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iPhone review from owners...


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Looks to me like it is not worth the money.....not yet anyways. This is from an owner...



1. nice look

2. good websurfing (cant download images though)

3. good music/video playback

4. best UI

5. powerful cpu

6. gorgeous screen



1. no A2DP

2. no OBEX

3. no video

4. no drag and drop functionality (media)

5. built in battery

6. no mms (email is ridiculous. i will not send to "xxxx@tmomail.net, etc. to send a pic)

7. no multiple recipient sms

8. no customised ringtone

9. wallpaper only customisation

10. no 3rd party support

11. no phone to phone sharing (BT or IRDA)

12. no games

13. no "IM" client

14. No GPS

15. no File System Access

16. no voice commands/dial

17. No speed dialing

18. cant "copy and paste"

19. no tethering

"subjective" cons:

20. poor speakerphone

21. average RF

22. subpar call volume

23. cannot "blind" text

24. cannot port data (contacts) from old SIM


Here's from another owner..


1. Bluetooth is ONLY good for connecting a headset. That's it.

2. There is no file browser on the device at all. Data must be organized (if at all) in the appropriate application.

3. The camera is a simple application that has ONE button: the shutter. Pictures come out okay on the device, but nothing too fancy on a monitor, especially if it was an attempt at a macro shot.

4. SIM card is damn near impossible to open, if at all. I didn't look into it extensively.

5. Web browser is slow, even over WLAN. Even the simple OneList web app that was created takes around 20 seconds to load over WLAN. You can not highlight, cut, copy, or paste and text from a website, and you can not save any images you find from a website either. The only nice thing about it is the tabbed browsing, which crashed on me when I went to Engadget and YouTube on two tabs. This is the only application that allows you to use the keyboard in landscape mode.

6. The keyboard sucks. It gets slightly better after the iPhone "learns" you, as the employees said, but even then, it's not a device you can use with one hand comfortably, much less without looking.

7. You can only send one picture at a time in an email.

8. No custom ringtones (yet, as we were being told) and the alert tones can not be changed whatsoever.

9. The default ringtones are incredibly lame.

10. The only form of customization outside of a lame default ringtone is the wallpaper, which you'll only see when you need to unlock the device or when you get a phone call.

11. "Picture pinching" or using two fingers to zoom on any content is certainly fun to play with, but not practical whatsoever. This operation depends solely on using the device with two hands.

12. No document editor or native viewer. You can not store documents on the device to be viewed, they can only be viewed as attachments when they're sent to your in an email.

13. Visual voicemail is laggy and reacts about the same way as pushing the fast forward and rewind buttons on traditional voicemail systems. The only advantage is for those that get that many voicemail messages a day that they need to sort them according to priority.

14. NO games. None.

15. No voice dialing.

16. No speed dialing (which can be made up by the "quick list", but getting to that quick list isn't as fast as holding a single key on a real keypad).

17. No video.

18. No MMS.

19. It's still <4GB for $500 and <8GB for $600

20. It only takes around 2 hours to explore every menu without any options for expandability except to scrounge around for new web apps that will load slowly and nowhere near as smoothly as the native apps.



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There will be a software update very soon.


I met with my buddy from Apple for Coffee today, I told him I loved the interface, and all the great subtle little features it has that makes it so easy to use. I then told him I really, wanted a File System Access so I could store files, download images from the web, and generally carry around data, not just load it up from iTunes..


He said Apple IS absolutely BUILDING this, and it will come in a software update no later than when Leopard ships in two months (there will be updates before this)


Here is what he said:


There will be a build in file browser like the new finder in leopard for sorting through files


There will be a disk mode


The reason that there currently isn't a file browser + way to save files from web is because there isn't a file browser on the phone, and they wanted to release the same one that's gonna be in the upcoming leopard OS, complete with coverflow.

There will even be a special version of "iWork" so you can show your keynote presentations


So anyway a FULL file browser is coming so you can browse just like windows mobile explorer only in the cool way leopard's file browser is


Full spotlight like search is coming too


Widescreen keyboard support will be coming in every app, not just safari


Copy & Paste, Select Text is coming too (clipboard)


Also mail will see an upgrade so you can add accounts without doing so through itunes.


Most of the delays in this is because iTunes is the App Windows & Mac users are familar with for iTunes, so Apple didn't want to do a bad interface that had a file browser hacked into iTunes.


