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So my dad was robbed today.....

Dr. Apex

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Someone decided they needed his belongings more than he did and broke into his house today while he was at work. They did it in broad daylight kicking the front door in. Lots of odds and ends were taken but most importantly his guns were stolen.

Probably the most important of which were a matching pair of Winchester Model 97 12 and 16 gauge shotguns that were purchased by my grand father new back in the 20's I believe.

I know it's a long shot but should anyone here of some guns like this for sale somewhere please do the right thing and try to let me know or the police. Several of the guns were brought back from Germany in WW2 by my grandfather and have great meaning to my family as they are irreplaceable.


Thanx, Ben

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Yeah that happend to my dad in AZ, they kicked in his door and stole all his guns he brought back from Germany when he was in the military. Most importantly they stole his .45 old west rifle he had since he was a kid in the 50's. I got to shoot it a few times and it was fun to shoot, because it was like being a outlaw shooting at targets. I was hard to hit the target at 100 yards. Bastards. Have any pics?
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Yes it happened in columbus, I can get the report number tomorrow. No pics of the guns, we used to have all the serial numbers written down but likely dont have it anymore.

I'm so fucking mad right now, my dad works hard for what he has and some cheap lazy fuck barges in and takes his shit to make some quick cash, if I ever find him he'll beg me to kill him.

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damn im sorry to hear about this, its one thing that people steal from me, but if they did it to my father id be more heated just because, cops should have already been checking out the pawn shops ect. I FUCKING HATE LOW LIFES.

Because of all the break entrys that have been going around here, at night i keep a full clip next to my ruger pistol in the night stand.

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+1 for the pawn shops idea. check gun stores too.


when there were those home invasions last year in german village, thats how they caught them. one of the people who got robbed started looking around local pawn shops, went to one and lo and behold, there was a bunch of his shit.

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yes thieves suck, especially the repeat ones!


i was just up at Hinds MS, and the owner was telling me that they have many many break-ins ... and the thing is, the thieves are repeaters. They steal a car and get caught, locked up, get out and do it all over again!


Ridiculous! Should deport these people, or just lock em up longer.

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Sawbinder, chime in on this if im wrong, but don't you need the serial numbers and some type of proof of ownership to sell a gun to a gun shop? or a pawn shop? I'm guessing most likely these will be sold to private persons but who knows, I'll be visiting a few around town to see if I recognize something.

The detective said they would look into the store returns things, but it's unlikely they will get anything out of it. The Winchester rifles and a few other guns are possible to recover because of rarity.

Our hopes of recovering anything are little and the insurance company is already haggling on shit, so here comes the legal battle with them.

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I've sold a couple of handguns at that Westerville shop. Not only did they not check my ID but the guns had no serial numbers or anything. If he would have asked me, I woulnd't have been able to prove I owned them. He looked up the face value and gave me cash in about 2 or 3 minutes.
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