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boat launching-any tips?


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Hey everybody, I was wondering if anybody has any tips on launching a boat, specifically towing the trailer. My gf's parents are on vacation in Europe for a month, so she and I have to take the jetski out of the water this weekend. I have never towed anything before, and I don't want to be "that guy" that can't back the trailer down the ramp. Any tips? Thanks.
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drive it down to an empty parking lot and practice...it took me about 2 minutes...dont turn the wheel very hard, because the slightest bit will pivot on the ball and take the trailer you need it to go. turn the wheel the opposite way you want the ass end of the trailer to go.
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A jetski trailer is short, which means that it will turn on you way more than you want it to. When backing, make very small corrections with the steering wheel. Also, you only need to back it in just far enough to get the jetski on, if you go too far it won't sit on the trailer, will move around, and might not sit right when you pull it out. Just remember that you turn the wheel in the opposite direction of what you would normal do in order to get the trailer where you want it, and take turns a bit wider than normal. It gets kinda bumpy when you are jumping curbs. A trailer that only holds one probably wouldn't make a difference though, but make sure you are watching your mirrors constantly.
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Get as straight to the ramp as possible. Dont use your rear view, it will mess you up. Use your side mirrors. Slowely back up and just watch one side of the trailer. If it starts to go to one side, just slowly correct. If your loading by yourself, tie a rope to the handle. and pull it over to the ramp. If someone is riding it over to the trailer, have them put the front pin in and stay on it until you pull back to level ground.
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Dont back in until the rear truck tires fall off the ramp ;)


For a waverunner, leave about a foot and 1/2 or 2ft. of the end of the bunk showing out of the water, that should get you pretty close.


Small trailers like that can be the hardest to manuver. Just go slow, and if you get too far off course, just pull forward a bit to straighten it back out.

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I think the best piece of advice anyone can give you, especially if you've never done it before, is to just relax. You certainly won't be perfect on the first shot, and even the second, third, or twentieth may be a bit dicey (that's about how many times I had to try with my dad's boat trailer :wtf: ). Nobody's grading you, there isn't a prize for setting the new extraction record, and you've already got the girl. Be patient, get used to how the trailer reacts, and enjoy the parent-free month :cool:
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A jetski trailer is short, which means that it will turn on you way more than you want it to. When backing, make very small corrections with the steering wheel. Also, you only need to back it in just far enough to get the jetski on, if you go too far it won't sit on the trailer, will move around, and might not sit right when you pull it out. Just remember that you turn the wheel in the opposite direction of what you would normal do in order to get the trailer where you want it, and take turns a bit wider than normal. It gets kinda bumpy when you are jumping curbs. A trailer that only holds one probably wouldn't make a difference though, but make sure you are watching your mirrors constantly.

Good advice right there.


I don't buy into the whole "hold the wheel at the bottom" crap. Just remember the trailer goes the opposite way you steer, no biggie. Boat ramps aren't all that hard.

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Good advice right there.


I don't buy into the whole "hold the wheel at the bottom" crap. Just remember the trailer goes the opposite way you steer, no biggie. Boat ramps aren't all that hard.


Honestly, I have never heard anybody say that until this thread, and I learned to pull trailers when I was 16.

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Its what the guys tell there wifes/girl friends when they are letting them drive the tow rig. I always look in the mirrors and it comes pretty natural since the mirrors are a reverse image already. Usually I watch the drivers side if I know for sure the trailer is gonna fit where I"m trying to put it. Then I worry about centering up later if its necessary.

Another important tip that no ones mentioned. "remember you have front corners too and watch the front end of your truck as well." I've almost put my front end into things before because of my 90 degree docking manuever required to put my trailer in my driveway. Thats why I use the mirrors as much as possible. That way I'm able to better monitor my tow rigs position.



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So easy. Silly thread. Use brain and you will succeed.


Everyone has to start somewhere, no need to belittle someone for asking for advice instead of just going out there and possibly backing into someones car because he wasn't sure what to do :rolleyes:

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Well, just thought I'd let everybody know how it went. Got the jetski out of the water fine. Went to an empty parking lot and practiced for about 10 minutes. It wasn't really that hard. I probably did look like a novice at the boat ramp, but at least I didn't look stupid. Two pointers that weren't mentioned:


1. Don't let your girlfriend try and tell you how to steer. She's probably wrong and will mess you up.

2. I opened up the liftgate (we were using an SUV) and turned around to guide the trailer in. I found that much easier than using any of the mirrors.


Anyways, thanks for all the help. Sorry, but you won't see any videos of me sinking the car on the internet!

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