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Don Imus....what are your thoughts?


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A lot worse than that is said on the air everyday, unfortunately for Imus, Sharpton heard it and got everyone on his bandwagon. I would of maybe appologized and then dropped it and done nothing more as he owes noone anything else IMO.
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A lot worse than that is said on the air everyday, unfortunately for Imus, Sharpton heard it and got everyone on his bandwagon. I would of maybe appologized and then dropped it and done nothing more as he owes noone anything else IMO.


I dont know if Sharpton actually heard it, but he got wind of it anyway. It's Imus' audience that makes it horrible. He regularly had presidential candidates on his program. None of the radio I listen to have that kind of pull.


It was a stupid joke that will not only give him a 2 week suspension but he might lose his job over it. What a dumbass. And it wasn't even that funny.

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Being a minority myself I must say that what someone says on their radio show is their business. If I don't like their point of view I won't listen. Whats worse is trying to silence someone just cause you disagree with them. Al Sharpton, while he has done many positive things, is also a creature of opportunity (though aren't all in his political position). Any chance to make some noise and get his name out, and hes on it.


That said I understand that the station owners are the ones that have to put up with the backlash, so he may be out of a job, which is unfortunate. Not because I liked him, because I don't. I think hes an arrogant asshole. The reason behind his firing is unfortunate.

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Being a minority myself I must say that what someone says on their radio show is their business. If I don't like their point of view I won't listen. Whats worse is trying to silence someone just cause you disagree with them. Al Sharpton, while he has done many positive things, is also a creature of oppurtunity. Any chance to make some noise and get his name out, and hes on it.


That said I understand that the station owners are the ones that have to put up with the backlash, so he may be out of a job, which is unfortunate. Not because I liked him, because I don't. I think hes an arrogant asshole. The reason behind his firing is unfortunate.


I love this newbie....


Ask yourself this... How many comics have used womens basketball as a punchline??? If he was a minority you wouldnt have heard of it unless you listened to the show. He is a complete idiot for doing it, but its nothing we havnt heard before. And like stated good ol' Al is looking for some TV time, do you really think he has their best intentions at heart?

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Hey guys! It's me John Imus. I just wanted to drop by and tell you my feelings on those nappy headed hoes. I merely meant they were tired! But that Al Sharpton, always a stickler. I think I hit a personal note. That guys hair shore is nappy. Like a skunk laid down and died. So! No hard feelings? Hope not!!1 Gotsta run. Hangin' out with my broskie Kramer!!11


See you on the streets!


With love,

Big Don

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I agree with some and disagree with other points...mine on the matter below...


I agree with the comic thing....we as a society are numb to this and even I laugh at shit like this on the comedy channel, etc...movies, music, it's all entertainment, right or wrong, it's in our society.


However, he's on the airways of a national show that is pretty high profile with certain crowds and given that, I think he should have better understood his audience and the media he's working over. That has to be taken into context. The comedy channel on Sirius or XM is one thing, but if Chris Rock had a local airways talk show, then that's another.


Everything has to be put into context and he has to understand and work within the media properly to avoid this shit. His mistake was just that.


I think he fucked up and is sorry it caused so much of a mess. I don't think he's a racist, but then in reality we all are to some extent....everyone is to some extent. That's my belief.


In the end, I wouldn't want my four year old understanding and making ignorant comments, sadly even the ones I say and laugh at. Hopefully I'll raise him to be more understanding, sensible and while he still will form his own opinion, hopefully he'll be smart enough to understand the audience and medium,etc....


We are all numb to these things and again, right or wrong, rap music, comics, etc...in the end, comments like this against such women are dumb and ignorant. Funny, perhaps, but it's the lack of all of us saying something that has ironically led to the likes of good old Al and his other political buddies having a shot at being heard when these things hit the media.....and again, I agree....blown out of proportion.



I love this newbie....


Ask yourself this... How many comics have used womens basketball as a punchline??? If he was a minority you wouldnt have heard of it unless you listened to the show. He is a complete idiot for doing it, but its nothing we havnt heard before. And like stated good ol' Al is looking for some TV time, do you really think he has their best intentions at heart?

