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What's your theory?

Kevin R.

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Ok, I am baffled by this video. Sure, another internet video, but this one concerns me.


First off, here is the video.






Now, why would the guy upstairs be filming these two gentleman talking?

Why would the guy turn around for no apparent reason and hit this girl?

If, it WAS staged, what two guys would volunteer to get their ass beat by super russian boxer man.


Hmm..what do YOU think?

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Wow, it has me a little perplexed too.


It doesn't seem staged, or, more specifically, their reactions don't appear staged - the boxing guy definitely seemed pissed, and the guys getting worked over definitely seemed to be getting worked over legitimately.


Here's a theory: the two guys are thugs/drug dealers. They know girl in some manner. They are hot-shit in the neighborhood, the kind of thugs that don't mind backhanding a girl in public with another guy just to show how cool they are. So, they're talking about whatever. They cause trouble in the neighborhood, maybe even trouble that day with the girl/couple that we see enter the vid. Maybe the neighbor upstairs knows that the thugs are always up to no good and gets out the video camera to record stuff. Girl comes walking by, she gets whacked in the chops by thugs acting cool, then tough guy with them reacts and beats their ass. Notice that it didn't seem over even after the beat down - both guys seemed intent on pursuing the couple even after getting beat up, like two thugs would after someone got the jump on them. So, they go after them, and who knows what went on behind the obscured view of the trees.


That's just a theory. Not sure why I felt they were thugs - maybe because it's foreign (Russian or whatever), or maybe it was just the body language of the two guys. However, overall, I didn't get that knee-jerk reaction that it was staged - which I usually do when it is.

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Good theory^^^^


I was thinkin this though....somethin a little less complicated....


The video is posted on a street fighting website, so I think: The 2 guys are just sittin there bull shitin actin like theyre talkin and waitin for some guy to come by pretty much by himself to jump him. If you look the guy with the beard looks directly at the man with his girlfriend and as he passes thats when his friend swings back. What sucks for them is they picked a fight with a badass and got their asses handed to them, but still went after the guy even then to hopefully get more footage for the site and maybe beat him that time. And the guy on the roof was friends with the 2 guys and was the peron filming to put it on the site.


-just my theory

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Good theory^^^^




The video is posted on a street fighting website, so I think: The 2 guys are just sittin there bull shitin actin like theyre talkin and waitin for some guy to come by pretty much by himself to jump him. If you look the guy with the beard looks directly at the man with his girlfriend and as he passes thats when his friend swings back. What sucks for them is they picked a fight with a badass and got their asses handed to them, but still went after the guy even then to hopefully get more footage for the site and maybe beat him that time. And the guy on the roof was friends with the 2 guys and was the peron filming to put it on the site.


Actually, this makes a great deal of sense, and I never thought of it from that approach. It would make sense that the guy in the window would be "in" with the guys on the street, since he was filming them plainly standing there.


BUT, if they are so "badass" they think they can approach any stranger and beat their ass on film for the sake of a video, wouldn't the guy with the camera be on the ground as well? Why hide in a window? Perhaps to gain a better view.


I like this theory and I think you may have hit it dead on. Only thing is, their plan backfired, and a seemingly innocent looking man beat the living shit out of both of them. Hilarioucity.

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Here is my long shot, The camera man is sitting in his room, he hears two guys talking shit, gets camera and films two guys down below, One guy thinks he is so tough that he will slap a girl before he beats the other dudes ass (not knowing the russian boxer would kick both of their asses).
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Very good point of view my friend. BUT, if this were the case, and the two original men were in fact about to fight, why wouldn't the other guy notify the boxer guy of this and watch in joy as the guy gets his ass kicked.


Plus, if they were originally about to fight, I don't think they would team up as they did and go after the guy.


It appeared to me as if Jason's theory makes sense because the man appeared to be telling him "fake directions" waiting for someone to fight. But, still sketchy.


If anyone knows any of the 3 guys in this video from some foreign country, please get in contact with them. Thanks. :cool:

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Okay. Upon further review of the video I believe you may actually have got it Kris.


Here is how I see it:


These two guys are actually talking shit to eachother (i didnt watch it with the sound on the first times) and it appears an older lady (due to loudness of voice) is filming from a window. (You can hear her yell at the end..probably "STOP" or "GO AWAY") Then, it appears as these two men are in the middle of arguing, the girl or guy that are approaching say something, because the two men turn towards them. He then slaps the girl, and they proceed to get their ass beat. Then, for some reason they join forces at the end and decide to go after super boxes man.


That is my theory.

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Just watched it again.


I disagree with the assertion that the two guys are preparing to fight one another. Neither's body language seems to suggest that there is any real animosity between the two. I would think two guys preparing to fight - or at least one preparing to beat on another - would assume much different postures in such close proximity to each other.


Also, it sounds to me like a woman is filming - admittedly, I am judging that only on what the camera-person's breathing sounds like. (It sounds, well, kind of feminine.)


The woman shouting doesn't shout until after the one guy has wailed on the other two. Also, I don't think the woman shouting is the same woman filming. Though, it could be.


