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Please pray if you do that sort of thing


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My aunt has gotton worse. Its in her brain they are doing some type of port for more chemo but they also found something in there bone they think is cancer too If it is all she can do i go home and wait to die.
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I too will pray - I just lost my wife last February to Cancer. She was lucky as God took her quickly eliminating days & days of pain. If she's terminally ill, quick is better & more dignified. Unfortunately though - the loss of a loved one just sucks. You go on living one day at a time - Enjoy whatever time there is that you can have with your Aunt -
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welll teh surgery to put the ting in here brain to do more chemo went well today. we still dont have the info back abount the bone cancer thanks everyone for your prayers and well wishes.
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Guest Lowered_93_SBC_S10

My family will keep her in our prayers Thorne..... I lost my grandmother 2 years ago and my grandfather 4 years ago to this I am sorry to hear about it, and hope everything goes well.


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I lost my mother when I was 3, uncle 21, best friend of 18 years when I was 22. I am not sure god exist, but for some reason I still pray to him. I will pray for your family though. Best of luck!



I feel the same way but I try and have faith because at times like this its the only chance you've got.



We have yet to ehar back about the stuff in the bone. I'm gonna call my mom her sister and ask tommorow.

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Well there is some good news. But much worse bad news.


Good news she just made it through a very risky Chemo. She has a port in her brain right now. So things are atleast going ok for her pain wise and shit.



bad news.



This is 1 of about 25 articles I just read. It seems that there is not much that can be done. They offered her hospice that to means they want to give up. she still fightin though.


I just posted this because I'm really depressed and I feel that talking about it makes it a little easier to cope with.

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