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I agree with some and disagree with other points...mine on the matter below...


I agree with the comic thing....we as a society are numb to this and even I laugh at shit like this on the comedy channel, etc...movies, music, it's all entertainment, right or wrong, it's in our society.


However, he's on the airways of a national show that is pretty high profile with certain crowds and given that, I think he should have better understood his audience and the media he's working over. That has to be taken into context. The comedy channel on Sirius or XM is one thing, but if Chris Rock had a local airways talk show, then that's another.


Everything has to be put into context and he has to understand and work within the media properly to avoid this shit. His mistake was just that.


I think he fucked up and is sorry it caused so much of a mess. I don't think he's a racist, but then in reality we all are to some extent....everyone is to some extent. That's my belief.


In the end, I wouldn't want my four year old understanding and making ignorant comments, sadly even the ones I say and laugh at. Hopefully I'll raise him to be more understanding, sensible and while he still will form his own opinion, hopefully he'll be smart enough to understand the audience and medium,etc....


We are all numb to these things and again, right or wrong, rap music, comics, etc...in the end, comments like this against such women are dumb and ignorant. Funny, perhaps, but it's the lack of all of us saying something that has ironically led to the likes of good old Al and his other political buddies having a shot at being heard when these things hit the media.....and again, I agree....blown out of proportion.


The fact that he said it in front of the wrong crowd is 100% true. There is a time and a place for everything. His mistake was one of ignorance. Hopefully in the future he will think a little more before he talks.


Women (especially african american women) have been sensative to being called ho's for a while thanks to music. He disrepected them so I feel they deserve a face to face apology. I also feel a short suspension/fine should go along with his public ridicule. All the money they loose from sponsors concerning this should come out of his check.

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Does anyone remember some years ago when Al Sharpton rose to prominence? A young black girl, I believe in New York, went missing for 4 days and turned up with tattered clothes claiming that she was assaulted. She requested a black officer to speak with......then the inevitable.... she accuses white men of accosting her. Sharpton catches wind of this and decides it's his place to go on a witch hunt. He gets the idea that it must be white police officers, or some public figure who was apart of this tragedy. Long story short the Great Reverend and his crusade wound up costing an innocent DA his job because Sharpton ran rampant through the press with his accusations of involvement in the assault. In the end it turned out the poor troubled black whore had made the whole story up because she was away from home partying for days and didn't want to get in trouble. Sharpton has, to this day, refused to appologize for going on a no-holds barred witch hunt and costing this poor man his job. Luckily the man took the issue to court and came out with a vindicating, but meager $300,000 settlement that Sharpton was able to pay via donations from some of his fellow racist contributors. If there's anyone who should be burned for their actions, it's the good Reverend.



Here's the background of the case, probably more accurate than my recollection.


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He's a moron, and morons should be fired.


Also, whoever said that one mistake should never cost someone their job was wrong. I think of plenty of jobs - including mine - in which one mistake routinely (and justifiably) results in immediate termination.

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I laughed, and still laugh, and could care less. People that say outrageous shit are what make entertainment. Ya, the guy is probably a dick, hell, he looks like one.


If you guys dug a little more in depth you would find that the school he commented on is a school for girls, composed by a very high percentage of caucasions. His joke was based off the fact that the only black girls there were on the basketball team (don't hit me with some techinicality bull).


So he had the audasity to crack a racist joke, everyone has probably told one.

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I laughed, and still laugh, and could care less. People that say outrageous shit are what make entertainment. Ya, the guy is probably a dick, hell, he looks like one.


If you guys dug a little more in depth you would find that the school he commented on is a school for girls, composed by a very high percentage of caucasions. His joke was based off the fact that the only black girls there were on the basketball team (don't hit me with some techinicality bull).


So he had the audasity to crack a racist joke, everyone has probably told one.




Not on a nationally syndicated radio program? People with that kind of exposure are paid to succumb to the higher levels of scrutiny they are under, and utilize a more strict sense of discretion.



PS: Rutgers isn't an all girls school? They have a football team? And the joke was based off the fact that they had a lot of tattoos and such... so..... what?

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