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what the fuck??


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why is it after you get married.. its like you fall off the face of the earth.


in this i mean... every good friend you ever had forgets your alive.


most of my really good friends i had never call, never come to hang out.


my best friend since kindergarden (my best man) hardly ever calls me.


i try to call my good friends atleast once or twice a week, but with no avail. its starting to piss me off. i basically decided to just say fuck it. if they dont want to hang out, or even be social with me anymore because im married thats pitifull. im better off without them.


i dunno i guess i just had to rant, cause ive been making so many attmepts at trying to be a friend, and get shit on in return.


especially my best friend, who i call al lthe time, and even try to make it back to his area to hang out, and he hasnt even seen the house i bought. and when i do come to his area to visit him i get blown off. i wish some people would grow up and be adults.


when i do get a chance to talk to my friend, they talk about getting fucked up or when the next party is or whatever.... and im tryin to talk to them about how i want to build a retaining wall in my front yard, or what new applianced i just installed. lol...


i feel maybe i have grown up and matured faster than all my friends. i have priorities in line, goals i want to achieve and what not. and a wife to attend to.


again im ranting and ranting.. it just urks me...


anyone else get this way.

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but being my friends youd think they would still try to atleast keep in touch.

i make a ton of efforts. and they make none.

like i said im ranting and it just pisses me off.


and its not like i CANT do this or that.


i just choose not to go out to the bar and waste my money.


i like to socially drink and be a social drinker.


but i have better priorities.


and its nto jsut the party thing.. its jsut in general. no one makes an effort anymore. its always i mworking, i got a girl, i got this.. i got that bullshit. i have all that shit and mroe to deal wiht yet i still find the time to atleast call. make a fucking effort for fuck sake.

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I know what you mean. It's the maturity thing. A few of my girlfriends were like that and some are starting to catch up to me now. We go out to dinner, have a cookout, or go out for a cup of coffee. They'll catch up soon. When they do, you'll know who your true friends are. :)


p.s. We never hang out ne more... you suck :-p

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I know what you mean. It's the maturity thing. A few of my girlfriends were like that and some are starting to catch up to me now. We go out to dinner, have a cookout, or go out for a cup of coffee. They'll catch up soon. When they do, you'll know who your true friends are. :)


p.s. We never hang out ne more... you suck :-p



let me know when you wanna hang out. me my wife and you and eric shuold al go out to dinner one night. jsut let me know when

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well, think of it from their perspective


you said this yourself


i just choose not to go out to the bar and waste my money.


i like to socially drink and be a social drinker.


but i have better priorities.


how would you feel if you were one of them...saying you cant go hang out because you have better priorities


i know what you're sayin though...i do the same thing...i dont hang out with many of my friends since i met my g/f...i invite them over and shit, but always excuses. oh well

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Well I think its messed up that since I broke up with Kadi and lost my job at honda everyone just thought I was a loser and needed to get my priorities straight. Now sayin I need to get my priorities straight I could see that coming from a friend because they care about me as a friend and dont want to see anything shitty happen to me. But then just kicking me to the curb and everyone, well not everyone but u all know who u are, just stops talking to me because of these 2 things is fucked up. I know for a fact hoblick and pretty much everyone I know has made stupid decisions that lead to shitty things happening to them or there friends, but I NEVER judge my friends and look at them differently because of losing thier jobs or not wanting to be with a certain girl. Now I dont know if this has anything to do with kd and bettina becoming little buddies because me and kd dated or not, but I know that bettina was pissed about me breaking up with kd. I can understand that, but should I have just lead her on and on and on and just acted like I was into the relationship when i tried my hardest and couldnt be? I think I did the right thing for what my feelings were about her, and if I lost some friends because of it then my friends that are still around are def my real friends. I could go on and on about shit like this but im done now I have wasted enough of ur time.