When Leopard FINAL release comes out, plugging in the iPhone will pop open a special window in the finder that has areas for dragging all your files like a file explorer only more advanced and designed specifically for the iPhone, it will make sure that it works so iTunes knows how much space is for data, and how much is for "iTunes" stuff.


Apple will be putting iChat on the phone, very, very soon, before Leopard.


Real Applications are coming to the phone shortly.


These are all updates that will be software based for the iPhone you already have, so give it a little bit of time. In the meantime enjoy the features it already has.


Oh and also there will be Photo Sharing, just like in iPhoto how you can check an option to let other people on the network view your photos.


He said .Mac account would eventually sync your accounts to the .Mac server as well from the phone, and so forth.


Simplified File sharing when on WIFI networks through bonjour (auto ip discovery) is coming, so once the file system software is up, your buddy in the same room will be able to navigate to his file browser > Network, and grab a file off your phone that you are sharing.

Ringtones will be coming very, very soon.


The Camera Software will get upgraded soon to have stabilization (software based)


Flash is coming eventually, it's just a matter of handling it in a way so when i page has dozens of flash apps running at the same time the page doesn't slow to a crawl, so they have to take the Adobe flash and make some customizations, including for security.


Anyway, enjoy the great mobile phone for now, and look forward to all the great stuff coming really, really soon. I can't WAIT for the new file browser so I can store stuff on this device!!


Just remember Windows Mobile has been out or a long time, even everytime a new WM phone comes out all the apps that are supposed to work, have to be tweaked or don't fit on the screen or some bullcrap, so realize this is just Apple's very first OS release for mobile Phone. Apple has lots of treats instore for all of you.



I probably missed a few things, so if you have questions about features that will be software updated, ask because I only typed what I could remember right now, and we talked about quite a bit of stuff!!!!



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I will say it again, this thing is an iPod, it will have many many accessories in the future. With software updates this phone will rock, it already does now. I just don't think I can drop 500 bones on a phone. I hope in 6 months they offer a reduced price with 2 year agreement to AT&T.
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I will say it again, this thing is an iPod, it will have many many accessories in the future. With software updates this phone will rock, it already does now. I just don't think I can drop 500 bones on a phone. I hope in 6 months they offer a reduced price with 2 year agreement to AT&T.


I wouldnt say it rocks.



My friend let me borrow his for a day, it is a cool product and great idea but the software is very very rough. I know this will be fixed over time with updates, but I will be waiting for the 2nd gen piece when it ever comes out.


During my 24hours of testing 1 out of 5 calls over 5minutes were successful, the rest would drop at some point... May be the provider may be the phone who knows. Like listed in the above posts this phone is missing tons and tons of features that have been on cellphones for years now. For the price these features have to be a must have on a phone with the price tag it has.

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If you don't mind me asking, why do you think that? I can do everything I want to with mines.


Because I've read several reviews from owners and they hate the one that's there. I think once Apple sees that is a big problem with consumers, they will come up with some cool slide feature for that. If not, who cares. Too much monthly for me.

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don't forget that if you are porting a number the feeds into at&t aren't working correctly. If you have a really old account the at&t servers are having trouble with the SIM conversion. And, if you have any trouble the at&t folks have a troubleshooting brochure two pages long that probably doesn't have your issue on it so good luck.


IMHO, they should have launched it as an unlocked phone and let the buyer do what they want.

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by selling the ipod to not only work with Mac but also PC they have found a global market that quite frankly is making them piles of money. following the same model and allowing the product to work anywhere would enable them to find a larger market. People that want one that are locked into a verizon contract simply won't buy one.
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Apple originally went to Verizon for exclusive talks, but couldn't work out a deal. Whatever the hold up was, ATT had no problem with it.


Verizon was Apple's first approach, but Apple told them that they wanted a cut on the rate package. Never been done before, Verizon didn't just say "no", they said "hell, no". Apple shrugged and went to AT&T who said "you bet".

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I bet at&t is loving the new customer influx. Shit I thought about dropping sprint and my ppc6700 to get one. I've decided it's not worth it by any means. The MOGUL is a far better smart phone.


This is a sorta smart phone imho. Everything I've herd from EX smartphoners are this thing does not have the same abilities.

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