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Looks like Anthony is starting college 40% ahead...


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I got a wild hair up my ass a few weeks ago and contacted Devry about their Bachelors program, specifically looking at a BS in Technical Management, because I'm moving quickly (sooner than I expected) towards my goal of becoming a manager in my engineering field and would like to have a degree when that offer arrives.


Devry offers what looks to be an excellent Technical Management program with the goals and details needed for what I'm looking to accomplish, which also prepares me for a MBA afterwards. I'm 30 and need to get crackin'.


I'll come right out and say, I have no college and have never attempted to ever go to college, let alone apply. I fucked around after high school and ended up joining the Navy, where I went into the Advanced Electronics Technical Core Pipeline, which is a two-year program, then off to be either a Weapons System Tech, Electronics Tech, or Data Systems Tech. I chose the former.


I started with Tech Core (basic and advanced electronics, basic and micro soldering), being chosen due to my high ASVAB scores to be placed in an advanced class, graduating in two months versus the normal eight. I finished first in my class of eight with a 96%.


I moved on to Fire-Controlman "A" School (Weapons System Tech) where I learned everything from advanced mathematics and fire-control theory, to radars, guidance systems, and syncros/servos/generators for starters. I graduated second in class behind my class leader in a class of twelve with a 94% (after missing a week as well), and chose my orders for Tomahawk Cruise Missile "C" School.


"C" school was just as stated, learning how to kill people and buildings using cruise missiles from 1000+ miles away, and operating and repairing the systems used for it. I also attended satellite communications school. I graduated first in class out of twelve, with a 97%.


After that, I went to my ship. No more "official" training that was accredited. So I contact Devry, and they were notified that I have my military transcript, but they tell me it's not enough and I need to have an Associate's degree for the TM program, or enough credits specific to the program itself to qualify. I hand them my military (SMART: Sailor/Marine ACE Registry Transcript) transcript and wait.


I get this a few days ago:


Hi Anthony,


Great timing! I just received your evaluation back. With your SMART transcripts, they gave you 49 credits into the BTM program. Minimum for graduation in the BTM program is 122 so that would leave you 73 left to graduate with your Bachelor's degree.


I am VERY impressed with this number off of a military transcript.


Have you had a chance to talk to the VA rep?


If you would like to begin the application process please let me know and we should start the process ASAP to ensure you can start classes on October 29th.


I'm already 40% into my BS for TM and haven't even started school yet. I shoulda done this years ago.


So how long will it take for those other 73 credits, I'll be doing this as online courses. Anyone else gone this route? I'm not afraid of school, obviously if you look above. I'm just worried about time with how much I work.


Advice would be appreciated.

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congrats, that's nice, lol.


well an average quarter is 15 credits I believe, or anywhere from 12-20, so if you did 15/quarter, 3 quarts a year, you could finish in less than two years you figure. not too bad, good luck with it.

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Have fun with that I hate that school.. you'll find yourself being smarter than most of the professors.


I got in a trimester long argument with a psychology creature that gays are born "gay".


My argument was we were all born to reproduce until I am proven other wise. That is my answer to "what is the purpose of life?" If gays are born that way then why do they have sexual organs?


Am I wrong? I am still not sure to this day.

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I got in a trimester long argument with a psychology creature that gays are born "gay".


My argument was we were all born to reproduce until I am proven other wise. That is my answer to "what is the purpose of life?" If gays are born that way then why do they have sexual organs?


Am I wrong? I am still not sure to this day.


Are you talking about the psych teacher who always wears shorts and glasses? If so I loved him.


Ant when I went to Devry I started with around 22 credit hours per tri. Than tested out of some classes. Just try and test out of everything like most people do.

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You are a non-traditional student so a non-traditional post secondary education is pretty normal. On the other hand, have you looked at traditional secondary education? If you are headed toward MBA you may want to steer clear of devry, it isn't a great idea to get your BA and MBA from the same institution and devry's credits won't transfer.


I did my business degree at ODU in the LEAD program because it fit my schedule. Just a thought.

