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know whats weird?

cptn janks

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cattle = make money

black people = steal money





I am saying what the dems have said... not what I believe!


Also the state governments in Kansas and Colorado are doing for themselves not waiting for the feds to come in. States must be accountable for their own people.

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It's not weird at all. The press just decided to report something positive for once. There were 1000's of civilians, troops, and police trying to help N.O. residents hours - not days or weeks - after the disaster.


That does not increase ratings. Interviewing 25 ignorant poor people bitching about our sitting president not helping people that were warned FOR DAYS to get the Hell out of Dodge, makes ratings.

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It's not weird at all. The press just decided to report something positive for once. There were 1000's of civilians, troops, and police trying to help N.O. residents hours - not days or weeks - after the disaster.


That does not increase ratings. Interviewing 25 ignorant poor people bitching about our sitting president not helping people that were warned FOR DAYS to get the Hell out of Dodge, makes ratings.



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It's not weird at all. The press just decided to report something positive for once. There were 1000's of civilians, troops, and police trying to help N.O. residents hours - not days or weeks - after the disaster.


That does not increase ratings. Interviewing 25 ignorant poor people bitching about our sitting president not helping people that were warned FOR DAYS to get the Hell out of Dodge, makes ratings.

It's good to know there's still some people don't believe what the news says all the time.

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we'll label that comment as moderately racist.


How do you figure?


Nowhere did he mention a single race, creed, or religion for that matter.

I guess "People" is now universally interchangeable with any racial slur of choice.



Some people shouldn't really take drugs...


BTW.. I'm gonna be racial with you now..


ahhahah !!! Take that!!!

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Guest Mushijobah
we'll label that comment as moderately racist.


New Orleans has a lot of poor people. By calling it moderately racist, you assumed he was talking about black people which is racist in itself. :thumbup: . I can't wait until the next storm takes it out again so our taxes are wasted even more on a city that is destined to doom.

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How do you figure?


Nowhere did he mention a single race, creed, or religion for that matter.

I guess "People" is now universally interchangeable with any racial slur of choice.



Some people shouldn't really take drugs...


BTW.. I'm gonna be racial with you now..


ahhahah !!! Take that!!!


the wards that were underwater after the levee broke were predominantly black. if you want to get into tecnicalities, thats fine. but everyone knew what was meant by "the people" in the lower wards.

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the wards that were underwater after the levee broke were predominantly black. if you want to get into tecnicalities, thats fine. but everyone knew what was meant by "the people" in the lower wards.


The levee did not break...it was bombed


I did not mention the lower wards. There were many stupid white people in N.O. too. If I tell you your house is going to flood due to a swelling river and you don't leave ahead of the crest, its your fault!


I always like how when some one tells the truth, they are labeled and extremist, racist, a hate monger ect. Our society has become so sensitive to the "feelings" of others that it is crippling our nation.


I will tell you that I am not a racist, I firmly believe that everyone should have the same opportunities in life. If you fail.. tough, dont cry, dont blame others!

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Okay, so let me get this right BuckeyeGT and JMR...


You think the hurricane snuck up on them in the middle of the night and surprised them? This was a mugger wearing a mask. This was a motherfucking cat 5 hurricane with a week's notice. They were told by local, state, and federal government agencies to get the fuck out, shit's going to hit the fan. So they don't leave. They stay. They get flooded. They kill, rape, loot, etc... then cry about not getting any help? Fuck them. Seriously. It's a shame what happened. It really is. But this motherfucker didn't sneak up on them. They knew it was coming and made a decision not to leave.

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Okay, so let me get this right BuckeyeGT and JMR...


You think the hurricane snuck up on them in the middle of the night and surprised them? This was a mugger wearing a mask. This was a motherfucking cat 5 hurricane with a week's notice. They were told by local, state, and federal government agencies to get the fuck out, shit's going to hit the fan. So they don't leave. They stay. They get flooded. They kill, rape, loot, etc... then cry about not getting any help? Fuck them. Seriously. It's a shame what happened. It really is. But this motherfucker didn't sneak up on them. They knew it was coming and made a decision not to leave.


where would these poor "people" go? they live paycheck to paycheck (often welfare check to welfare check). new orleans has had hurricane warnings in the past. no one expected the catastrophic flooding that equated after katrina.

