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Would you do this for your wife....


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Id take my wife if she wanted to go.Im glad she doesnt, but It could be worse.


btw- when I worked at The Red Zone doing security we were hired by Nsync to run security at the Schott for their concert and it was mostly little girls and gay men!


good luck

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Says the guy who has to ask permission to take a dump....


I take her on enough vacations that missing out on ol' JT won't be that big of deal. :)

sheet... I don't ask permission for squat beech!


vacations are somthing that you both get something out of... this is doing something specifically for HER... trust me, it's different.




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When JT came to cleveland I went out to the bars after the concert and let me say that I've never seen so many hot girls out in shitty ass weather as there was that night. I can only imagine how it was at the concert. Literally the girls out numbered the guys that night at the bars and that NEVER happens...
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The concert was a damn good time. Any of you smart [non-offensively ugly] dudes should have gone to be surounded by amped up mid 20 y/o girls. I did well this night.




Or, we could have waited for our wives to come home and gotten some then. Which is what I did... :D

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