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You might be a gearhead IF..................


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You have fallen asleep detailing the underside of your car ..................


If you meet people and they ask if you have any kid's and you say no, but, I have a car. That's my baby..................


Told a girl you can't go to a movie tonight you have to figure out what the fuck is wrong with the car.................


You have your part delivered to your work, because you have to have them in your hands as soon as possible....................


People at your office call you and tell you a new part was just delivered............


The UPS, FedEx, and Postman know that you are building a car, and asked how it's coming...............

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If you come up with dumb threads on the internet, about how your are a gearhead.


work on cars all day, chat on the web about cars, on the phone about cars, go home at night and spend all your spare time working on something that has to do with a car.

then you might be a gearhead.and its not just working on it or cleaning it, its sitting back and looking at it, to see what you can personalize, improve, make bigger faster whatnot. its not wow look what he did too his , i wanna do that. its how can i do it one step better.

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If your girlfriend comes to appreciate nice cars, and hate ricers because you talk about them so much.


If you've been to work and people ask if you've washed your hands and your response is "yes, but oil and grease are really hard to get off!"


If you've asked your girl to pay for some food because you just spent every penny on some parts.

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A saterday night working on your toy seems like a perfect night


You have never looked at a car and not instantly thought of something to change


You have more jeans with grease stains than nice jeans


You have High speed internet for the only reason to looks for parts faster and watch street racing vids


Ever modded for performance purposes a Ford festiva (STFU there are at least three on here)


Fell asleep at night thinking about how to get more hp out of your combo or a bigger tire under the car


Refered to the drivetrain as your combo


Car forums are the first thing you think of when talking about the internet Not porn.

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You roll down your window to hear the hot car next to you.


You know what every car on the street has under the hood - even the minivans.


You catch yourself teaching your wife how to tell how many cylinders a car has by what it sounds like (my wife is really good at that game)

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Your kids can name 55+ different car models


Your girl stands by you while you work on your car just to have quality time


Your girl pitches in ideas in threads like this


When your kids teacher says your son needs to start being more creative because he only draws cars with big tires on the back and skinneys on the front.... so then you have a conversation with your son so he takes the wheels off and says its a rocket ship (true story LOL!!!)


Your 4 year old daughter yells "daddy theres a ricer, then falls on the floor laughing at them (true story)

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You have fallen asleep detailing the underside of your car ..................



You have your part delivered to your work, because you have to have them in your hands as soon as possible....................


People at your office call you and tell you a new part was just delivered............


The UPS, FedEx, and Postman know that you are building a car, and asked how it's coming...............


This is me!

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You roll down your window to hear the hot car next to you.



Ha...this one made me laugh...cause I did it to listen to your car a couple months back on Polaris.


....If your wife completely understands that a full detail includes putting the car on jackstands and removing all of the wheels in order to properly clean the suspension and other bits that nobody can see when the wheels are put back on.

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Your kids can name 55+ different car models


Your girl stands by you while you work on your car just to have quality time


Your girl pitches in ideas in threads like this


When your kids teacher says your son needs to start being more creative because he only draws cars with big tires on the back and skinneys on the front.... so then you have a conversation with your son so he takes the wheels off and says its a rocket ship (true story LOL!!!)


Your 4 year old daughter yells "daddy theres a ricer, then falls on the floor laughing at them (true story)



These made me LOL.


V8KILR - Glad I'm not the only one.


AudiOn19s - I need to get back to the proper detailing. You sir, may have just inspired my weekend project.

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You think a partially-assembled engine on a stand makes a nice living-room centerpiece.

Hey man, just set it on the ground and lay some glass over the valve covers, BAM it's a coffee table.


For many years, I had a top fuel rear tire that served as a table, and then as an alternative to a bean-bag chair. It was awsome.

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