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Cop thread: Released from training, woot


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Ive been looking forward to this day since June 13th of 2005 when I started the academy as a young cadet, graduated, was sworn in and began my first day of patrol with a partner of 14 years experience. I went from being told "sit down, shut up, watch and listen" to now telling others to do the same thing. Working my ass off since that day and sacraficing many days and nights of not being able to meet with family and friends, has finally paid off.



39 Arrests,

45 Citations and

36 Vehicle Impounds

(estimates from what Ive kept track of, not including some of the others I was involved with),

I was told last night when I came in for 3rd shift to "grab your own cruiser, its your show tonight..."


That is all :)

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Valley View still or are you actually on with CPD now?


John, you were on part time with Valleyview? Why did noone tell me??


FYI my parents live there and I'm usually over there at least once a week, let me know if you are still there so I can keep an eye out for you. :)


Congradualtions! :woowoo:

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Im still in the village yup... My stepping stone here for bigger things down the road. I get into more then enough stuff here to keep me happy for a while.


I took the CPD test this past Monday and I know I did well on all the parts this time, hopefully I can get a full time ride there. I will keep trying until I get on hah


Jesse youll have to let me know that address :)

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