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Good Job For A 17 Year Old


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ya I know it sucks ass being 17 cause you pretty much ahve to be at least 18 to have a good job but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of a good place to work besides in food.. I dont wnt to do food anything else is ok
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thats would be amazing my dream job for now would be washing the cars then parking them on the lot or something at a dealership


Eh....it is a cool job. Better than anything else to do when you are 17. I wouldn't go as far as "dream job" though. The appeal of it is usually higher than what it turns out to be.


Needless to say, you still might have trouble getting a job doing this at some dealerships. I know the policy when I did it was you had to be 18, but my best friend's dad was the GM there at the time and hired me and friend on.


It is cool to wash the cars and everything, especially driving them. We had another lot down the street so we always go to take the cars down there which was a blast. :) We also had the fun of taking S2000's for premium gas until they put a stop to that.


Now, here are the downsides as far as my job went. Now, looking back these seem kind of petty, but they pissed me off at the time.


-We stayed until the LAST person left the dealership. If they were even working a deal, we stayed an hour to three passed closing time waiting for them to buy the car just so we could wash it.

-Everyone is pretty much your boss. The salesman act like your boss. Your bosses are your boss. The service writers are your boss. The only cool people were the techs and the owner of the dealership (ironic).

-It is very monotonous after a while. Sometimes we would wash 100-200 cars on nice days in the summer and it is just....eh.

-If it is a high volume dealer, you WILL be there every Friday and Saturday, especially come the end of the month. Plus, refer to the first point as well on these days. It kind of kills the weekend....


So, if you do this. Try to work mornings and get off in the afternoon so you do not have to deal with all of that bullshit. That is what the two guys we worked with did and they were happy as fuck to walk out of there at 5 as the other two of us had a line of sold cars to do.


Other than that, we sat around and drove cars and fucked with the mexicans we worked with.


Fun times especially working with a friend.


Maybe someone can hook you up off of the board, but I am sure as far as insurance policys go you have to be 18.


Hope that helps.

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If you can, try to find a bus boy job. I had one at a small family restaurant and made 7 per hour + tips. A couple of my friends had jobs at Max&Erma's. For being 16-18 YO, they made pretty good money.


True story. One of my best friends worked at O'Charlies the whole time I worked at that dealership and he banked off of tips. Something about getting a shit load of ones every night when you go home makes it worth it. Just make sure the waitresses like you. :)

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At 17, I was doing brake jobs, tune-ups, audio installs, and every other car repair except painting you can think of. I was lucky enough to start in my family's shop when I was 14, turning a lot of wrenches from 16-on.


If you get any kind of chance to get into a good shop at the ground level, I recommend it. Not the best pay if you stay at a small shop, but looking back on things, those were great, great years.

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i know it is hard to get a good job when i go to school from 11-330 right in the heart of the day... I want to try and get a job a like macco cause i know jp there paints the cars and it isnt the best buy i can get good expericence and learn a lot.... ya i am sure you have to be 18 for a dealership job... I need a job i can work like 5 to closing or something any ideas? I know friends that work in food and they get killed and dont come home til 11 or so on school days and work 12+ hours on a saturday
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You said you don't want food service, but Panera is actually a good job. As long as you don't go into management you should have fun.

My brother worked at one. He liked it because it didn't make him "feel like a dirty fast food worker."

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Deliver pizza's or busboy/server at a restaurant. These two are going to be the highest earning jobs for your age. I worked as a "lot tech" in between jobs, it was ok. But my title was "service assistant", there was a seperate dept for washing cars, all i had to do was valet, clean,but I ended up pretty much sat at the customer service desk answering calls, making appointments, helping customer's, filling out RO's etc... Bascially i was an EXTREMELY low paid service advisor. Service advisor's can make really good money salary + commission i've heard many SA's making 70k+. Before I got my current job at the bank I was looking for advisor jobs.
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i worked in a factory one summer... best time of my life. i had just moved to philly and didnt know anyone except one guy and his brother, they both worked at this place and got me a job.

i worked 12 hour days, $8 an hour under the table. all i did was sit around and drink beers. every once in a while i would have to unload a truck or wrap up some boxes. then they let me help out their maintenance guy, and i did plumbing for a week or two. we re-routed all of the pipe lines that were used to carry wax for making candles.

that summer i made so much $, and i was jacked from doing so much small lifting, but EVERY day.


i also worked at an exxon garage. it was fun because it was a bunch of guys my age. we just sat around smoking, every once in a while pump some gas, do an oil change here and there, and fix a few flat tires. didnt get paid well, but it was fun.

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I would deliver pizza no problem but i thought you had to be 18 due to insurance? ya many people already sell drugs in my school it is a good choise for cash but not the best way because there is no room to move up unless you get better drugs so I dont think I want to go that route lol
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Guest HI_PSI
cart-boy, i do this now and its actually not that bad. 7.50 an hour and im pretty sure you can be 17. we just sit around and BS most of the time and every once in a while go grab some carts.
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I hate to say it, but you're not going to get anything glamorous at 17. Or 18 for that matter. ;) But that crappy job you take motivates you to go/stay in school and work for something that much better. :)


FYI, my high school/college jobs were Wendy's, grocery store, drug store, and finally Sam's Club, in the tire area.

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Sell drugs. I mean you're still in highschool so there's a world of customers around you. When you sell little baggies of weed, staple a sample of coke to the bag, that way it really can seem like a gateway drug and more $$$ for you.


Plus your under 18, so no real jail time or fines or anything.

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When I was 17 I worked at Dairy Queen and a local car wash. Right after school I would go to them or work on the weekends. The car wash sucked really bad. Hot days were hard to breathe sometime. Especially when one of your rotating jobs is to pull the car out of the automatic washer, clean all inside windows, then drive outside to dry it with towels. Some of the incar temp gauges displayed 110-125F. Dairy queen was cool. All the free ice cream i wanted. It was a franchise so that could be why. Plus I got to work with almost all girls around my age. Hot girls. ;)
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