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U of M just arrived in Columbus


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ha. i just said something to one of the supervisors at my work about them coming into port columbus...he goes "they flew from ann arbor???" when i said "thats what i hear" he goes "well...i guess directions in a bus would be hard from anyone from michigan...im glad to see they were able to find their terminal number to get onto the plane"


OSU > U of M

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I work at the airport, my hanger has a completely clear view of the south runway. I didn't even know that they were there until a co-worker told me that they were about to land. bfd. She is a Michigan fan, so she was all super excited to watch her team. Nice girl, dumb, but nice.




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I am thinking of getting rid of my car. I figure if I get a Michigan plate and write, drove south til I smelled it and east til I stepped in it.... It will get flipped and burned and I can get a new car.


Predictable mob mentality behavior.

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Guest MX3Chick
ha. i just said something to one of the supervisors at my work about them coming into port columbus...he goes "they flew from ann arbor???" when i said "thats what i hear" he goes "well...i guess directions in a bus would be hard from anyone from michigan...im glad to see they were able to find their terminal number to get onto the plane"


OSU > U of M



LOL...its true though.



I wore my OSU jersey to work today because they are having Perdue/Indiana day (stupid Hoosiers) and got to listen to a chorus of "boos" from some people. I told them "I know, OSU leaves you speachless and that's all you can manage to spit out right now. You wouldnt know what a real football team looked like anyways"

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For those who give a ...... Michigan's football team just landed at the Port Columbus Airport. I watched them land and unload their players and stuff onto two buses.




Uhm, are you sure??????


Shortly before 1:30 p.m. on Friday, Michigan's team buses left Ann Arbor to travel to Columbus, Ohio, site of Saturday's game. Television news footage showed a visibly grim Michigan coach Lloyd Carr getting on the bus along with several forlorn looking players and staff members. The team was expected to arrive in Columbus at 4:30 p.m.




Its about half way down the page. Why would the fly in to Port Columbus to ride busses home, then ride busses back the next day?????

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Um by the columbus media, U of M boarded a bus TODAY at 1:15pm bound for Columbus after being informed of Michigan's greatest coach passing. So I think you were mis informed......



Quoted at the bottom of the story:


"Michigan coach Lloyd Carr and his team boarded a bus for Columbus at about 1:15 p.m. Video taken showed what appeared to be a quiet Wolverine team leaving the school's football facilities."

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Um by the columbus media, U of M boarded a bus TODAY at 1:15pm bound for Columbus after being informed of Michigan's greatest coach passing. So I think you were mis informed......



Quoted at the bottom of the story:


"Michigan coach Lloyd Carr and his team boarded a bus for Columbus at about 1:15 p.m. Video taken showed what appeared to be a quiet Wolverine team leaving the school's football facilities."



Watched them get on the bus on ESPN news about an hour ago. Maybe they flew in the decoy team!

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