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If Rudy Giuliani gets office what would you do?


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Then GTFO. Sorry Thorne, there is no love lost for someone who wants to move out of the country because of someone getting elected for 4 years. Hey, interesting thought I just had; congress essentially has more power than the president. Checks and balances are the win. All you fucking amazingly brilliant bush-haters seem to forget about that. Try blaming everyone that's wrong, not just the figurehead.


Seriously, most of the bush-haters are so god damned retarded. Bush didn't do anything really without congressional approval. Yes, he did some. But, lest we forget, almost all decisions must be approved by our congress.


This is my only post on the subject. I'll hand the rest over to the good Dr. Rick, and probably Scott too.


Edit: My vote, for anyone who asks, would be for John McCaine. I feel he's what the country needs. Unfortunately, he won't make it.

Good God, I believe you and I maybe separated at birth in some way shape or form. :cool: I'll get my anger on in a second, but I'm pretty non-angry at the moment due to the increase of booty from young flexible woman. :grin2: My Republicanism will come in a few..

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I think is funny you jump down ron paul but will back a tool. Go read on mister rudy, He is a huge bush supporter. He don't give a fuck about civil liberties. You think the president has no power. You sure of that, Why don't you go read the news a bit and get back with me.


Hitlery sucks

Obama is not all bad, I'm curious how many people hate him just because he's not white.


Rudy so far has lied directly to people face on the campaign trail. He's not versed on any of the major intel doucment but durring the debate he quotes them like he's on ball and people clap. Yet Ron paul atleast read the docs.



Ron paul's major feature is he wants a simplier goverment. Ya know you could argue that by becoming a police state we create more jobs.


Where would I go? The candaian dolar looks good, As a cable engineer there are quite a few jobs for me up there. I'm not saying its what I will do for sure but I'm not down for being in more wars.


I'll give up any and all of my civil liberties to stop the men who are trying to eliminate my childrens chance at a future. I'm pissed that were not supporting Israel in a stronger sense. I'm pissed of not protecting our coutries future by attacking those who regret our prosperity and aim to destroy it. I'm most of all pissed that the world isn't fair and coming home and hiding in the corner won't solve shit.


Giving up some civil liberties now is worth it. I'd rather give some up now to protect all of them in the future, rather than keep them now and have NONE in the future.


In my opinion, the only good point about Rudy is that he's centrist enough to grab some of the democratic votes.........while my personal favorite Romney sits back and get's egged.

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Im going for Ron Paul. He speaks his mind, not what someone wants to hear. Im definatly not voting for that bitch Hilary (omg i cheated on, vote for me bc you should feel sympathy for me, and my last name is Clinton!). Rudy, fuck him. I want guns!, and he had something to do with 911! Maybe thats why Bush and him are so close? Yes, im a 911 conspiracy therorist. Although NO ONE knows what really happen, they need to have a investigation, how come there was no investigation? RON PAUL WANTS A INVESTIGATION! No one else will want a official investigation. This is all im saying
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Im going for Ron Paul. He speaks his mind, not what someone wants to hear. Im definatly not voting for that bitch Hilary (omg i cheated on, vote for me bc you should feel sympathy for me, and my last name is Clinton!). Rudy, fuck him. I want guns!, and he had something to do with 911! Maybe thats why Bush and him are so close? Yes, im a 911 conspiracy therorist. Although NO ONE knows what really happen, they need to have a investigation, how come there was no investigation? RON PAUL WANTS A INVESTIGATION! No one else will want a official investigation. This is all im saying


u sure ur not 15?

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I'll give up any and all of my civil liberties to stop the men who are trying to eliminate my childrens chance at a future. I'm pissed that were not supporting Israel in a stronger sense. I'm pissed of not protecting our coutries future by attacking those who regret our prosperity and aim to destroy it. I'm most of all pissed that the world isn't fair and coming home and hiding in the corner won't solve shit.


Giving up some civil liberties now is worth it. I'd rather give some up now to protect all of them in the future, rather than keep them now and have NONE in the future.


In my opinion, the only good point about Rudy is that he's centrist enough to grab some of the democratic votes.........while my personal favorite Romney sits back and get's egged.





ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING ME. You attack ron paul and your to much of a closed minded fool to see that you will never get this liverties back.




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I'll give up any and all of my civil liberties to stop the men who are trying to eliminate my childrens chance at a future. I'm pissed that were not supporting Israel in a stronger sense. I'm pissed of not protecting our coutries future by attacking those who regret our prosperity and aim to destroy it. I'm most of all pissed that the world isn't fair and coming home and hiding in the corner won't solve shit.


Giving up some civil liberties now is worth it. I'd rather give some up now to protect all of them in the future, rather than keep them now and have NONE in the future.


In my opinion, the only good point about Rudy is that he's centrist enough to grab some of the democratic votes.........while my personal favorite Romney sits back and get's egged.

Finally a man that understands giving some for the good of all. We're better off taking some liberties in the persuit of true safety. I think Rudy's a good candidate, but I'm more leaning to the McCain ticket.

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ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING ME. You attack ron paul and your to much of a closed minded fool to see that you will never get this liverties back.