Further, I don't the theory that these two were looking to fight the guy holds much water. Look at the reaction of the one guy that doesn't slap the girl - he's completely taken aback by the aggression of the guy, like he's completely caught off guard. Don't you think that if these two were looking to jump someone that they would have been a little more prepared for aggression on the part of the other guy?


The theory that the one guy was going to beat the other guy up and then in a display of machismo slaps the passer-by doesn't make much sense to me. Again, they didn't look like there was any animosity between the two before the boxer guy came on the scene. So, I can't buy that there was about to be a fight between them before the fight broke out with boxer guy. Also, them "teaming up" at the end doesn't make sense either if it's accepted that they were just about to fight before boxer guy happened on the scene.


I'm with whoever said that the boxer guy and/or girl may have said something to the two guys as they were passing. Maybe the two guys had just roughed up some other people in the park or were causing trouble before the vid starts. Then, here comes socially conscious couple, and they say something like, "Hey, quit being jerks." Well, being a jerk, the one guy instinctively backhands girl, and then all hell broke loose.

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Also, besides all the fucking forensics going on here, isn't it great to see how many great shots that guy landed on the other two? The guy in the dark jacket was super wobly - watch him after he gets wailed on the first time - and the guy in the white jacket got it worse - notice the last punch that catches him really flush and puts him down. All in all, it's an entertaining little piece of video.
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jesus christ people, dont read complexity into this.

2 guys talking in a park, they are talking very close to eachother, indicating that they don't want whatever is being said being heard. This would be suspicious to your average old lady. For whatever reason they were being filmed, that's the difficult part.


Why the chick got hit is incredibly easy, look at the film:

0 sec's : guy is pointing off in some direction, his conversation involves pointing.

The slap is not a slap at all, look again. she gets hit with his fore arm.

It's simple, the conversation involved another pointing gesture, the guy turns around and points his arm out, oblivious to the chick being there. Look at his demenor afterwards, hes just as suprised, he may even be stoned.

The bearded guy didn't look at the couple, he was checking out the chick just like you, I and every hetero man would.

The guy in the athletic suit has obviously beat some ass before. He reacts quickly and makes short work of the guys. His woman reins him in and they walk away.

Beared guy does not want to fight, his reation is "hey hold on a minute" BLAM "dont touch me Gesichtharrmann!"

When it's over, the two guys regroup and realize what happend, and they go after the couple again. what they intended to do, i do not know. If they wanted vengence, they would have ran. They may have wanted to clear things up, either with a "WTF was that, it was an accident" or "We're so sorry, dont beat our asses every time you see us!"

they catch up and the guy is not happy to see him, and begine beating, woman cries out to him to stop.


summary, the cause was:

Not paying attnetion -> roid rage ->not knowing when to leave it alone -> roid rage.

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The slap is not a slap at all, look again. she gets hit with his fore arm. It's simple, the conversation involved another pointing gesture, the guy turns around and points his arm out, oblivious to the chick being there.


With all due respect, I think you're incredibly wrong. His gesture was, IMO, an intentional slap, not an act of pointing out directions.


I'm starting to lean toward the theory that these two guys were trying to start a fight just to start a fight and simply, like the title of the video implies, messed with the wrong guy. Person filming it is in on it - maybe it's a girl, maybe it's not. They film themselves wailing on people and put it on the Internet, just like a bunch of other adolescents/idiots have done recently. (I've seen a few news stories lately featuring adolescents engaging in "random beatings" of people and recording it on their camera phones.) They whack girl, guy goes nuts on them, their caught off guard and get their asses beat. They go after guy because, well, their pride is hurt, and they know they just got a beat down that was filmed on camera.


I'm trying to make use of Ockam's razor, here - the simplest explanation for a given event is usually the correct explanation.

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everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But one hilarious fact that all you maters of observation left out:

24sec-31sec; the guy cant get up because his pants have falled down. He got beaten bare assed. ;)


I'm trying to make use of Ockam's razor, here - the simplest explanation for a given event is usually the correct explanation.

And Ockam says that the guy hit the girl by mistake. There was no long standing back story of animocity between the guys. Andy they're not just some pillow bighters starting fights for fun.

Reading some of these theories reminds me of Jim Brewers eulogy of Killer the Rottweiler in Half Baked. :p

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I watched it again, and I this time I think I have it.


The two guys at the beginning are pharmaceutical reps who work with Eli Lilly. They've just finished up a presentation at the park, and it didn't go well. They're meeting to discuss what went wrong. One of the rep points, and I think you can hear him say, "If we had set up over there with the pamphlets on Prozac it would have went a lot better." The camera person is actually the two reps' supervisor, who has had mounting concerns about their presentation style and on-job effectiveness. So, in secret, the supervisor has decided to videotape them and later submit it to human resources. One of the reps is afflicted with Tourette's sydrome. As the couple passes, he manifests (characteristically) a reflective tic, causing his arm to swing out and hit the woman. The boxer guy - who is a massive homophobe - interprets the slap as actually an act of homosexual groping, and reacts aggressively, beating the two men as a means of releasing his hatred for all things gay. Satisfied with his handywork, he leaves. The two reps, fearing that boxer guy is off to tear down their Prozac kiosk, gather themselves to hurry after him and save their materials.


There, that baby's been put to bed.

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