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F- For Shamrock Towing

Guest Scooter

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Thanks for towing my Chevy Blazer from in front of my apartment, with my baby seat in it, causing me to be rather late from work, and forcing my wife and I to transport my son in a most dangerous fashion. Thanks for leaving no notice what-so-ever when you took my Blazer, and making me call the police just to find the damn thing. Also, thanks for then charging me $108 (plus a $5 ATM fee because you only take cash) to graciously take it off your hands in your ghetto ass building. Many thanks for treating my wife like a dumb broad, since that makes everyone's life so much better. Hanging up on her four times and calling her names is great customer service.


By the way, how is it a "No Parking Zone" when there are no signs stating that? Or the only sign that says anything about towing is at the front of the apartment complex and only says "Unauthorized Vehicles"? I thought that, you know, since I am a resident and all, that my vehicle was authorized to part in front of my apartment...


Oh yeah, when you tow something, make sure you get the right address. According to your receipt, you towed my vehicle from two streets over.

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I am curious to see if this was a mistake on the tow companys behalf or your own. It seems to me if they made a mistake and you were in the right, it would be pretty simple to fix. Especially if you are a resident at the property you were towed from. Please keep us posted on how this is handled.
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They are crooks I had to deal with them before. lucky for me I was driving the festiva and they wanted like 300 to get it out since it took me 2 days to find the damn thing. But I was like look it is a festiva with a blown motor I will come get it for 100.
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they use to tow for my ex-boss when i did valet. they took one of the employs car from the restaurant lot and the employ was pretty pissed and started to fight my boss. i thought it was rather funny. if the don't refund your money and then some....start a lawsuit
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We use them at work. I had them tow my eclipse from the original owners house. I know I looked all over the engine when I bought it and didnt see anything. There wasnt a drop under the car. When he dropped it off, I noticed oil and metal pieces all over the bed. I saw him remove the biggest fucking hook I have ever see from under it where he hooked one of his chains. I looked at the engine and it had the starter ripped off and a whole in the block, I could fit both my hands in. We got in this huge fight about it and he refused to leave.I told him I wasnt paying until his boss showed up. I climbed in his truck when he wasnt looking and put it in gear, got out and shut the door and told him his truck was leaving he might want to go with it. He never got paid and I didnt hear another word about it. I figured hell with it since I knew it had a blown motor. I have never seen that particular guy tow another one of vehicles.
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We use them at work. I had them tow my eclipse from the original owners house. I know I looked all over the engine when I bought it and didnt see anything. There wasnt a drop under the car. When he dropped it off, I noticed oil and metal pieces all over the bed. I saw him remove the biggest fucking hook I have ever see from under it where he hooked one of his chains. I looked at the engine and it had the starter ripped off and a whole in the block, I could fit both my hands in. We got in this huge fight about it and he refused to leave.I told him I wasnt paying until his boss showed up. I climbed in his truck when he wasnt looking and put it in gear, got out and shut the door and told him his truck was leaving he might want to go with it. He never got paid and I didnt hear another word about it. I figured hell with it since I knew it had a blown motor. I have never seen that particular guy tow another one of vehicles.




best story ever they tried to tow my wreckd car away and charge me i said keep it they were like we will not we will sue i said hahaha ok you have my property put a lein on a wreck not fixed car that will go far

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Thanks for towing my Chevy Blazer from in front of my apartment, with my baby seat in it, causing me to be rather late from work, and forcing my wife and I to transport my son in a most dangerous fashion. Thanks for leaving no notice what-so-ever when you took my Blazer, and making me call the police just to find the damn thing. Also, thanks for then charging me $108 (plus a $5 ATM fee because you only take cash) to graciously take it off your hands in your ghetto ass building. Many thanks for treating my wife like a dumb broad, since that makes everyone's life so much better. Hanging up on her four times and calling her names is great customer service.


By the way, how is it a "No Parking Zone" when there are no signs stating that? Or the only sign that says anything about towing is at the front of the apartment complex and only says "Unauthorized Vehicles"? I thought that, you know, since I am a resident and all, that my vehicle was authorized to part in front of my apartment...


Oh yeah, when you tow something, make sure you get the right address. According to your receipt, you towed my vehicle from two streets over.

they were on the news about 2 month ago for doing what the did to you the police said shamrock an others are taking car that was not in the wrong.the news had them on flim ripping people off .the said call your state attonery general an make a complant on them .

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I wonder if anyone else has called the attorney general as well? I think I will have to go that route. It's not really about the $108, it's about them just hooking up to random vehicles and taking off with them. And then I have to drive almost 30 minutes just to pick the damn thing up!
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  • 4 weeks later...
I almost got in a fist fight with one of the guys @ my buddys apartment back in I think 99. I was parked in front of his apartment by campus, They said I was in ano parking zone. I missed how a number spot that my buddy was alloted was no parking, I was a bit of a hot head back then. I let him know in a casual manner that I was more then willing to show him a closs up view of my tire iron. As I walked towards the trunk with my keys out he backed off . Greesey mother fucker.
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They tried to tow my friend's hummer. That did not go well for them. He just drove off the hook, and drove away. They try to tow every damn thing on campus.


hahahahah is that the one dude that always showed up to brandons brothers party's and drove onto the lawn and some dude always came up and pissed on his tire?

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I have pictures on my phone of one of their employees prying open a door with a big wooden wedge and a mallet enough to reach his arm in to unlock the door. After the guy saw me taking pictures he started threatening me, then three of my roomates showed up and he left... I need to see if I still have those pics
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