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RIAA tells Ohio students: Pay up


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I'd never be stupid enough to download music on a campus connection either, at least without using a proxy server.


What I'd like to know is, if someone actually does pay the RIAA, who gets that money??


But do they really think this has stopped people from downloading music??

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RIAA = Lawyers out to make as much $ as possible for themselves. I have not heard of a single story where the atist has recived a single penny of royalties from the RIAA suing people on thier behalf.


I totally agree, it's all about money. If there was as much profit to be made in catching murderer's and child molester's then we'd never have that problem in the first place.

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I rember when napster came out.


completely stolen music but it was the rave.


hell yeah.


about 4 of us had it on our systems when I worked at streling commerce. Needless to say we brought down the websites and used up about 90% of the bandwith there.


needless to say we were no longer aloud to have file sharing software installed on PC's :)

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Don't Share..

Problem Fixed



RIAA does not come after students and individuals for downloading music, rather they attack those who distribute it unlawfully.


Just don't' share...take from others and let them pay the price :)


Yeah, stealing is not wrong, being stolen from is wrong.



Weird how that works....

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about 4 of us had it on our systems when I worked at streling commerce. Needless to say we brought down the websites and used up about 90% of the bandwith there.


needless to say we were no longer aloud to have file sharing software installed on PC's :)


LOL, when did you work there? I was there about 6 months, October 2000 - April 2001. I remember being there when they made everyone remove it. I was one of the few around me who didn't have it installed... :lol:

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There's a thought, if there is absolutely nothing to download then no one will get in trouble. Way to let the RIAA win.



No Retard..


I choose not to share. if you want to then great for you, and I thank you for your contribution.



Cliff Notes:


Bite Me

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LOL, when did you work there? I was there about 6 months, October 2000 - April 2001. I remember being there when they made everyone remove it. I was one of the few around me who didn't have it installed... :lol:


back in 2000 wthere until maybe mid Dec when they had there "big layoff" I was away on my honeymoon only to come backwithout a job. :mad: I was in building 2 on the floorth floor overlooking 270.

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I'd bargain with them, be like hey dick, i could've bought these from itunes for $.99 per song, and I downloaded 750songs, so I'll round up to $1000 and you can go fuck yourself.



You would.



So if you shoplift is it ok to just offer to pay for the item when caught?

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Haha. Yeah we got emails about this and I was like FUCK.


I escaped this time. :D


BTW - I am pretty sure you can avoid getting caught by just unsharing all of your songs, or at least I tell myself that.

Exactly, as soon as I have a good set of songs I just move them to another unshared folder, problem fixed.

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back in 2000 wthere until maybe mid Dec when they had there "big layoff" I was away on my honeymoon only to come backwithout a job. :mad: I was in building 2 on the floorth floor overlooking 270.


I think we were in the same building and floor. I was hired to be a web developer for them, but after the layoff, the guy that hired me was gone and I was pushed into a support type of role. Needless to say, soon after that, I began to look elsewhere. I wasn't happy. Worse for you though... :(

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