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Girl got me fat (suggestions)


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Well my whole working out routine has taken a complete shit since I have left the pimping and late nights, all due to my girlfriend, and using the excuse of throwing my back out lifting too much. Ive put on 11 pounds in 4 months and the six pack is on its way out to be replaced only by a round plateau of what once was. So need suggestions or a little motivation. Right now im 207 6'1" and I eat constantly but this has never bothered me until now, maybe my metabolsim slowed idk. Already know i need to stop being lazy, but what our some good routines to quickly (real quick) get back in shape, supplements to take, and the things I should eat, i dont eat sweets just alot of meat.
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Seriously though:


I hate your story because I see it all the time. I was just talking about this too. Meet hot chick stop working out. Yet, it's the reason(among others) she got with you. Now you miss the feeling and look of all the hard work you had done. You feel complacent.


Basically, you are fine eating all the time, as long as it's real food. If you want abs again diet is key. You don't have to workout like a mad man all the time. Just know the more you do, the more you'll have. I'm not ripped, but my abs show. I work out at least 3 times a week when I'm busy. And 6 if I can. Be active. Get off the fucking couch tubby. She will curl right up with you and get fat too. Go do something together and be active.


I'll stop there I could go on for a while about this stuff.

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Seriously though:


I hate your story because I see it all the time. I was just talking about this too. Meet hot chick stop working out. Yet, it's the reason(among others) she got with you. Now you miss the feeling and look of all the hard work you had done. You feel complacent.


Basically, you are fine eating all the time, as long as it's real food. If you want abs again diet is key. You don't have to workout like a mad man all the time. Just know the more you do, the more you'll have. I'm not ripped, but my abs show. I work out at least 3 times a week when I'm busy. And 6 if I can. Be active. Get off the fucking couch tubby. She will curl right up with you and get fat too. Go do something together and be active.


I'll stop there I could go on for a while about this stuff.




oh so true....


united states=fattest country in the world.

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Seriously I really just need suggestions for new routines. I need something new to try and it be effective I dont feel like doing the routine I did since high school.

Why is it my post count doesnt seem to ever go up, Ive been on here for 5 yrs and not even a 100 posts->random thought of the day

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Or my favorite, put on a Linn movie and try to dodge her projectile vomit :D


But seriously I put on 30 pounds in the last 5 months as a result of too much work, and lack of energy. The best way to lose weight is to shop healthy. If you are lazy, and you have no junk food in the house you will be a lot less likely to go get some. Instead you go and eat the carrots you have because you are too damn lazy to go to the store. My laziness has helped me lose 10 pounds so in the last 2 weeks.

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DONT GET THE CRAP AT GNC. If you do, get the good vitamin drinks at GNC. I never use them, but everyone on my hockey team does. Energy drinks just suck.


Apart from that. Push ups, sit ups, crunches, jogging.

Lift weights.


I dont do any of this, but I'm young, and my body just stays the way it is no problem.

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DONT GET THE CRAP AT GNC. If you do, get the good vitamin drinks at GNC. I never use them, but everyone on my hockey team does. Energy drinks just suck.


Apart from that. Push ups, sit ups, crunches, jogging.

Lift weights.


I dont do any of this, but I'm young, and my body just stays the way it is no problem.


Wait till you are my age. You will go from 145lbs to 180 in a couple months.

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Dude you dont have to work out to be skinny, Diet is about 70-80% of looking good. If you eat right then you will be ok, if you eat like shit then shit is what you will look like. I havent worked out in 4 months but I usually eat somewhat clean when at home and my 6 pack is still there. Also if you are not goin to work out, at least do something productive, like go for a jog every night. Take your girlfriend with you, get all sweaty together and then go fuck her dirty still or in the shower while you two clean up. But diet is the main key in this equation.
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Sex is stil the best exercise.. here's an old chart I saved to show the benefits of sex....



Having nice sex........... burns 358 calories.

Having rough sex............ burns 543 calories.



Take off her clothes

with her consent.........................12 cal

without......................187 cal


Take off her Bra

With two hands..........................8 cal

With one hand.........................12 cal

With mouth.............................85 cal


Put on Protection

hard ........................... 6 cal

soft..........................315 cal



Looking for target...................8 cal

Finding G spot ......................92 cal

I don't F***ing care.....................0 cal



Holding her..................12 cal

On the floor.................8 cal


With Different Position

Missionary..........................358 cal

Doggy...........................316 cal

69 lying...............................286 cal

69 standing.............................512 cal

Italian hanger.........................912 cal



Real................................112 cal

Faking................................315 cal


After "O"

Lying in Bed............................18 cal

Hop off the bed............................36 cal

Wondering why she left pissed off...........816 cal



Get dressed

Quiet and calm...........................32 cal

Rushing.........................98 cal

Heard her boyfriend opening the door.............1218 cal

Heard her dad/2 yr old baby sista at the door.............1942 cal

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