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Election day is almost here


Do you know who you're voting for?  

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Something has to be said when Warren Buffet supports Obama and McCain has even said in debate that he is one of those people he has great respect for when it comes to economics. He would be BOTH their choices as Treasury Secretary if he would take the job.

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The government gives us the LOWEST possible quality product for an insane price

so would you say that the military is covered under that statement?

  12oclocker said:
and if he increases taxes on oil and businesses, they will pass that tax increase onto us in their products and services, or lay people off. I dont like McCains plans eithor, but I have been wieghing them both in and looking over what each of them has proposed, and I think Obama's plan is worse.

you know that obamas plan provides tax breaks for companies that start or expand operation on US soil?

they will lay people off, but its not going to be you. they will fire the guy in bangalore who answers the 1-800 number and hire a US call center to do it. they CREATE some jobs, and they get a tax break too...

you also must remember that most large corporations in the US already pay jack squat in taxes. creative bookkeeping, accountants who know all the loopholes, and thanks to globalization they can just move their money offshore where uncle sam cant reach it.

Edited by John
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I am still undecided on a couple points. The first point is am I going to vote at all. The second is am I going to vote my conscience and cast a ballot for Baldwin or use my vote to try and offset Obama. I know a vote for Baldwin is just a vote for Obama. I don't like McCain or his Neo-Con platform but desperate times and all... I am undecided and will be thinking extra hard the next few days.

These are my sentiments exactly! Well, at least the part about whether to vote at all, vote my conscious, or vote McCain to offset Obama..

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  PrincessPratt said:
I voted yesterday in Newark (licking county board of elections). I had to wait in line 2 hours. It sucked! And according to my costume last night I'm sure everyone knows who I voted for! hehe.

Are you from Newark?

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  PrincessPratt said:
No my address is reynoldsburg but its in licking county so I had to go there to vote. I couldn't wait in line on tuesday b/c I have a conference I'm gonna b at.

Oh, gotcha. I went to high school in that area...just wondering.

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Drove through campus today (OSU). Couldnt believe how many Vote for Nader signs and booths there were. I didnt know that dude was still around.

I seem to remember seeing him say he was done with the Presidential races. Guess he couldnt resist.

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so would you say that the military is covered under that statement?

No I dont include the miltary, I was actually going to state this but got lazy at typing, I could type a book about the 2 and why I am voting the way I am, but anyway the gov does ok with the military and space program, and some other programs, but as far as programs for the general public like SS and DMV, they suck. and heathcare more closes compares to those than a full blown military program, so that Is why I used those 2 for comparison.

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im still a little undecided. I know a couple guys at work are voting for mcain soley for the fact he is white. I personally don't agree with this but its their vote not mine. I do how ever personally believe if obama gets elected there will be a few assanitation attempts.

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