It just seems to me that hoblick seems to think he is better than all of his friends now bcuz he suddenly jumped out of the crazy party slutty irresponsible days of his life into being settled down and just nothing like he used to be. It just seemed like that happened overnight and he acts like hes always been like he is now but thats def not true. I was happy for him and still am for gettin married and being happy and settling down. But I just felt like the last time we talked was messed up and damnit ok im done. Its late, goodnight

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From the other side:


I had a good friend of mine just get married... suddenly he doesnt exist. He never calls, never comes to play cards or drink... never wants to hang out ever... all he does is work and have nasty sechs with his wife whom isnt much to look at :lol:


Married people become boring and no fun.

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Well I think its messed up that since I broke up with Kadi and lost my job at honda everyone just thought I was a loser and needed to get my priorities straight. Now sayin I need to get my priorities straight I could see that coming from a friend because they care about me as a friend and dont want to see anything shitty happen to me. But then just kicking me to the curb and everyone, well not everyone but u all know who u are, just stops talking to me because of these 2 things is fucked up. I know for a fact hoblick and pretty much everyone I know has made stupid decisions that lead to shitty things happening to them or there friends, but I NEVER judge my friends and look at them differently because of losing thier jobs or not wanting to be with a certain girl. Now I dont know if this has anything to do with kd and bettina becoming little buddies because me and kd dated or not, but I know that bettina was pissed about me breaking up with kd. I can understand that, but should I have just lead her on and on and on and just acted like I was into the relationship when i tried my hardest and couldnt be? I think I did the right thing for what my feelings were about her, and if I lost some friends because of it then my friends that are still around are def my real friends. I could go on and on about shit like this but im done now I have wasted enough of ur time.

It just seems to me that hoblick seems to think he is better than all of his friends now bcuz he suddenly jumped out of the crazy party slutty irresponsible days of his life into being settled down and just nothing like he used to be. It just seemed like that happened overnight and he acts like hes always been like he is now but thats def not true. I was happy for him and still am for gettin married and being happy and settling down. But I just felt like the last time we talked was messed up and damnit ok im done. Its late, goodnight



Delaney I didnt care that you broke up with KD that was your choice but you did treat an awesome girl shitty and you always borrowed money from her and never gave any back. You played her and that was shitty. ryan was just looking out for his friends and so was I. I mean I honestly have no problem with what you do with your life. If you dont wanna work and be a bum then great for you. But maybe we didnt wanna be brought down with you. Is it wrong to only want to have somewhat positive people in your life. It was ryans choice to not be friends with you not mine. If I didnt like you I wouldnt of been nice to you like everyday that you were at our house...which was like fucking everyday. just wanted to let you know. BTW Delaney people grow up and do change its called being mature....maybe you should try it sometime. He has always been a good friend to you...you brought this on yourself. oh and i did realize that you find out who your true friends are after marriage....i still have my 2 best friends since 2nd grade that i talk to almost everyday and everyone else has just been to stubborn to be happy for me bc im married and dont sleep around and party all the damn time. sorrry i had to rant also. :(

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Married people become boring and no fun.


Maybe from your perspective. From ours, it's called family and other priorities. I have a kid and a wife that need my attention. That's takes priority over anything else. If you aren't in that situation, you don't understand. Don't forget, us married people have already done what you have. We've been single and done the party thing. Most of you single people haven't been where we are now, so you don't have that perspective. As Shawn said, it's called growing up... :nod:

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Delaney I didnt care that you broke up with KD that was your choice but you did treat an awesome girl shitty and you always borrowed money from her and never gave any back. You played her and that was shitty. ryan was just looking out for his friends and so was I. I mean I honestly have no problem with what you do with your life. If you dont wanna work and be a bum then great for you. But maybe we didnt wanna be brought down with you. Is it wrong to only want to have somewhat positive people in your life. It was ryans choice to not be friends with you not mine. If I didnt like you I wouldnt of been nice to you like everyday that you were at our house...which was like fucking everyday. just wanted to let you know. BTW Delaney people grow up and do change its called being mature....maybe you should try it sometime. He has always been a good friend to you...you brought this on yourself. oh and i did realize that you find out who your true friends are after marriage....i still have my 2 best friends since 2nd grade that i talk to almost everyday and everyone else has just been to stubborn to be happy for me bc im married and dont sleep around and party all the damn time. sorrry i had to rant also. :(


