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Official 2007 weight loss contest thread?


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I was thinking we could do it like they're doing on OT. Send in a picture of yourself, timestamped. Also, send in a pic of the scale readout, timestamped. I think we could get much more people involved if we do it this way. Not many folks would show up for an 'official' weigh-in.


We could then post up the pics at the end, before and after, profile shot and scale shot. Then have CR take a vote on them, via a poll. Who's up for this idea?


They also had a PayPal pot system. PayPal in your money to one responsible person. Then, whoever wins, gets the PayPal pot, minus any fees.

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I was thinking of use the chart for hight and age that tells what you shouls weigh in order to place people into the catorgories say more than 50 to lose and less than 50 or maybe some other number. However this is only if people realy want it I whould just rather leave as one big group since I am a big guy.


We can have the First weigh in in 2 weeks On the 20th At my house. We will at that time write down all weights and collect money ($20 bye in sounds cool) and I was thinking maybe let ether Alex or Anthony hold both since I don't belive ether in going to get in on this and they are trusted members. I belive I can arange for a full medicale rated scale to use then as well.


Also what is permited in your guys eyes just so everyone is clear

1. Trainer?

2. Slimfast/ Some gnc stuff/ etc.?

3. I am sure the Optifast program I did a bit back is illigeal (should be)

any others ?


I say we just leave it as one big group. Every man/woman for himself/herself.


If someone wants to get a trainer, that would be up to them. It would kinda seem pointless to pay for that if you're trying to win the pot. To each their own, I guess. But using a trainer wouldn't be cheating, IMO.


As far as supplements like slimfast, or whatever, I don't know. Something like that is suppose to be a nutritious supplement, whereas I don't consider diet pills nutritious. Know what I'm sayin?

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Oh, and once we've got the details ironed out, Scott, if you're going to host the weigh-in, start a new thread titled something like ***Biggest Loser 2007: CR Edition*** and put all of the details in the first post and see if we could make it a sticky for the duration of the contest.
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if we are going to do this we should start it as soon as possible like the 16th or the 22nd.


we would also need to do a group weigh-in most scales can be adjusted to a point (on mine i can adjust 10 lbs either way). Nt saying anyone is dishonest but if its all done with the same equipment theres no way to fudge the results.


If we do it I would say

1. $10 or $20 buy in TBD

2. no weigh lose programs like the Optifast program.

3. do it for at least 10 or 12 weeks for best results TBD

4. try to have at least 1 or 2 weigh-ing mid way to see results.

5. not sure of what else to add.

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we would also need to do a group weigh-in most scales can be adjusted to a point (on mine i can adjust 10 lbs either way). Nt saying anyone is dishonest but if its all done with the same equipment theres no way to fudge the results.


If we do it I would say

1. $10 or $20 buy in TBD

2. no weigh lose programs like the Optifast program.

3. do it for at least 10 or 12 weeks for best results TBD

4. try to have at least 1 or 2 weigh-ing mid way to see results.

5. not sure of what else to add.


I was thinking start the 21st and ending April 1rst. As I have a April trip to get "ready" for so that should work good. I whould def. think every one needs to weigh in in front of some one in the thing so if one person can't make the sunday weigh in then they can come out ether sat or mon and weigh in on the same scale as everone else. We can have a weigh in half way, but I think 2 whould make this thing a PIA and lose people. So maybe a Feb 25th weigh in whould work for a mid way one.

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Just have everyone wear shorts and a tshirt under their clothes or bring them to change into. Clothing really makes a few pound difference.


Ah, getting healthy and improving our trap times all at once.


Gotta finish that box of Eggnog ice cream sandwiches quick, lol.

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Guy's we dont ALL have to weigh in on the SAME sunday. lets make it the weekend of the 20th and 21st. Gives everyone 2 days to make it to whom ever is hosting the weigh in.


I vote:

-20$ buy in

-12 weeks long, 1 weigh in every 3 weeks

-sully to be in charge of it, he seem's to have the best idea's and said he was willing.

-Anthing goes just short of using speed, or this Optifast thing.

-No timestamped pictures and proof of date etc., if someone would like to monitor their progress leave it up to them to take photos of themselves. The more difficult and complex this get's the less likely people will want to join.


what do you guys think?


Last, what the hell is optifast?

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Guy's we dont ALL have to weigh in on the SAME sunday. lets make it the weekend of the 20th and 21st. Gives everyone 2 days to make it to whom ever is hosting the weigh in.


I vote:

-20$ buy in

-12 weeks long, 1 weigh in every 3 weeks

-sully to be in charge of it, he seem's to have the best idea's and said he was willing.

-Anthing goes just short of using speed, or this Optifast thing.

-No timestamped pictures and proof of date etc., if someone would like to monitor their progress leave it up to them to take photos of themselves. The more difficult and complex this get's the less likely people will want to join.


what do you guys think?


Last, what the hell is optifast?



Honestly, it is only fair to have everyone weigh-in on the same day. If someone weighs in on Saturday, that gives them an extra day. I know it won't make too much of a difference, but it can mke some. Plus, the person hosting the weigh-in has to be available both days since everyone needs to weigh-in on the same scale.


I don't think we should try to have everyone weigh-in every 3 weeks. That's just too much. I know I will be outta town a couple times between now and the final weigh-in. I'm sure everyone else will have other things to do and possibly not be able to make it every 3 weeks. The initial weigh-in and the final weigh-in is all we really NEED to do. In theory, weighing-in every few weeks would keep the competition interesting, but I just don't think it's practicable.

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-Anthing goes just short of using speed, or this Optifast thing.

-No timestamped pictures and proof of date etc., if someone would like to monitor their progress leave it up to them to take photos of themselves. The more difficult and complex this get's the less likely people will want to join.


what do you guys think?


Last, what the hell is optifast?


I still say weight loss supplements are not allowed, nutrients would be though.


And I say that the pictures are needed. If someone really wants to take part and lose the weight and win the money, they will deal with the complexity of the task at hand.

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what the heck is optifast?


Its like a powder mix thing and you need a prescription from a nutritionist or a doctor to get it. Think Slimfast on speed. My mom lost a hell of a lot of weight in about a month and a half. She quit and gained it all back.



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