Are you fucking serious? I have news for you OSU fans care way more about that november game. DO me a favor do a search in Google images for this (with the quotation marks):


"fuck Michigan"

Then do one for this:

"fuck Ohio State" or "fuck OSU"


You will find 2 images for the second one and a billion for the first one. Nobody really cares as much as you stupid OSU fans not even the michigan fans. :nono:


BTW here is one of the two, i thought hefty Jesus "The Truth" and MrAuotX would like to see this one, just for you bro ;):



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As I sit in my 2006 authentic Nike Pittman jersey, I do not give a fuck about the whole state of michigan. I do believe college students should get paid, but the one good argument i have heard is that ncaa football brings in a lot of money, but that helps pay for all of the other sports and programs that don’t bring in that kind of money. But, only 255 players out of maybe 2000 or so graduating football plays were drafted and are not guaranteed to make any money.




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