Are u hoblicks spokesperson now, cant talk for himself. I never barrowed money from kd first off. Im not a bum, bums dont have a 700 dollar a month apt, money, cars, dogs, cats, blah blah blah. Hell what do u guys think that if u stayed my friend bcuz i lost my job then u guys would lose urs too, that makes no sense. I wasnt at ur damn house everyday, only when ryan asked me over, and u didnt like when he had people over u wanted all the free time to urself. I am a mature person, from the stupid fights I saw between u and ryan u do some pretty immature things urself, everyone does. Ryan always said he didnt care if I broke up with kd or not that was my decision, I thought I was more of a friend to him than kd was. But then u and kd became friends and so hoblick had to keep on his wifes side. Oh well I have alot of friends, ryan is the only closer one I lost from all this. Dumb shit like this happens in life and u learn things about people. I have a lot of friends, and they are all doing fine, just like me. No negativity here, im a pretty positive person and a damn good friend. Im glad I got this out though bcuz everytime hoblick calls steve or whatever it bothers me bcuz its like I fell off the face of the earth. Doesnt say or ask anything about me or how im doin. Went from good friends to nothin.

Has this ever happened to anyone, or does everyone here actually have real friends.?

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justin first off i could really give a shit less whats happening in your life. this wasnt directed towards you. and why you had to chime in with this bullshit is beyond me. if you want to say shit to me, call me. im not gonna argue over the internet like a child.


the whole meaning of this thread is to see if other people have this problem. i wasnt pointing fingers at anyone, and im not going to try and belittle anyone over the internet.


and so far this thread has taught me that.. that being married and being single are two totally seperate mindframes.

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Bettina seems cool, she isn't hard the eyes ;-) and Hob is a sexy little bitch. Call me, you got my number peaches.


Oh, and on a side note....it gets even worse some times when you and your friends are both married. You have to move on man, find a couple on common ground. We hang out in the garage and ladies do whatever. That is the key.


My best friend of 15 years that I consider more like brother lives 1/2 miles from me. He and his Mustang stay at home every since he got married. Oh, and he has 4 kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I agree go hang out and home depot. Maybe you'll even meet some new friends. J/K, Actually yeah, us old married dudes aren't much fun because all we talk about is retaining walls and doing the wifes flower beds all nice and stuff. The old friends weren't good friends if they ain't around anymore so its time to find new ones in the hobbies your in or if nothing else your friends will probably be your childrens friends parents.



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Are u hoblicks spokesperson now, cant talk for himself. I never barrowed money from kd first off. Im not a bum, bums dont have a 700 dollar a month apt, money, cars, dogs, cats, blah blah blah. Hell what do u guys think that if u stayed my friend bcuz i lost my job then u guys would lose urs too, that makes no sense. I wasnt at ur damn house everyday, only when ryan asked me over, and u didnt like when he had people over u wanted all the free time to urself. I am a mature person, from the stupid fights I saw between u and ryan u do some pretty immature things urself, everyone does. Ryan always said he didnt care if I broke up with kd or not that was my decision, I thought I was more of a friend to him than kd was. But then u and kd became friends and so hoblick had to keep on his wifes side. Oh well I have alot of friends, ryan is the only closer one I lost from all this. Dumb shit like this happens in life and u learn things about people. I have a lot of friends, and they are all doing fine, just like me. No negativity here, im a pretty positive person and a damn good friend. Im glad I got this out though bcuz everytime hoblick calls steve or whatever it bothers me bcuz its like I fell off the face of the earth. Doesnt say or ask anything about me or how im doin. Went from good friends to nothin.

Has this ever happened to anyone, or does everyone here actually have real friends.?



one day you will understand .....when you get married.

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