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Would you stand this close

Venture Guy

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yea..thats pretty crazy..anyone on the board ever been there?

Yeah, I went there back in 1999. It is friggin' crazy!!! I didn't notice it until I got off the plane how short that runway is. On the other end of that runway is a fence, road and then another bay!!! Don't go long!!! I have a picture of myself with a Northwest flight coming in over my head there. Even scarier is Air France will fly in 747 jumbo jets to that place!!! I've been told they are notorious for clipping the security fence with their landing gear because they have to get as much runway as they can in order to stop.


Here is a picture of the picture...don't have a scanner and my girfriend at the time was using a disposable camera so it kinda sucks in terms of size and clarity. But then again, I guess you get the point!!!



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If you get the chance, I highly recommend it. It is awesome! Did a deep sea charter and caught a 60" wahoo. Snorkeling out on Pinel is great...there is just a lot to do there. Also, there is actually an outdoor bar there on the beach by the runway where all those people were filming those planes. It gets pretty crazy at night with women doing body shots and what not. Definitely not a place to take the wife or girlfriend if you are going to partake. :) Consider yourself warned. ;)
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