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If Rudy Giuliani gets office what would you do?


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I'm serious on this topic. I've thought about it long and hard based on his mayor experiance and his backing of bush so heavenly and police state mind. Basicly you have someone that will yank Liberties faster then bush because he was part of the 9/11 action.



Look at his stance on guns in new york.



So, I have seriously considered moving out of America, I don't know for sure if I would do it but it is a option on the table.

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I'm serious on this topic. I've thought about it long and hard based on his mayor experiance and his backing of bush so heavenly and police state mind. Basicly you have someone that will yank Liberties faster then bush because he was part of the 9/11 action.



Look at his stance on guns in new york.



So, I have seriously considered moving out of America, I don't know for sure if I would do it but it is a option on the table.



Don't even get me started on your Ron Paul sig

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Don't even get me started on your Ron Paul sig


I'd like to hear your opinion. Not being an ass, just looking for different views.


At this point in the game, I'm not sure who I'd vote for. Ron Paul sounds like a decent candidate, but I honestly haven't done too much research into any of the runners yet. And we all know, what they (politicians) say, and what they actually do are two entirely different things.

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I'd like to hear your opinion. Not being an ass, just looking for different views.


At this point in the game, I'm not sure who I'd vote for. Ron Paul sounds like a decent candidate, but I honestly haven't done too much research into any of the runners yet. And we all know, what they (politicians) say, and what they actually do are two entirely different things.


I think it's funny that people believe in the promise that he would do away with these gov't agencies, yet effectively eliminating thousands of jobs and hurting the economy more than anything... but that is beside the point. I usually don't talk about Ron Paul issues much

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Then GTFO. Sorry Thorne, there is no love lost for someone who wants to move out of the country because of someone getting elected for 4 years. Hey, interesting thought I just had; congress essentially has more power than the president. Checks and balances are the win. All you fucking amazingly brilliant bush-haters seem to forget about that. Try blaming everyone that's wrong, not just the figurehead.


Seriously, most of the bush-haters are so god damned retarded. Bush didn't do anything really without congressional approval. Yes, he did some. But, lest we forget, almost all decisions must be approved by our congress.


This is my only post on the subject. I'll hand the rest over to the good Dr. Rick, and probably Scott too.


Edit: My vote, for anyone who asks, would be for John McCaine. I feel he's what the country needs. Unfortunately, he won't make it.

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I"m with Ron Paul, but I know you can't eliminate the government jobs there would just be way to many people without work at that point. Maybe eliminate the positions as people retire or something. Though I'd like to just have the president give them an email one day stating that they can all go home. I see no need for the huge complicated government that we've created over the last 100 years.

As for Rudy and the others they get my vote if there nominated. Except for McCain. I'm sure that guy is a democrate. Not a liberial, but a democrate.



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Then GTFO. Sorry Thorne, there is no love lost for someone who wants to move out of the country because of someone getting elected for 4 years. Hey, interesting thought I just had; congress essentially has more power than the president. Checks and balances are the win. All you fucking amazingly brilliant bush-haters seem to forget about that. Try blaming everyone that's wrong, not just the figurehead.


Seriously, most of the bush-haters are so god damned retarded. Bush didn't do anything really without congressional approval. Yes, he did some. But, lest we forget, almost all decisions must be approved by our congress.


You're right and wrong. The country was set up so that Congress would have most of the power, but as much as people like to ignore it the Office of the President has changed as much in its role as much is it has in its staff. Teddy Roosevelt was the first guy to campaign for a much more aggressive presidential reign, and he did it without much support in Congress, which he despised. From what I've heard, Bush thought that the POTUS didn't have enough power and that a strong U.S. needed a strong leader, and therefore would take a strong stance, whatever the cost, to reassert Presidential superiority over Congress.

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Agreed. Not trying to say that either has absolute power. My post may not have come off the way I wanted. My main point is checks and balances. Whatever the strength of either branch, there is a balance. There is only so far the president or congress can take their power. Fortunately congress still can to a point, overpower the president (for the time being). That's why I said they "essentially" have more power. Your post should definitely be read as a supplement to mine.
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If Rudy get's office....here is what I will do:


1.) Thank God

1a.) ....That Hillary or Obama isn't in office

1b.) .....That Ron Paul wasn't elected


The big fear is that Rudy will "take away guns" from everyone!! Like he did in New York, etc, etc. Well, Rudy has spoken about this on several occasions and informed the public that he felt that it was the states place to restrict these rights as they saw fit.


I mean honestly, I feel like this is your campaign to get everyone to listen to "Ron Paul in '08".........and I think everyone else smells what the Thorne is cooking.....but Ron Paul is just too much Libertarian for the world.

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I'm serious on this topic. I've thought about it long and hard based on his mayor experiance and his backing of bush so heavenly and police state mind. Basicly you have someone that will yank Liberties faster then bush because he was part of the 9/11 action.



Look at his stance on guns in new york.



So, I have seriously considered moving out of America, I don't know for sure if I would do it but it is a option on the table.


just vote for the goofball in your sig then.

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I think if we all knew every detail about The Patriot Act and presidential directive 51 we would all be shitting our pants...


Whether it is the fault of Bush or Congress is irrelevant. Our country is going to shit. Ever heard of the North American Union or the Amero? Oh and what the hell is up with open borders?


Alberto Gonzales is quoted on CNN as saying the U.S. Constitution is quaint and outdated. He was a Bush aid before being nominated by Bush to be the attorney general.




Both Gonzales and the entire Bush camp are making a huge push for centralized and expanded executive power and possible martial law, as evidenced by ppd 51.


Oh and Congress did not review ppd 51 in its entirety before it was passed. How weird is that?

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And I fully believe Guiliani will be as committed to fighting Israel's war as Bush currently is.


I have no idea who I will vote for. Considering how much foreign financial controlling interest there is in our Government I'm not sure how much it really matters at this point.


I would definitely not vote for Rudy Guliani or John Edwards.

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I think is funny you jump down ron paul but will back a tool. Go read on mister rudy, He is a huge bush supporter. He don't give a fuck about civil liberties. You think the president has no power. You sure of that, Why don't you go read the news a bit and get back with me.


Hitlery sucks

Obama is not all bad, I'm curious how many people hate him just because he's not white.


Rudy so far has lied directly to people face on the campaign trail. He's not versed on any of the major intel doucment but durring the debate he quotes them like he's on ball and people clap. Yet Ron paul atleast read the docs.



Ron paul's major feature is he wants a simplier goverment. Ya know you could argue that by becoming a police state we create more jobs.


Where would I go? The candaian dolar looks good, As a cable engineer there are quite a few jobs for me up there. I'm not saying its what I will do for sure but I'm not down for being in more wars.

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