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With your 2 kids, wife and job schedule, it will be VERY hard, but you are determined and if you work hard, you should be ok.


In the long run, most companies don't give 2 shits where you got your degree from, as long as you have that piece of paper.


If your company will pay for it, you can find the time, why not go for it?

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I did my business degree at ODU in the LEAD program because it fit my schedule. Just a thought.



How did you like it? I am thinking about getting my MBA from there. I could go to a much better school (GMAT 690+) but I don't have the time and ODU offers like 1 class a week to get your MBA in 18 months....

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I was taking the online courses when I was doing my masters and I liked them the pace wasn't to fast IMO and the students were not slackers either when it came to group work which is nice.


I only have 7 more courses for my masters and I need to get on the ball and get it done I plan to enroll after I get my house.

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Are you talking about the psych teacher who always wears shorts and glasses? If so I loved him.


Ant when I went to Devry I started with around 22 credit hours per tri. Than tested out of some classes. Just try and test out of everything like most people do.



No it was a woman and it was over 5 years ago.

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If you choose to go to DeVry, assuming you take an average of 15 credit hours each semester, you'll be out in less than 2 years. I like the classes I took, and most of the professors, but you have to be very motivated. I'm sure other colleges are like this as well, but if you didn't understand something, you didn't ask the professor for help. You used the Internet.


I liked the professors. A number of them are very very knowledgable, but they aren't smart enough to help you understand something. They can just teach it.


I take as many online classes as possible only because I hate wasting gas to go to school. Online classes are usually easier I think. Of course, I spend all my life sitting on a computer so learning on a computer is much easier for me.


Regardless, good luck with your decision.

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How did you like it? I am thinking about getting my MBA from there. I could go to a much better school (GMAT 690+) but I don't have the time and ODU offers like 1 class a week to get your MBA in 18 months....


I loved it, I was non-traditional at OSU and they don't like that one bit. They are unwilling to accomodate small needs, where as ODU understands that people have lives.


I did BSBA in 22 months (after 3 years at OSU) and enjoyed my profs (actual business people) and really liked the focus on communication.

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Online course are the way to go for a busy person. I completely feel you on having to have the 'degree' to go with the experience to do the job you already know better than anyone who comes out of college with 'a piece of paper'. I've been coming to the realization that I must do the same. It's ridiculous.
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I still like DeVry so far. I am only on week 10, though. All of the classes I take so far have great professors that are, in fact, willing to help you if you ask. Like someone else mentioned above, you have to be motivated to do the work, you can slack off like some of the homos I have in some of my classes that show up maybe once every 2 weeks, or when something big is due. In addition, the class schedule is just right to where you learn a lot of stuff, but dont want to commit suicide from boredom.


You just have to be committed to it.


Edit: This is, of course, from the vantage point of a traditional schooling setup, not online.

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I got in a trimester long argument with a psychology creature that gays are born "gay".


My argument was we were all born to reproduce until I am proven other wise. That is my answer to "what is the purpose of life?" If gays are born that way then why do they have sexual organs?


Am I wrong? I am still not sure to this day.


This is an 'ad hominem' fallacy. GET IT!! HOMOnem! No, seriously. If someone were born with a genetic mutation in sexual behavior, it would not necessitate their concerned organs be removed. Remember, evolution happens one byte at a time. Saying 'you have x organ so you should know how to use it' is an ad hominem attack on gays.


Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Oh, and back to the topic at hand. If I were looking for a bachelors AND graduate degree, I would probably steer away from Devry. As many have said, credits don't transfer and you may find yourself better off in a MBA program at a different school, and if so you will be SOL.

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Oh, and back to the topic at hand. If I were looking for a bachelors AND graduate degree, I would probably steer away from Devry. As many have said, credits don't transfer and you may find yourself better off in a MBA program at a different school, and if so you will be SOL.



I have to agree here. OSU (as well as a few other schools around here) offer online classes, WAY more respectable as far as a degree and will look much better on your resume. Good luck and an AWESOME decision on your part. Going back to school is so hard as an adult..

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