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Movie Review: 28 Weeks Later


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Summary: Sort of leaving where 28 Days Later left off, the opening scene is still in the time where the infected were running rampant. Fast-forwarding to the near future, the U.S. Military has determined that mainland Great Britain is free of infection and sets up a base camp called District 1. District 1 is now the future of Britain where over 15,000 inhabitants are beginning to repopulate the nation, with more people being shipped in. District 1 is a heavily reinforced military settlement guarded with tanks, sharpshooters, security systems, back-up power systems, etc. and is a quarantined safe haven for all civilians. A father, who lost his wife and a number of friends in the path of the infected, is reunited with his children who were away at the time. These kids take an illegal trip to their old house and surprisingly find the mom/wife alive and apparantly "virus-free". Once back at the facility, however, the virus returns and wreaks havoc once again on the inhabitants.


Pros: I think 28 Days Later took your average "scary" zombie flick and added the attributes to ACTUALLY make them terrifying - speed and aggression. 28 Weeks Later takes this to another level at a far less boring pace with more blood, more gore, more violence, more "jumpy" parts, and less drama.


Cons: Still some slow parts (though arguably necessary), the actors/actresses were B-list and below again (though the acting wasn't terrible), and I personally feel the military made some dumb fucking decisions.


Conclusion: 4.5/5.0. I thought the plausible method of bringing the virus back (which I intentionally left out of the summary for obvious reasons) was very well-played, and I enjoyed the fact that there's more of a storyline other than simply survival. Case in point, if you liked the first one, you should LOVE this one. If you didn't like the first one, you still may very well like this one.



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Thanks for the review. I heart modern zombie movies (the first 28 days later, Resident Evil..etc) and just got this off torrents. I can't wait to see it.


Dont forget about "Dawn of the Dead" and "Land of the Dead" by George A. Ramero. Im a huge fan of modern zombie flicks too. i tried to watch the old stuff but it was really just cheesy.

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I hated the first one. To me, the entire movie was people walking around.


This one was a bit more interesting, due to there actually being some action. I thought a lot of the things that happened were incredibly stupid, and I would like to say that I'm tired of trying to scare the viewer with sudden loud noises and bright lights to make up for a lack of edge of your seat drama. This is the trend I've been seeing for several years now, not just in this movie.


I won't rate this movie, as I was biased against it before I ever watched it, due to my dislike for the first one.

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I liked this one, but, a fiery death made me unhappy. I kind of felt that it ended somewhat quickly, although that could be because of the pace. I do love zombie films though. Old one and new ones alike.


So, will there be a sequel?

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I liked this one, but, a fiery death made me unhappy. I kind of felt that it ended somewhat quickly, although that could be because of the pace. I do love zombie films though. Old one and new ones alike.


So, will there be a sequel?


I'd like to see a sequel to the modern "Dawn of the Dead" but doubt it will happen. There were some scenes at the very end when they were rolling credits that showed them getting to an island, only for the island to be infected too. Too bad.

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