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My Ebay account got hacked...!


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Today I got an email from them telling me my account had been hacked and the person tried to sell various items. One just so happen to be a 2005 Land Rover LR3. They also sent the emails that people who were interested sent "me" to inquire on the sale. When they gained access to my account..they changed my email, so I would never get the inquiry messages. Pretty damn wierd as to how they got my account. My passwords are like "W8.4,r1..", so shit like this does not happen. They restored all the fees to my account, but now people probably think i'm a scammer...Gotta look into getting my name changed.
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Yeah, it does suck....Start of the letter...


Dear 01buckeye,


It appears your account was accessed by an unauthorized third party and used to place several listings on eBay or to alter some of your current listings. Additionally, the email address on your account may have been tampered with, which is why you may not have received any emails about these listings.


At this time we have taken several steps to secure your eBay account. We were also able to end all unauthorized listings on your account without incident. At the time the listings were ended, all associated fees were credited to your account. Rest assured that your credit card and banking information is safe on the eBay site. This information is kept encrypted on a secure server and cannot be viewed by anyone.


To regain control of your account, please complete the following:


1. Change the password on your personal EMAIL account to verify that it is secure and cannot be accessed by anyone other than you.

2. Change the password on your eBay account. To do so, click the "Forgot your password" link on the eBay sign-in page and change your password using the instructions provided.

3. Follow the steps below to secure your account:

> Click on the "Security & Resolution Center" link found at the bottom of most eBay pages.

> Click on the "eBay Account Protection" link in the "Online Security Resources" box. This will take you to the help page titled "Securing Your Account and Reporting Account Theft."

> Follow the instructions provided in "Securing Your Account".

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do you surf wirelessly ever? WPAII is your friend... Never put a password in when at CMH airport, Starbucks or at home if you aren't first encrypting everything (layer 2 and layer 3)


Verify the redirections on all of your emails with links http://www.ebay.com is only http://www.ebay.com if you end up at http://www.ebay.com, you could end up at http://www.ebay.phishersite.com but looks exactly like http://www.ebay.com


if you do get an email that sounds phishy, type http://www.ebay.com into a web browser and verify the stuff the email is telling you.

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I just had a thread about the paypal email I had received, then you post this, now today I receive another email from a supposed ebay member asking about my previous auction....yet when I go to Ebay there's no message for me!!!


The scammers are hard at it with ebay right now.

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Legitimate ebay and paypal e-mails will use your real name and not your ebay account name.I have received a ton of e-mails like that from 'ebay' saying my account was compromised and they are all fake..that is the phishing thing right there..never ever click a link in an ebay e-mail to go to ebay, always open another browser window. Just mouse over any link and you can see on your taskbar the website it is directing you to. Don't blame ebay, blame the worthless assholes who have nothing better to do than to mess with other people.
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Legitimate ebay and paypal e-mails will use your real name and not your ebay account name.I have received a ton of e-mails like that from 'ebay' saying my account was compromised and they are all fake..that is the phishing thing right there..never ever click a link in an ebay e-mail to go to ebay, always open another browser window. Just mouse over any link and you can see on your taskbar the website it is directing you to. Don't blame ebay, blame the worthless assholes who have nothing better to do than to mess with other people.


I had a great email from ebay, that used my name on the account, not screen name or even my email name it looked good. The best i have ever seen. I think i still have it.

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