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Funny picture thread.


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1) What is the little girl holding?

2) Notice his AR is all decked out with tacticool crap and hers looks like an original armalite with nothing on it

3) If they can afford those rifles they sure as shit better not be on any public assistance

4) This is what people in almost every country in the world thinks of when they are asked to picture an American family. Skinny mulleted redneck with more firepower than the average UK police station.

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I know that... But to spell beer, the upside-down word would have to be jeeq, not jeep. :cool:

Would actually have to say 'Jəəq' to say 'beer' if flipped. That one just says 'beer'.

Enjoy the funny, and try not to over-analyze ;)

Edited by Coyote
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Would actually have to say 'Jəəq' to say 'beer' if flipped. That one just says 'beer'.

Enjoy the funny, and try not to over-analyze ;)

on a similar topic - when I put my truck back together (just a frame in my workshop right now) I'm going to paid "Aww CRAP!" on the bottom of the t-case skid plate. I'm sure It'll provide some fleeting amusement if I ever roll it.

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