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Wife got pulled over in New Albany.


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So I get home yesterday and my wife says she got pulled over on Harlem road in New Albany. Great. So now I'm expecting a massive ticket to pay. I asked her how fast she was going. She said the cop said she was going 50 in a 35. Well, that sucks. She gave me the whole sobbing story and what not and the cop came back and said 'Driver slower next time". That was it. No ticket or nothing. Sweet. She must have cried her way out of it :). (btw that was the FIRST time she's ever been pulled over since she has been driving... she really didn't know what to do.).


So this gets wierd. About 4 hours later yesterday (around 7 pm) I get this call. Caller ID says private. I answer it and this dude asks for Lori (my wife). I ask him who's calling. I'm pretty sure he said "Mike Jones" or something to that name. I guess there is some rapper named Mike Jones but oh well. Lori had no idea who that was so by the time I got back to the phone to say she was busy, no one was there.


I'm just wondering if there is a cop by the name of Mike Jones (or close to that) in the New Albany police department. She didn't get a warning ticket or anything either so I can't really verify that. I would like to know A: if the person who called teh house last night looking for my wife was the cop.. and B; why the fuck would he be calling?


Anyone have ties to the New albany police department? I know there are a few Police officers here.

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I dont understand what the connection between the two events are? How can you be sure its not just some random person from her job or extended family trying to find your wife? There's a ton of variable's you can consider, Im just curious why you think it was this cop or someone from new albany trying to contact her? If she didnt receive any sort of written warning or anything then why would they have her info?
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I dont understand what the connection between the two events are? How can you be sure its not just some random person from her job or extended family trying to find your wife? There's a ton of variable's you can consider, Im just curious why you think it was this cop or someone from new albany trying to contact her? If she didnt receive any sort of written warning or anything then why would they have her info?


He did take her license and registration. Our phone number is listed in the phone book as well. She doesn't have a job so that rules someone from her job contacting her.


Maybe it was random. but it was just wierd that a guy would ask for My wife, then I go find her, then I get back on the phone and he hangs up.


I think it's just a coincidence.. that's all. Just found it very wierd that we'd get a call 4 hours later. If he was just checking see if she got home ok, why could he just tell me that? (if he was the cop).



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I wouldnt put it passed the NA po to do some shady shit. I had my fair of run in's with them for stupid shit in high school and 1 really serious issue with them.


My dad was going to sue them for how they handled one of my run in's. Months later after he decided not to presue any legal action he was pulled over for "speeding" and the cop was a real asshole and my dad said shortly after being pulled over asked him if he could just get the ticket and get out as soon as possible he was on his way to my golf tourny (states) my senior year and the cop took a little bit over an hour to get him a ticket.


needless to say my parents are very unimpressed by the cops in NA esp for how much funding they get from such a small town.


Honestly, I think there is a short stubby blonde cop by the name Mike Jones. I would call the station from a payphone, ask for officer jones and if they transfer you or whatever just hangup and go from there.

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if my wife gets a call at home from a Mike Jones and my spider senses make me use the words wierd or coincidence, I'm beating someone's ass that week. :mad: now in my case, I would have to find out why she's in New Albany, since we live in Dublin :confused: hope it all works out.


I think it's just a coincidence.. that's all. Just found it very wierd that we'd get a call 4 hours later. If he was just checking see if she got home ok, why could he just tell me that? (if he was the cop).



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I wouldnt put it passed the NA po to do some shady shit. I had my fair of run in's with them for stupid shit in high school and 1 really serious issue with them.


My dad was going to sue them for how they handled one of my run in's. Months later after he decided not to presue any legal action he was pulled over for "speeding" and the cop was a real asshole and my dad said shortly after being pulled over asked him if he could just get the ticket and get out as soon as possible he was on his way to my golf tourny (states) my senior year and the cop took a little bit over an hour to get him a ticket.


needless to say my parents are very unimpressed by the cops in NA esp for how much funding they get from such a small town.


Honestly, I think there is a short stubby blonde cop by the name Mike Jones. I would call the station from a payphone, ask for officer jones and if they transfer you or whatever just hangup and go from there.



New Albany cops are actually the lowest paid on the Columbus area from what I have heard. The city doesn't like giving much money towards the police department. No wonder they are always pissy.


When i had the mustang, I got pulled over for a loud exhaust.... with the stock exhaust. I was an asshole and told him he needed to "send the ticket to Ford Motor Company, in Detroit somewhere" He told me to "stay put and toss your keys on the ground outside of the car", then I realized he pulled me over in Columbus (NA had a problem of doing that on Central College road for a while. So I called the officer that did special duty for our apartment complex. He had Columbus dispatch an officer over to "take care of it" He talked to the NA cop for about 10 minutes, the NA cop left, and the Columbus cop apologized and let me go

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When i had the mustang, I got pulled over for a loud exhaust.... with the stock exhaust. I was an asshole and told him he needed to "send the ticket to Ford Motor Company, in Detroit somewhere" He told me to "stay put and toss your keys on the ground outside of the car", then I realized he pulled me over in Columbus (NA had a problem of doing that on Central College road for a while. So I called the officer that did special duty for our apartment complex. He had Columbus dispatch an officer over to "take care of it" He talked to the NA cop for about 10 minutes, the NA cop left, and the Columbus cop apologized and let me go


Now, that's funny.

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