Have you ever taken a history course? You'd see during world war 2 many people lost their rights completely, hell japanese-americans were held in camps. During the cold war, McCarthy times especially, everybody was worried about the "threat from within" that so many civil liberties...or I guess liverties...were taken away in fear of the USSR. We have a new enemy and new actions to be taken. Do I agree with liberties being taken away? No, but I also don't feel like we lost any. Sure theres longer lines at the airport, and sure you need a passport to go to Canada, but so what? How badly does that really affect your day-to-day life to keep at least some people safe.

And for the record Giuliani is all for the second amendment, but obviously in places with murder rates in the thousands (i.e. new york in the 90's) something has to be done with gun control. If someone needs a gun right this second, they probably shouldn't have one

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Finally a man that understands giving some for the good of all. We're better off taking some liberties in the persuit of true safety. I think Rudy's a good candidate, but I'm more leaning to the McCain ticket.



I'll be over to pick up all your guns, and snip of your nits.


thanks for your support!

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Finally a man that understands giving some for the good of all. We're better off taking some liberties in the persuit of true safety. I think Rudy's a good candidate, but I'm more leaning to the McCain ticket.


do you read ? How the hell can you even say rudys a good canidate. This is a man that claimed clinton was trying start a war with iraq. this is also a dumb mother fucker who did not even read the 911 report but had no fucking clue about blow back.



You go ahead and give up your fucking rights. I am going to fight to give up mine see my other thread.

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Have you ever taken a history course? You'd see during world war 2 many people lost their rights completely, hell japanese-americans were held in camps. During the cold war, McCarthy times especially, everybody was worried about the "threat from within" that so many civil liberties...or I guess liverties...were taken away in fear of the USSR. We have a new enemy and new actions to be taken. Do I agree with liberties being taken away? No, but I also don't feel like we lost any. Sure theres longer lines at the airport, and sure you need a passport to go to Canada, but so what? How badly does that really affect your day-to-day life to keep at least some people safe.

And for the record Giuliani is all for the second amendment, but obviously in places with murder rates in the thousands (i.e. new york in the 90's) something has to be done with gun control. If someone needs a gun right this second, they probably shouldn't have one




Gun control does not affect crimnals. Jesus christ If I'm going to shoot someone I don't give a fuck about what laws are in place. I'm already commiting crimes. Its a cake walk to get a gun off the streets. Go see the east side.


REad the guys fucking track record on his campaign. HE DONT KNOW THE FUCKING ISSUES.


because poeple lost there rights during WW2 was that a good thing? No did it do anything postive no.


If you see my other thread directed towards people who are so scared of life they will give up it all for what they think is safety when in reality its nothing more then a false blanket and now requiring safety from false persuction from there goverment.



IF your such a pussy you need the goverment to be a nanny to you just go right now check yourself into a fucking nursing home and give up.

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Eat fast food, watch movies, play videogames, bang girls, and drink beer. When something affects me being able to do those things I'll care about politics.

well better think about that watch movies part. more and more the goverment will implement sensorship if we continue down the path were on.


We will need to prevent agress thoughts.

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do you read ? How the hell can you even say rudys a good canidate. This is a man that claimed clinton was trying start a war with iraq. this is also a dumb mother fucker who did not even read the 911 report but had no fucking clue about blow back.



You go ahead and give up your fucking rights. I am going to fight to give up mine see my other thread.

Sorry Thorne, I have to respond to this. Do you read? Clinton did try to go to war with Iraq. He was shot town before he could get the support to do it. This actually gave way to a phenomenon known as the "Columbus effect". A small libretarian group was able to use forged tickets to get into a townhall meeting here where Clinton was discussing war with Iraq. They essentially shot down the entire thing by showing the public was against it. This is what happens when a small area stands up against something. Unfortunately, this may not have been what all people believed. We'll never know.


So, do you have a fucking clue now?


Edot: There is video of this too. So, you don't have to read. Just contact Robert Fitrakis (he's a poli sci professor at CSCC), he has video. Did I make this too easy?

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Gun control does not affect crimnals. Jesus christ If I'm going to shoot someone I don't give a fuck about what laws are in place. I'm already commiting crimes. Its a cake walk to get a gun off the streets. Go see the east side.


REad the guys fucking track record on his campaign. HE DONT KNOW THE FUCKING ISSUES.


because poeple lost there rights during WW2 was that a good thing? No did it do anything postive no.


If you see my other thread directed towards people who are so scared of life they will give up it all for what they think is safety when in reality its nothing more then a false blanket and now requiring safety from false persuction from there goverment.



IF your such a pussy you need the goverment to be a nanny to you just go right now check yourself into a fucking nursing home and give up.



If you would have read, I said I didn't agree with any liberties being taken away. The point I was making is that there have been way more taken away in the past, that today can't even compare. Then I asked if the laws in place now really affect your life that much?

I have read the guys "fucking" track record, he's been married a couple times, a few kids, and his last wife kicked him out of gracie mansion because he started seeing another woman who he is now still with. What does that have to do with anything?

You're absolutely right, criminals are going to get guns no matter what. But honest people aren't, but honest people can still get pissed at their ex, their boss, blah blah blah. Somebody who dosen't know how to use a gun or shouldn't have a gun, should have a tougher time getting one.

Criminals are obviously different, so he just made sure his cops were as efficient as they could be. With better checks on outstanding records (like the serial killer that was arrested for jumping a turnstile) and a better tracking system (Compstat, which just about every large police force uses a version of now).

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