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How much do you bench?

Science Abuse

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Hell yeah I'd make that thing into a coat and wear it everywhere. Then when the asshat hippies bitch at me I'll show them the scares.



Show them the scars, tell'm it was a fair fight. I also like the term "Nature happens".


That's some Brock Sampson shit right there.

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You're still a nancyboy bitch:



Graphic as hell:

Here, look at his skull.




This got got ripped, litteraly.



Edit: copy/paste image URLs to your browser.


The hunters shot and killed the bear before it could inflict a fatal wound.


I don't get it? He's strong because the hunter's were able to shoot and kill the bear before it could kill him?

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I don't get it? He's strong because the hunter's were able to shoot and kill the bear before it could kill him?

He's strong because he didn't die. Do you have any idea how big of a deal it is to:

Get injured in the middle of nowhere?

Get mauled by a wild animal?

Loose that much blood?

Endure all 3 and live?

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He's strong because he didn't die. Do you have any idea how big of a deal it is to:

Get injured in the middle of nowhere?

Get mauled by a wild animal?

Loose that much blood?

Endure all 3 and live?


Yes, the human body can endure a lot in order to survive, but that has nothing to do with actually how physically strong he is. I still don't see what it has to do with someone's strength

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Yes, the human body can endure a lot in order to survive, but that has nothing to do with actually how physically strong he is. I still don't see what it has to do with someone's strength

That's because you don't know what strenth is. Gather 'round kiddies, got some ancient wisdom for you.

Strenth has nothing to do with you're ability to move stuff. Muscle power is just that, it's power, not strength. There is a huge difference between strength and power. Power, every form of it without acception, can be taken away. You can run out of bullets, have your armies turn on you, break your sword, and have your muscles eaten.

There's a reason that people have said "Only the strong survive". Strength cannot be taken away, it's often intangible. It can run out, and when it does it's replaced by death.

That guy is strong, and it has absolutely nothing to do with muscle. Whacha' bench? Who gives a shit. When shit shit hits the fan it's the weak and powerful that die and the strong that live.

That is the point.


Not to say there isn't a margin of respect to be given for maintaining a physique. But, ask yourself what you are without it. What happens when your power is taken away? Bears can take your power away. :)

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