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flash your lights and die?

Big A

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I woke up this morning feeling like shit. I blacked out at some point last night - I was partying pretty hard with people I didn't really know, and I think they may have slipped something in my drink. Anyway, to my absolute horror, when I looked down I saw that I had a huge gash on my lower back, though it had been cleaned and sutured neatly. When I stumbled into the bathroom, I saw written on the mirrow with lipstick:


"Thank you for the kidney. Be thankful you still have one left. We're selling the other one on the black market as you are reading this, sucker."


OMG this is terrible!!!!!11!!1!!1!!

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I woke up this morning feeling like shit. I blacked out at some point last night - I was partying pretty hard with people I didn't really know, and I think they may have slipped something in my drink. Anyway, to my absolute horror, when I looked down I saw that I had a huge gash on my lower back, though it had been cleaned and sutured neatly. When I stumbled into the bathroom, I saw written on the mirrow with lipstick:


"Thank you for the kidney. Be thankful you still have one left. We're selling the other one on the black market as you are reading this, sucker."


OMG this is terrible!!!!!11!!1!!1!!



Look John, I said I would give it back for your z06, So Don't complain you made you choice now live with it for another day or 2.


My man brothers sisters moms cosuins friend had the getting shot when you flash lights


Honestly I laugh at poeple who take stupid ass stories at face value, Almost as dumb as


Gates giving money away for email

The baby that was burnt 6 years ago people say to pass on because they get money.

The ghost picture

The 419ers

the list goes on and on


99% of these can be disregarded with a glance at them. let bit of common sense. The rest can be checked on snopes.

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