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What's your theory?

Kevin R.

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The question is. Can you take the russian boxer man?


If you think you can, I bet JP will place a bet on it. :p


He left himself open quite a few times for an arm-bar... assuming one was fast enough to catch it. You only need one opertunity to lock it in.

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The two guys at the beginning are pharmaceutical reps who work with Eli Lilly. They've just finished up a presentation at the park, and it didn't go well. They're meeting to discuss what went wrong. One of the rep points, and I think you can hear him say, "If we had set up over there with the pamphlets on Prozac it would have went a lot better." The camera person is actually the two reps' supervisor, who has had mounting concerns about their presentation style and on-job effectiveness. So, in secret, the supervisor has decided to videotape them and later submit it to human resources. One of the reps is afflicted with Tourette's sydrome. As the couple passes, he manifests (characteristically) a reflective tic, causing his arm to swing out and hit the woman. The boxer guy - who is a massive homophobe - interprets the slap as actually an act of homosexual groping, and reacts aggressively, beating the two men as a means of releasing his hatred for all things gay. Satisfied with his handywork, he leaves. The two reps, fearing that boxer guy is off to tear down their Prozac kiosk, gather themselves to hurry after him and save their materials.





I just love racing forums!

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Guest zanesvillepgt
jesus christ people, dont read complexity into this.

2 guys talking in a park, they are talking very close to eachother, indicating that they don't want whatever is being said being heard. This would be suspicious to your average old lady. For whatever reason they were being filmed, that's the difficult part.


Why the chick got hit is incredibly easy, look at the film:

0 sec's : guy is pointing off in some direction, his conversation involves pointing.

The slap is not a slap at all, look again. she gets hit with his fore arm.

It's simple, the conversation involved another pointing gesture, the guy turns around and points his arm out, oblivious to the chick being there. Look at his demenor afterwards, hes just as suprised, he may even be stoned.

The bearded guy didn't look at the couple, he was checking out the chick just like you, I and every hetero man would.

The guy in the athletic suit has obviously beat some ass before. He reacts quickly and makes short work of the guys. His woman reins him in and they walk away.

Beared guy does not want to fight, his reation is "hey hold on a minute" BLAM "dont touch me Gesichtharrmann!"

When it's over, the two guys regroup and realize what happend, and they go after the couple again. what they intended to do, i do not know. If they wanted vengence, they would have ran. They may have wanted to clear things up, either with a "WTF was that, it was an accident" or "We're so sorry, dont beat our asses every time you see us!"

they catch up and the guy is not happy to see him, and begine beating, woman cries out to him to stop.


summary, the cause was:

Not paying attnetion -> roid rage ->not knowing when to leave it alone -> roid rage.



I'm deff with you on this one! Good job man.


As for the reason behind the video tapping I'm also going along with you on this but yet I'm gonna attempt to take it one step further... I belive it's being tapped for the fact that it was in deed a nosey older woman and only due to the fact that she (like most nosey older women) belive they are up to "no good" and so she grabs a video camera and starts recording to have something to give the police in hopes of these "punks" not coming around her residence again?



Brain hurts...... must sleep....

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