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For You Liberal Hippies


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Thats more like it... Now I'll take a BLT, hold the mayo, tomato, and lettuce.



My accusations of closemindedness refer to the unbelievably negative judgements of character/intent/usefulness of immigrants by people who have never had any sort of interaction/conversation with the people they are judging, among other things. Forming an opinion about something without any actual experience other than recieving a wrong order at wendy's doesn't free you from criticism, nor does it give you the right to yell " BLAH BLAH BLAH I CANT HEAR YOU" while covering your ears and shaking your head.



BTW, you drive a chick car that looks suspiciously like something I always get in my Chipotle burritos.

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My accusations of closemindedness refer to the unbelievably negative judgements of character/intent/usefulness of immigrants by people who have never had any sort of interaction/conversation with the people they are judging, among other things. Forming an opinion about something without any actual experience other than recieving a wrong order at wendy's doesn't free you from criticism, nor does it give you the right to yell " BLAH BLAH BLAH I CANT HEAR YOU" while covering your ears and shaking your head.




I have no problem with a LEGAL immagrant, now illegal, I do. And I have every damn right to. They have no rights, nor should they in our country. They are a pest/guest to this country, come in legaly and I wouldn't care. My relatives did so, but boarder jumping seems to be easier nowadays. But then again, I'm a close minded redneck that honestly could care less for most everyone.

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None of you can even get past the two party system that the government uses to polarize and confuse the nation. Both parties are rife with people who will sell their souls for a dollar/to win an election, and EVERYONE in politics is willing to tell you whatever you want to hear to get elected.


I dont consider myself Democrat or Republican, and I'm frankly getting sick of even hearing either word. Heres a tip: Stop automatically dumping people into one of two categories, open your mind to viewpoints differing than yours, and actually maybe consider that some of your views might be wrong or skewed.


I don't consider myself republican or democrat - I am a conservative. I don't like the two party system either - but until a VIABLE alternative is established, that's what we are dealing with. Both parties in the system are full of corrupt, power hungry, money grabbing politicians.


That said, in looking at the facts and past performance - overall and in most cases, I find more people in the "R" party speaking and acting in a way I find more in keeping with my viewpoints. I find, generally speaking, the people in the "D" party do not - and in fact, find many things they try to do are counterporductive to the whole country.


As to other viewpoints, I will always listen, and can be persuaded to change my mind if the FACTS dictate. The problem is, much of what is presented as "fact" is a conclusion drawn from bad information - garbage in-garbage out.

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My accusations of closemindedness refer to the unbelievably negative judgements of character/intent/usefulness of immigrants by people who have never had any sort of interaction/conversation with the people they are judging, among other things. Forming an opinion about something without any actual experience other than recieving a wrong order at wendy's doesn't free you from criticism, nor does it give you the right to yell " BLAH BLAH BLAH I CANT HEAR YOU" while covering your ears and shaking your head.


I guess I too am close minded against ILLEGAL immigrants. I have judged that they have broken our laws and should be arrested and returned to their own country (wherever that may be). They may be great and talented people - but they are now CRIMINALS for breaking the law. As to LEGAL immigrants - welcome - please assimilate into our culture and prosper as much as you work ethic will allow. I have some great middle eastern folks who run the carry out near my old home. GREAT customer service, friendly and a true asset to the neighborhood.


Is this the close minded thinking you are referring to?

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I guess I too am close minded against ILLEGAL immigrants. I have judged that they have broken our laws and should be arrested and returned to their own country (wherever that may be). They may be great and talented people - but they are now CRIMINALS for breaking the law. As to LEGAL immigrants - welcome - please assimilate into our culture and prosper as much as you work ethic will allow. I have some great middle eastern folks who run the carry out near my old home. GREAT customer service, friendly and a true asset to the neighborhood.


Agreed 150%! I know my family came over LEGALLY, not jumping boarders and using student visas to start underground terrorist cells. I may not like everyone in the world, but if you come over to help and not HINDER America, I'm all for it. Those that come in this country illegally, and expect we treat them fair, and cater to them, piss me the fuck off. If you are illegal you have NO RIGHTS, you are nothing but a guest. Meaning your stay should be short and sweet, unless you truly want to try and become an American. But most are happy to be illegal and try to suck our country dry.

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Anyone ever notice that open mindedness to the liberal means that you must accept anything that comes along. If you have standards that you adhere to, you are instantly labeled a bigot.

Because we believe in most the things that are right morally and not to mention ethically, we are wrong. That's the liberal way, just love everything.

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