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stupid girl gets what she deserves


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If you can't control an 80lb 15yr old girl without breaking something on them or punchin them in the face, you're a fuckin loser and you need a new job. I've worked as a security, on a bounty hunting team in LA, a bodyguard, a driver and bodyguard for priv dancers and a bouncer for years. (No longer, now.) Contrary to popular belief, all 3 of these jobs do not allow for assault but detainment and control. (Not that I've never had to straight throwdown. ;) ) I've had to grab alot of drunk girls (pun intended) that were alot more crazy than this girl and never once did I have to physically assault them. I've taken down men and kept them from assaulting me so what was this guy's problem? He took her lightly and left himself in harm's way. He could of taken her down if need be and cuffed her if he needed leverage for control. And yes, my daughter if very well behaved and that's beside the point. Watch someone punch your kid in the face for damn near anything and I guarantee you'd freak it. Don't comment if you don't have a kid because you don't know a fuckin thing.
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If my daughter was acting like that, and he punched her in the face, I would shake his hand. Then I would ask him to punch me for having a daughter that behaved that way. She should be happy it was only a punch and not a dislocated shoulder or a bruised face (from kissing the hood of the car a few more times). This guy was probably a rookie, he learned his lesson.
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I dunno. I understand the use of force, but punching her in the face? C'mon. If he'd handled the situation properly and used the necessary force to cuff her in the first place, then it would've never came to that. Punch my 13yr old daughter in the face and I guarantee I'll find you.



If you would raise a daughter that would behave anything like that under any circumstances then YOU should be punched in the face.

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I think it was funny how he punches her in the face.... THEN just kind of takes his time getting the pepper spray out and then sprays her..... all the while after punching her, she's no longer fighting anything....


and I agree, the girl was a twig, it wouldn't be hard to control her. on the flip side, she needs to get fixed while in jail... don't need any more kids like that running around.

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If you would raise a daughter that would behave anything like that under any circumstances then YOU should be punched in the face.




If my daughter was acting like that, and he punched her in the face, I would shake his hand. Then I would ask him to punch me for having a daughter that behaved that way. She should be happy it was only a punch and not a dislocated shoulder or a bruised face (from kissing the hood of the car a few more times). This guy was probably a rookie, he learned his lesson.


Agree here as well

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I can't believe anyone would find fault with an officer (or anyone) for punching a 15 year old girl who is clamped down on his forearm like a fucking dog.


Watch the video again. He punched her well after the fact. Again, had he handled the situation properly, it wouldn't have come to that. Also, the fact he punches her not in defense but retaliation shows a lack of control an officer of the law should have above anything else.


You can argue until you're blue in the face; the facts still stand.

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Watch the video again. He punched her well after the fact. Again, had he handled the situation properly, it wouldn't have come to that. Also, the fact he punches her not in defense but retaliation shows a lack of control an officer of the law should have above anything else.

You = blind


The time between him getting his arm free from her bite to her being punch in the face is a second, if not less. I watched that part several times...how in the hell is that well after the fact? He pulled his arm away, then immediately swung back at her face.


Why??? To keep her from biting her again.


Why use the pepper spray? He knew he stunned her, but also knew she would struggle again. After getting bitten, why take any more chance? She still struggled AFTER being sprayed.


His mistake is being too gentle with her.

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You said it. His mistake was being too gentle in the first place. He could've taken her down and cuffed her without breaking her arm, without putting himself at risk, and without having to punch her. To me, it looks like he hesitated and then punched her. Whether we agree on that is irrelevant. Why? Because you've already proven my point with this statement: "His mistake is being too gentle with her."

He screwed up to begin with. It should've never led to that.

If you do not understand or agree with that, it's your opinion. We'll just have to agree to disagree. ;)

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whoa whoa whoa, hello, ok i dont know how you guys deal with your kids, but i hope you all punch your kids in the face, and pepper spray them when they fight back a lil, that shit was completly unessacary,(i spelled that wrong) i work with kdis all the time , bad ones as well, and i have never had to go to that extenet,i dont have to, she was being a twat this i know, but punching her in the face, and pepper spray was not needed at all. that was a terrible job by the officer in the end by loosing his cool and stooping to her level.
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I have quite a few family members that are cops. From what I gather from them for the most part they hate hurting people but sometimes it's a necessity. I will say that I believe there are quite a few cops that enjoy destroying people a little to much and take any chance they get to rough someone up. I have an uncle who is a retired cop that loves to brag about beating a man into a coma after the man resisted and swung at him. I got maced trying to pull my knocked out friend out of a giant brawl one night last winter. I bent down to grab him and the next thing I know someone grabs my shoulder and turns me around. My initial reaction was to step back to avoid a punch but the officers mace was like a fucking squirt gun and coated me. I wasnt mad at the cop at all, as far as he was concerend he was protecting my friend from getting stomped. Mace is a game ender, I was blinded for at least a full 2 minutes before I could somewhat open my eyes and get pulled to safety. The only lasting effect was when I took a shower and the mace ran down from my hair and got on my nuts....that sucked to say the least.
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Repeating for emphasis: What's ambiguous about "put your hands behind your back." ?


Some say the officer should have used more force from the beginning. What if he had? Then people would be saying "He didn't need to use that much force on a 15 year old black girl. He must be racist!" What was the situation like? I doubt there was just this random 15 year old girl walking around making trouble by herself. Were there a lot of people around? What would have happened if he had just taken her down first thing; a white cop and a young black girl? If there was even a HINT of there being touble, I think he did his job right. He pulled her around, uncooperative as she was being, to where his actions could be documented and did his best to handle the situation without violence.


He was very clear on what she had to do. All she had to do was put her hands behind her back and follow his instructions. But no. She felt she didn't have to do that. She decided that she didn't have to listen to an officer of the law, and that she should do what she wants and ignore his commands. She decided that she was right to FIGHT the officer and BITE him. She thought she was above the law and being responsible for her actions.


It was her decision to escalate the situation to violence, not the officer's. It was the officer's decision to stop any further act of violence from her, and it was done in a swift and decisive manner.


Again, I applaud the officer. That girl got got what she deserved, maybe even getting off a little easy.

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got what she deserved ;)


lesson of the day... dont bite the cop!


Where is the outrage for the lack of parenting that the parents have given this girl. Maybe they should know where their kid is at night and these things wont happen. I say punch the parent in the face for neglecting their duties.

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