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where would these poor "people" go? they live paycheck to paycheck (often welfare check to welfare check). new orleans has had hurricane warnings in the past. no one expected the catastrophic flooding that equated after katrina.

Maybe a few hundred school buses would have helped... I forgot they got flooded too.

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Guest Mushijobah
It had been all over the news, especially in New Orleans, that a levy breach was basically going to happen. It was also known that the current levees could not withstand a hurricane > category 4. It is ALL THEIR FAULT. New Orleans should be restored to it's original state as a fairly deep wetland/lake and they should rebuild the port a little bit further up-river. This will never happen because people need a place to get trashed and it's 'history' is more important than people's lives.
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where would these poor "people" go? they live paycheck to paycheck (often welfare check to welfare check).

Being poor keeps people from being able to think? A week dude. A week. You're told "stay here and die". What do you do? Stay? No, you walk your happy ass out there, hitchhike, steal a car, something. You get your ass out. The only people to blame are those of New Orleans. The city could have done something. Busses would've been a great idea. You know, the one's that picked them up from the dome?


new orleans has had hurricane warnings in the past. no one expected the catastrophic flooding that equated after katrina.

Are you on crack? Did you eat leaded paint chips as a child? No one expected the flooding? What part of "a big ass motherfucking catagory 5 hurricane is coming and is going to flood the fishbowl you call home, get the fuck out" didn't you or the citizens of New Orleans understand?

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It had been all over the news, especially in New Orleans, that a levy breach was basically going to happen. It was also known that the current levees could not withstand a hurricane > category 4. It is ALL THEIR FAULT. New Orleans should be restored to it's original state as a fairly deep wetland/lake and they should rebuild the port a little bit further up-river. This will never happen because people need a place to get trashed and it's 'history' is more important than people's lives.


Actually the original parts of NO (French Quarter) are built on the high land, and are perfectly fine. The other parts that were majorly affected were the low lying areas that were originally intended to by farm land by the original city planners

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Okay, so let me get this right BuckeyeGT and JMR...


You think the hurricane snuck up on them in the middle of the night and surprised them? This was a mugger wearing a mask. This was a motherfucking cat 5 hurricane with a week's notice. They were told by local, state, and federal government agencies to get the fuck out, shit's going to hit the fan. So they don't leave. They stay. They get flooded. They kill, rape, loot, etc... then cry about not getting any help? Fuck them. Seriously. It's a shame what happened. It really is. But this motherfucker didn't sneak up on them. They knew it was coming and made a decision not to leave.


the state evacuation plan paid little attention to the 100,000 people of low mobility. (ie. the elderly, the infirm, poor people with no car).


is this fuck them mentality why FEMA turned away truckloads of water, diesel fuel from the coast guard, the and the government told electrical crews to drop what they were doing (working on restoring power to a hospital)to go restore power to the oil pipeline? what about that time when FEMA cut the orleans parish emergency communication line and then the sherriff had to restore it and post ARMED GUARDS to protect it from FEMA?



Being poor keeps people from being able to think? A week dude. A week. You're told "stay here and die". What do you do? Stay? No, you walk your happy ass out there, hitchhike, steal a car, something. You get your

ass out.


the mandatory evacuation order was given 19 hours before the storm hit, a week earlier the storm could have not even hit new orleans. honestly. every time there is a tornado warning on TV do you go straight to the basement? secondly, while they did give the order, they DIDNT make provisions to actually get people out. especially the 27% of people without private transportation.


Busses would've been a great idea. You know, the one's that picked them up from the dome?


oh, you mean the ones that the national guard brought in FIVE days after the storm hit (saturday)? yeah those would have been pretty good. but you know, they would have worked even better on SUNDAY before the storm hit.

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